12 crazy mysteries of our planet, which have yet to unravel
Thirty three million three hundred forty one thousand five hundred ninety seven
It would seem that we have studied our planet and breadth and the conquest of space. But as it is not so. Every day scientists make discoveries and observe events, proving that this planet still a lot of surprises.
Site excited to share with you 12 facts about the Earth on which we still have to break down.
We have not reached the Earth's mantle
Seismologists believe that the inner core of our planet is solid and the outer is liquid and hot. Located above the mantle on which it slides, the crust of the Earth. However, we still do not know what is in this mantle, because not once in there did not get. It is located at a depth 30-2 900 km, and the deep "hole" that people dug is the Kola superdeep borehole in Russia, which goes back only some of 12.3 km.
Fact: scienceline, quora
Pole can change
Magnetic poles of the Earth can shift and even completely change its direction. Exploring the volcanic stones, the scientists found that our planet's magnetic field has changed many times. The last such event was nearly 10 million years ago and probably will happen in the future. However, until now it is not known exactly why this happens.
Fact: scientificamerican
We had 2 moon
According to astronomers, about 4.6 million years ago Earth had two satellites. The second was about 1 200 km in diameter and rotates on the same orbit, until faced with the "main" Moon. Scientists call this event a "huge slap". This disaster may explain why the two sides of the moon today are so different from each other.
Fact: Nature, space
By the way, about the satellite. Not everyone knows, but earthquakes happen on the moon. However, unlike earth, lootrisone not as strong and occur very very rarely. There is an assumption that their occurrence is related to the tidal forces of the Sun and Earth and the fall of meteorites.
Fact: nasa, nature
The earth is spinning incredibly quickly
The earth rotates at a speed of 1 600 km/h. it Also revolves around the Sun with even higher speed — 108 thousand km/h. In fact we can feel the movement only in the case if you change its speed. Because of the constancy of the speed of rotation of the Earth and the force of gravity we do not feel.
Fact: nasa
Time becomes "more"
620 million years ago a day on Earth lasted for about 21.9 hours. Over time, the Earth slows down the rotation speed, but this happens very slowly, at about 70 milliseconds in 100 years. It would require 100 million years to the days had 25 hours.
Fact: nasa spaceaim
Strange gravity
Due to the fact that our planet is not a perfect sphere, the Earth, are points with low and high gravity. One of these gravitational anomalies — Hudson Bay in Canada. Scientists have found that the low gravity in this place is associated with a low density of the Earth due to the rapid melting of glaciers.
Fact: science
The hot and cold spots of the Earth
The hottest place on our planet is in al-Aziziyah (Libya). The temperature here rises to +58 °C. And the cold — Antarctic. In winter the temperature there drops to -73 °C. But the most extreme low temperature (-89,2 °C) was recorded at the Russian station Vostok on 21 July 1983.
Fact: the gov nworeport
The planet is heavily polluted
Perhaps for many this is not news. However, it is interesting that, according to astronauts, the view of Earth from space in 1978 was very different from the present. Due to the large amount of debris and waste in green-white-blue planet becomes brown-gray-black.
Fact: chicagotribune
The earth consists of iron, oxygen and silicon
If we wanted to split the planet in composition, it would look like this: and 32.1 % iron, 30.1% of oxygen, 15.1 percent silicon and 13.9 % magnesium. It is believed that large proportion of iron (about 90 %) is in the kernel. And most of the oxygen in the earth's crust (around 47 %).
Fact: sciencing
Once the earth was purple
Ancient plants to absorb sunlight used is not chlorophyll, but other pigment — retinal. Due to retinal they absorb green light and reflects red and violet, by mixing it turned out purple. By the way, retinal exists to this day some of the bacteria.
Fact: livescience
Hidden ocean
At a depth of 410-660 km below the Earth's surface scientists have detected a huge water reservoir age of 2.7 billion years. This fluid found due to breed ringwoodite, which consists of the mantle. The water is under enormous pressure, and it is enough to 3 times to fill all the oceans of the Earth. Due to this discovery, a theory that earth's oceans came from break out of the underground ocean.
Fact: theguardian
via www.theguardian.com/science/2014/jun/13/earth-may-have-underground-ocean-three-times-that-on-surface
It would seem that we have studied our planet and breadth and the conquest of space. But as it is not so. Every day scientists make discoveries and observe events, proving that this planet still a lot of surprises.
Site excited to share with you 12 facts about the Earth on which we still have to break down.
We have not reached the Earth's mantle
Seismologists believe that the inner core of our planet is solid and the outer is liquid and hot. Located above the mantle on which it slides, the crust of the Earth. However, we still do not know what is in this mantle, because not once in there did not get. It is located at a depth 30-2 900 km, and the deep "hole" that people dug is the Kola superdeep borehole in Russia, which goes back only some of 12.3 km.
Fact: scienceline, quora
Pole can change
Magnetic poles of the Earth can shift and even completely change its direction. Exploring the volcanic stones, the scientists found that our planet's magnetic field has changed many times. The last such event was nearly 10 million years ago and probably will happen in the future. However, until now it is not known exactly why this happens.
Fact: scientificamerican
We had 2 moon
According to astronomers, about 4.6 million years ago Earth had two satellites. The second was about 1 200 km in diameter and rotates on the same orbit, until faced with the "main" Moon. Scientists call this event a "huge slap". This disaster may explain why the two sides of the moon today are so different from each other.
Fact: Nature, space
By the way, about the satellite. Not everyone knows, but earthquakes happen on the moon. However, unlike earth, lootrisone not as strong and occur very very rarely. There is an assumption that their occurrence is related to the tidal forces of the Sun and Earth and the fall of meteorites.
Fact: nasa, nature
The earth is spinning incredibly quickly
The earth rotates at a speed of 1 600 km/h. it Also revolves around the Sun with even higher speed — 108 thousand km/h. In fact we can feel the movement only in the case if you change its speed. Because of the constancy of the speed of rotation of the Earth and the force of gravity we do not feel.
Fact: nasa
Time becomes "more"
620 million years ago a day on Earth lasted for about 21.9 hours. Over time, the Earth slows down the rotation speed, but this happens very slowly, at about 70 milliseconds in 100 years. It would require 100 million years to the days had 25 hours.
Fact: nasa spaceaim
Strange gravity
Due to the fact that our planet is not a perfect sphere, the Earth, are points with low and high gravity. One of these gravitational anomalies — Hudson Bay in Canada. Scientists have found that the low gravity in this place is associated with a low density of the Earth due to the rapid melting of glaciers.
Fact: science
The hot and cold spots of the Earth
The hottest place on our planet is in al-Aziziyah (Libya). The temperature here rises to +58 °C. And the cold — Antarctic. In winter the temperature there drops to -73 °C. But the most extreme low temperature (-89,2 °C) was recorded at the Russian station Vostok on 21 July 1983.
Fact: the gov nworeport
The planet is heavily polluted
Perhaps for many this is not news. However, it is interesting that, according to astronauts, the view of Earth from space in 1978 was very different from the present. Due to the large amount of debris and waste in green-white-blue planet becomes brown-gray-black.
Fact: chicagotribune
The earth consists of iron, oxygen and silicon
If we wanted to split the planet in composition, it would look like this: and 32.1 % iron, 30.1% of oxygen, 15.1 percent silicon and 13.9 % magnesium. It is believed that large proportion of iron (about 90 %) is in the kernel. And most of the oxygen in the earth's crust (around 47 %).
Fact: sciencing
Once the earth was purple
Ancient plants to absorb sunlight used is not chlorophyll, but other pigment — retinal. Due to retinal they absorb green light and reflects red and violet, by mixing it turned out purple. By the way, retinal exists to this day some of the bacteria.
Fact: livescience
Hidden ocean
At a depth of 410-660 km below the Earth's surface scientists have detected a huge water reservoir age of 2.7 billion years. This fluid found due to breed ringwoodite, which consists of the mantle. The water is under enormous pressure, and it is enough to 3 times to fill all the oceans of the Earth. Due to this discovery, a theory that earth's oceans came from break out of the underground ocean.
Fact: theguardian
via www.theguardian.com/science/2014/jun/13/earth-may-have-underground-ocean-three-times-that-on-surface
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