Is it bad to walk without laundry?

Recently, the American star Kim Kardashian repeatedly appeared in public without underwear. If you count how many fans she has, then this tactic may very soon become a trend. Is it useful? pant women? Researchers have long concluded that it is beneficial to sleep naked. Is it necessary to wear clothes in everyday life?

Editorial "Site" I decided to ask the expert what is more harmful: to walk without panties or in tight underpants.

Walking in a warm dry climate without underwear, but necessarily in a skirt or dress, is very useful. It is always good when the body is breathing. But women who are prone to frequent thrush and similar infections, experts advise to take off their panties only at night, and during the day to use not too tight underwear made of natural fabric.


But in trousers and in a humid climate, walking without panties is rather harmful. It is impossible that the genitals are tightly attached tissue that is not intended for this and does not meet the necessary sanitary standards. And the seams of clothes can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. The use of any material that increases humidity in the groin area can lead to the reproduction of bacteria and create a favorable environment for them.


According to the standards, the indicator of hygroscopicity for underwear should be at least 6%. Also, do not forget about vaginal secretion. Almost all panties have an additional layer of cotton designed to absorb these secretions. The pants or skirts don't have a flipper. Few people are willing to wash clothes as often as underwear, that is, daily.


But remember: laundry in cold water can lead to the spread of staphylococci or contribute to the recurrence of thrush. Harmful microorganisms perfectly survive on a variety of tissues for many days and months, so it is better to wash clothes at a temperature of at least 60 degrees.

For washing delicate fabrics that are recommended cold water, it is worth using antibacterial agents or liquids with oxygen bleach in the composition.


But tight underwear won't do any good either. Irritation, bacteria and squeezing the pelvic organs will not bring good. Therefore, underwear should be necessarily comfortable and with a cotton swallow. Ideally made of silk - it perfectly absorbs moisture and dries quickly, does not create a greenhouse effect. Cotton will do as well.


As you can see, it's better to wear underwear. But only take their choice seriously. Now on the market there are many models of good fabrics. You should always take care of your health, especially women.

It is recommended to sleep without underwear.

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