There are 7 basic prohibitions of Feng Shui, which helps get rid of negative energy and filling the house good luck!
LOCK # 1. One of the major taboos in feng shui is a ban on combining living room and kitchen.
Since, according to the canons of Feng Shui living room is the battery, which accumulates all the luck and especially the human head of the family fortune. If you connect the kitchen to the living room, it will lead to the fact that luck can completely leave the house and return it would be extremely difficult. Combining these two premises lead to a breach of the accumulation of Qi energy.
LOCK # 2. The ban on the storage and warehousing of old are no longer necessary things and even broken.
It cracked dishes is a place of accumulation of negative energy Sha Qi and if it is constantly used, this energy can be passed to humans. The stored energy in a person will lead to frequent quarrels and turn away from the man luck. It should also dispose of broken things and because, to break this thing thus removes any problem of human life.
LOCK # 3. Blockage of old things that are kept just out of habit.
Such debris on the shelves are pretty strong source of negative energy Sha Qi. It is especially dangerous if the debris will be in areas of importance to human health or family, then good luck to the house in the near future will not come. All that is necessary is not necessary to throw away without the slightest regret.
LOCK # 4. Another ban Feng Shui regards plumbing and leaking pipes.
Since the home bathroom itself is one of the most hostile areas. It is through this area leaving home positive energy, money, luck, and so on, well, a faulty valve only further exacerbates the situation.
LOCK # 5. The ban on the placement of the mirrors so that they reflect the front door.
Positive energy, as a rule, comes into the house through the door, and if you put a mirror on the opposite, the door will be displayed and the energy reflected immediately leave the house.
LOCK # 6. One of the prohibitions Feng Shui refers to the stairs.
There should not be any gaps between the steps in order to Qi did not leave the house. Otherwise, the energy will rise up and go away from home.
LOCK # 7. It is impossible to place above the door such things as music or watch the wind.
And it does not, locate and close the door, not to mention the fact, to accommodate such things at the door. This could be the cause of many failures.

LOCK # 1. One of the major taboos in feng shui is a ban on combining living room and kitchen.
Since, according to the canons of Feng Shui living room is the battery, which accumulates all the luck and especially the human head of the family fortune. If you connect the kitchen to the living room, it will lead to the fact that luck can completely leave the house and return it would be extremely difficult. Combining these two premises lead to a breach of the accumulation of Qi energy.
LOCK # 2. The ban on the storage and warehousing of old are no longer necessary things and even broken.
It cracked dishes is a place of accumulation of negative energy Sha Qi and if it is constantly used, this energy can be passed to humans. The stored energy in a person will lead to frequent quarrels and turn away from the man luck. It should also dispose of broken things and because, to break this thing thus removes any problem of human life.
LOCK # 3. Blockage of old things that are kept just out of habit.
Such debris on the shelves are pretty strong source of negative energy Sha Qi. It is especially dangerous if the debris will be in areas of importance to human health or family, then good luck to the house in the near future will not come. All that is necessary is not necessary to throw away without the slightest regret.
LOCK # 4. Another ban Feng Shui regards plumbing and leaking pipes.
Since the home bathroom itself is one of the most hostile areas. It is through this area leaving home positive energy, money, luck, and so on, well, a faulty valve only further exacerbates the situation.
LOCK # 5. The ban on the placement of the mirrors so that they reflect the front door.
Positive energy, as a rule, comes into the house through the door, and if you put a mirror on the opposite, the door will be displayed and the energy reflected immediately leave the house.
LOCK # 6. One of the prohibitions Feng Shui refers to the stairs.
There should not be any gaps between the steps in order to Qi did not leave the house. Otherwise, the energy will rise up and go away from home.
LOCK # 7. It is impossible to place above the door such things as music or watch the wind.
And it does not, locate and close the door, not to mention the fact, to accommodate such things at the door. This could be the cause of many failures.
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