Japanese Beauty: RICE facial scrub
For many of us seem a Japanese woman in a kimono miniature beauty to the floor and with protruding pins of hairstyles-horns. Always cheerful, always friendly, always smiling.
And what lies behind her smile - this is the secret
. In general, Japanese women many secrets. For example, as they are able for a long time to keep the skin free of wrinkles and flabby, because they are not priverzhenka surgical bullying is?
Let's try to lift the veil on this mystery.
Face cream in Japanese women do not enjoy great popularity, it is believed that they aggravate the skin. Much wider use lotions and masks.
A popular ingredient used by Japanese women for masks - rice flour. Its diluted with water or broth of herbs chamomile, sage, all of the same green tea. Before applying to the face, the skin is rubbed with oil and let it soak. This mask nourishes and tones the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles.
We are all well aware of how important it is not only to feed but also to regularly clean the skin. Every day, dead cells, accumulating in the skin, make a person dull and lifeless.
Therefore, regular use of scrubs, helps to stimulate blood circulation in the skin tissues will help remove dirt and dead skin cells and improve the condition of your skin from head to toe.
The cosmetic industry offers us a lot of kinds of scrubs, but choose high-quality and low-cost rather difficult. This problem can be solved by preparing a home-useful scrub with natural ingredients, which even can be eaten, such as rice.
Rice scrub does not traumatize the skin and full of useful elements, stimulates circulation. Scrubs made of rice - is an ancient mystery of the gentle, soft skin of Japanese beauties. Rice flour prevents the appearance of wrinkles, whiten skin quickly absorbs dirt from the pores, restores the natural balance of the skin and the fat moisturizes face.
Deep rice, of course, do not climb, it requires more effective measures, but the surface dirt from the pores removes much more efficient than conventional mechanical scrubs.
A method of preparing scrub
To make a scrub of rice, chop rice into powder, which can then be used immediately and can be stored for 2-3 weeks. The softer your skin is, the finer the grind should be.
The milled rice is used in combination with clay, nuts, milk, oatmeal, herbal extracts and herbal powders.
As the liquid base for scrub, use egg yolk, fruit, honey, yogurt or milk. Possible to combine the combination of several components, for example, bananas and yogurt.
Rice for
scrub For the preparation of a scrub or mask of rice at home is better to give preference to starchy types of rice, namely kruglozernistomu, or Arborio Rice for sushi. Increased starch sodarzhanie allow to prepare a more efficient and effective scrub, thanks to a soft and viscous structure.
Frequency of use of scrub
Regular use of home facial scrub depends on your skin type. Once every two weeks for a very sensitive skin, 2 - 3 times a week for very oily skin. Ready to put scrub on your face and gently massage for 2-5 minutes from bottom to top in a circular dvizheniyam.Nanosit to cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area. Rinse the scrub with copious amounts of warm water.
< Recipes rice scrub
Scrub of rice, soda and cinnamon
This gentle scrub of rice can be used for all skin types, it contains cinnamon, so that it will be especially useful for oily skin problem.
To make this scrub, we need to grind in a coffee grinder 2 tbsp white rice + 2 tablespoons baking soda ½ tsp + cinnamon.
All of this mix and pour into a jar with a tight lid.
Thoroughly wash your face. Backfilled from the jar 1-2 tsp scrub. On wet skin massage movements apply scrub gently otskrabirovat skin. Rinse with water.
< Scrub of rice, honey and milk
This scrub is especially good for oily irritated skin with enlarged pores.
2-3 hours. Rice finely chop, add 1 hour. Spoonful of warmed honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk. If the mass will be too thick, dilute it with milk or water. Mix well.
Milk, if the skin is oily, you can substitute yogurt, kefir or low-fat yogurt with no additives or dyes. If you have dry skin, you can experiment with cream, sour cream or fat yogurt. You can use any vegetable oil: almond, olive, grape seed oil, peach ...
scrub oatmeal, rice and yogurt
1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal and 1 tbsp. rice spoon is passed through a coffee grinder and mix with yogurt to form a creamy mass. Ready rice scrub put on your face and massaging for 2 minutes.
< scrub of rice and beans
Crush individually in a coffee grinder and coffee beans Fig. 1 teaspoon of the resulting rice flour, mix with the same amount of ground coffee. If you have oily or mixed skin of the face, then dilute the mixture with 2 tablespoons of yogurt or yogurta.Pri normal and dry skin thinned with milk or 1 tbsp. dollop of sour cream. Then use the composition as a scrub, and then hold the weight of the face for a further 5-7 minutes.
< Cottage cheese and rice scrub
Recipe cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing scrub. Figure grind in a coffee grinder, and 1 teaspoon of ground rice already mix with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil. The resulting mass is better to warm up a little, so that the skin has received all the necessary nutrients and in full.
< Scrub rice, oatmeal and cinnamon
This scrub of rice is good for all skin types.
1/2 cup finely chopped oatmeal, 1/4 cup of crushed rice, 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder.
As the liquid base for scrub, use egg yolk, fruit, honey, yogurt or milk. You can combine a combination of several components, such as bananas and yogurt.
< Rice Scrub-cream with cream
Especially good for dry skin. 1 teaspoon of ground rice, whisk 2 teaspoons of heavy cream. Mix thoroughly.
< home facial scrub for acne from rice and turmeric
Soak rice overnight. The next morning grind it to obtain a homogeneous paste. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix well. Apply this paste on your face and skin lesions. After gentle massage, scrub, leave for a few minutes on the face - a mixture of good will dry the skin
Rice Scrub with cosmetic oil
. Need 2st.l. rice flour + 4st.l. water + a few drops of oil cosmetic.
How good wash rice flour, and use all over the body - can not convey. The skin after such a bath just a velvety, silky and shiny!
Successful experiments!

And what lies behind her smile - this is the secret
. In general, Japanese women many secrets. For example, as they are able for a long time to keep the skin free of wrinkles and flabby, because they are not priverzhenka surgical bullying is?
Let's try to lift the veil on this mystery.

Face cream in Japanese women do not enjoy great popularity, it is believed that they aggravate the skin. Much wider use lotions and masks.
A popular ingredient used by Japanese women for masks - rice flour. Its diluted with water or broth of herbs chamomile, sage, all of the same green tea. Before applying to the face, the skin is rubbed with oil and let it soak. This mask nourishes and tones the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles.

We are all well aware of how important it is not only to feed but also to regularly clean the skin. Every day, dead cells, accumulating in the skin, make a person dull and lifeless.
Therefore, regular use of scrubs, helps to stimulate blood circulation in the skin tissues will help remove dirt and dead skin cells and improve the condition of your skin from head to toe.
The cosmetic industry offers us a lot of kinds of scrubs, but choose high-quality and low-cost rather difficult. This problem can be solved by preparing a home-useful scrub with natural ingredients, which even can be eaten, such as rice.

Rice scrub does not traumatize the skin and full of useful elements, stimulates circulation. Scrubs made of rice - is an ancient mystery of the gentle, soft skin of Japanese beauties. Rice flour prevents the appearance of wrinkles, whiten skin quickly absorbs dirt from the pores, restores the natural balance of the skin and the fat moisturizes face.
Deep rice, of course, do not climb, it requires more effective measures, but the surface dirt from the pores removes much more efficient than conventional mechanical scrubs.

A method of preparing scrub
To make a scrub of rice, chop rice into powder, which can then be used immediately and can be stored for 2-3 weeks. The softer your skin is, the finer the grind should be.
The milled rice is used in combination with clay, nuts, milk, oatmeal, herbal extracts and herbal powders.
As the liquid base for scrub, use egg yolk, fruit, honey, yogurt or milk. Possible to combine the combination of several components, for example, bananas and yogurt.

Rice for
scrub For the preparation of a scrub or mask of rice at home is better to give preference to starchy types of rice, namely kruglozernistomu, or Arborio Rice for sushi. Increased starch sodarzhanie allow to prepare a more efficient and effective scrub, thanks to a soft and viscous structure.
Frequency of use of scrub
Regular use of home facial scrub depends on your skin type. Once every two weeks for a very sensitive skin, 2 - 3 times a week for very oily skin. Ready to put scrub on your face and gently massage for 2-5 minutes from bottom to top in a circular dvizheniyam.Nanosit to cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area. Rinse the scrub with copious amounts of warm water.
< Recipes rice scrub
Scrub of rice, soda and cinnamon
This gentle scrub of rice can be used for all skin types, it contains cinnamon, so that it will be especially useful for oily skin problem.
To make this scrub, we need to grind in a coffee grinder 2 tbsp white rice + 2 tablespoons baking soda ½ tsp + cinnamon.
All of this mix and pour into a jar with a tight lid.
Thoroughly wash your face. Backfilled from the jar 1-2 tsp scrub. On wet skin massage movements apply scrub gently otskrabirovat skin. Rinse with water.
< Scrub of rice, honey and milk
This scrub is especially good for oily irritated skin with enlarged pores.
2-3 hours. Rice finely chop, add 1 hour. Spoonful of warmed honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk. If the mass will be too thick, dilute it with milk or water. Mix well.
Milk, if the skin is oily, you can substitute yogurt, kefir or low-fat yogurt with no additives or dyes. If you have dry skin, you can experiment with cream, sour cream or fat yogurt. You can use any vegetable oil: almond, olive, grape seed oil, peach ...
scrub oatmeal, rice and yogurt
1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal and 1 tbsp. rice spoon is passed through a coffee grinder and mix with yogurt to form a creamy mass. Ready rice scrub put on your face and massaging for 2 minutes.
< scrub of rice and beans
Crush individually in a coffee grinder and coffee beans Fig. 1 teaspoon of the resulting rice flour, mix with the same amount of ground coffee. If you have oily or mixed skin of the face, then dilute the mixture with 2 tablespoons of yogurt or yogurta.Pri normal and dry skin thinned with milk or 1 tbsp. dollop of sour cream. Then use the composition as a scrub, and then hold the weight of the face for a further 5-7 minutes.
< Cottage cheese and rice scrub
Recipe cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing scrub. Figure grind in a coffee grinder, and 1 teaspoon of ground rice already mix with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil. The resulting mass is better to warm up a little, so that the skin has received all the necessary nutrients and in full.
< Scrub rice, oatmeal and cinnamon
This scrub of rice is good for all skin types.
1/2 cup finely chopped oatmeal, 1/4 cup of crushed rice, 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder.
As the liquid base for scrub, use egg yolk, fruit, honey, yogurt or milk. You can combine a combination of several components, such as bananas and yogurt.
< Rice Scrub-cream with cream
Especially good for dry skin. 1 teaspoon of ground rice, whisk 2 teaspoons of heavy cream. Mix thoroughly.
< home facial scrub for acne from rice and turmeric
Soak rice overnight. The next morning grind it to obtain a homogeneous paste. Then add 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix well. Apply this paste on your face and skin lesions. After gentle massage, scrub, leave for a few minutes on the face - a mixture of good will dry the skin
Rice Scrub with cosmetic oil
. Need 2st.l. rice flour + 4st.l. water + a few drops of oil cosmetic.
How good wash rice flour, and use all over the body - can not convey. The skin after such a bath just a velvety, silky and shiny!
Successful experiments!
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