10 Commandments gold on feng shui for a happy life.
1. DO NOT sit on
CORNER "Seven years without reciprocity", you say? If only it! According to Feng Shui, the angle of the speaker, aiming at a person, be it a corner of the table, cabinet, or any other, sends a poor "poison arrows", which will leave him not only without reciprocity, but without money, health and good luck.
2. are not forgiven through the rapids
"Quarreled", he says. That's right: the threshold - energy barrier that separates the two worlds. On one side - "a" on the other - "alien". The invisible boundary prevents contact, and things, and the energy transferred "from world to world," lost both worlds. It turns out that the relationship between the "contact participants" destroyed.
3. not cook in a bad mood
So teach beginners housewives mothers and grandmothers. The older generation is absolutely right: the food absorbs the energy of the environment, and we are absorbing this same food, we get together with calories and vitamins appropriate energy charge. Soup and cutlets, "charged" a quarrel, the news about the next terrakte or emotions generated by television "horror", it can poison the family.
4. Do not stand BEHIND,
- We say chilly shivering, even if proved to be behind someone quite near and dear ones. And it's not in the ancient instinct, forcing fear stalking the enemy, and that the threat to the bears in itself unprotected rear. The lack of support and the support behind Feng Shui considers the weakest position of power. And it is equally important for the person and for the house. Behind you should always be a wall, or at least a screen and rear of your house must be protected by a high hill, or at least neighboring house.
5. Do not drive yourself into a corner
Another extremely unfavorable, Feng Shui, position. The angle is considered to be a place that can pull out of the human energy - a kind of pet vampire. No wonder long rambunctious child put his nose in the corner - in order to lose the excess energy hooligan (importantly - do not overdo it a favorite child ...)
6. Do not look into CRACKED MIRROR
According to Feng Shui, it is harmful not only to the cracked mirror, but a mirror with a picture, mirror tiles and other surfaces, smashing, crushing reflection. This crushes, destroying energy, which will affect, first of all, health.
7. Mirror POCKET from enemies will save
We still believe that when dealing with ill-wisher helps to put in a pocket mirror - of course, reflects the outward side. It will reflect all of his bad thoughts and intentions. And also - all the negative energy directed against you, says Feng Shui. And the Council to protect the house from the adverse impact of the mirror to hang on the door or window.
8. "on itself and on others do not show»
We warn the person, talking about someone's ailments. According to Feng Shui, the evil eye mechanism in this case is that pointing the finger, we send the energy charge. At the same time, calling the disease, give it an appropriate charge "color": fill with accurate information about the diagnosis
9. Do not back on the way
- "The path will not be." Still, says Feng Shui! Remember, we talked about the threshold? All these jumps "from one world" is quite energy intensive - it is certainly known to avid travelers, often crossing national borders. If we had to go back - Rejuvenate: squat (loan forces in the house), take a look in the mirror (reflecting energy doubles)
10. Run under the rainbow - HAPPY WILL
Of course, those who remember the physics, it is clear: to make it impossible in principle. But even see a rainbow - a symbol of Heaven's Gate - is considered a good sign. A Feng Shui recommends to "tame" the rainbow and settle it in your own home. That is why it is so favorable archways - passing under them, every time we "enter under the rainbow" and get the protection of Heaven.
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