10 simple truths that will make him lose his head and fall head over heels!
1. A woman in any situation should be a woman
Unfortunately, many of us forget about it. Our main drawback - it is excessive emotionality, which is evident when we put out. Very often, in the heat of anger, we say a lot of words, which then regret when the anger subsided, and commit such acts, for which very often ashamed. Therefore, in any situation you need to learn to control himself. If you learn this, you'll be greatly stand out from all his friends.
2. Become a mystery to him
Do not send your loved tear sms if he did not make themselves known a couple of days. You do not have to belong to the man at 100%. When a man realizes that he is wholly owned by a woman, and he could see her at any time of day or night, it lost all the romance, he can stay at work, meet up with friends instead of your meetings that he even forgets to cancel. And all because he knows what is call him and ask for forgiveness, you immediately rushed to his feet and forgive him.
3. Do not be afraid to lose your man
If you are afraid, very soon he will play you like a puppet. Show him that you and without a lot of options, how to spend the evening. And soon the results will not keep you waiting.
4. Respect yourself
If the choice is between dignity and maintaining relations, always choose dignity. You must immediately show the man that you can not be a doormat that you are not a rag, but the dream of many men. And if he does not understand, let them roll on all four sides. You do not need a man who does not respect you. In a very short time you will find a man who will truly worthy of you.
5. Be available
Do not settle for just a date on an intimate relationship, even if the sight of him you start pounding heart and podgibayutsya knees. The less you show interest, the more incensed.
6. Do not be a mom for
No need to take care of it too. It is no good will not. A man should always feel like a man, and you will most likely need a brutal male, not a rag, so allow him to make decisions, even if they then repent. But if you already unbearable, do not forget the saying "a man's head - the woman neck." Point your man, but so that he may know and not guess.
7. Do not talk to him at the first meeting of a serious relationship
It will scare any man. Pretend that you do not want them as well as he did, even if you have a soul at these words begin to scrape the cat.
8. exudes confidence
Do not compare yourself with the other partners. This is stupid. After all, you are most likely much better than them if he left them to you. Think about it.
9. Be feminine
You have to look feminine and delicate as a rose of "The Little Prince", then your prince wants you to protect and preserve the fragile as a flower. And you just need it! Do not forget that you should always look at 100%. You always have to be the perfect manicure, perfect makeup, stylish clothes neat, emphasizing the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. Forget the jeans with T-shirts and sweaters. This is convenient, but the men it does not appeal.
10. Make him compliments
Do not forget to make a compliment to the young man. Men like it oh how. He just can not stand, if you begin to whisper in his ear about how he's a wonderful, kind, gentle and strong.
And finally: love yourself - and you will love. If a woman loves herself and treat yourself with dignity, and that men will treat it accordingly.

1. A woman in any situation should be a woman
Unfortunately, many of us forget about it. Our main drawback - it is excessive emotionality, which is evident when we put out. Very often, in the heat of anger, we say a lot of words, which then regret when the anger subsided, and commit such acts, for which very often ashamed. Therefore, in any situation you need to learn to control himself. If you learn this, you'll be greatly stand out from all his friends.
2. Become a mystery to him
Do not send your loved tear sms if he did not make themselves known a couple of days. You do not have to belong to the man at 100%. When a man realizes that he is wholly owned by a woman, and he could see her at any time of day or night, it lost all the romance, he can stay at work, meet up with friends instead of your meetings that he even forgets to cancel. And all because he knows what is call him and ask for forgiveness, you immediately rushed to his feet and forgive him.
3. Do not be afraid to lose your man
If you are afraid, very soon he will play you like a puppet. Show him that you and without a lot of options, how to spend the evening. And soon the results will not keep you waiting.
4. Respect yourself
If the choice is between dignity and maintaining relations, always choose dignity. You must immediately show the man that you can not be a doormat that you are not a rag, but the dream of many men. And if he does not understand, let them roll on all four sides. You do not need a man who does not respect you. In a very short time you will find a man who will truly worthy of you.
5. Be available
Do not settle for just a date on an intimate relationship, even if the sight of him you start pounding heart and podgibayutsya knees. The less you show interest, the more incensed.
6. Do not be a mom for
No need to take care of it too. It is no good will not. A man should always feel like a man, and you will most likely need a brutal male, not a rag, so allow him to make decisions, even if they then repent. But if you already unbearable, do not forget the saying "a man's head - the woman neck." Point your man, but so that he may know and not guess.
7. Do not talk to him at the first meeting of a serious relationship
It will scare any man. Pretend that you do not want them as well as he did, even if you have a soul at these words begin to scrape the cat.
8. exudes confidence
Do not compare yourself with the other partners. This is stupid. After all, you are most likely much better than them if he left them to you. Think about it.
9. Be feminine
You have to look feminine and delicate as a rose of "The Little Prince", then your prince wants you to protect and preserve the fragile as a flower. And you just need it! Do not forget that you should always look at 100%. You always have to be the perfect manicure, perfect makeup, stylish clothes neat, emphasizing the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. Forget the jeans with T-shirts and sweaters. This is convenient, but the men it does not appeal.
10. Make him compliments
Do not forget to make a compliment to the young man. Men like it oh how. He just can not stand, if you begin to whisper in his ear about how he's a wonderful, kind, gentle and strong.
And finally: love yourself - and you will love. If a woman loves herself and treat yourself with dignity, and that men will treat it accordingly.