20 children's puzzles that put adults in a deadlock. And where is the logic ?!
Many parents are horrified to admit that even if behind them there are three higher education, participation in intellectual games ala "What? Where? When? ", A Ph.D., all of the knowledge abruptly somewhere to disappear when you sit down to do homework with the kids. Sometimes the problem, charades, riddles and mysteries, placed in the school textbooks, they are driving to a standstill even renowned experts. The thing is that children perceive the world around us is absolutely wrong, as adults. They look completely different angle on how to solve the problem, which appeared before them. The kids are not looking for special schemes, laws, they are not strong in the complex calculations, they are unfamiliar, many laws, theorems and axioms. Maybe that's why they click like peanuts those mysteries over which adults often sit for an hour.
Today, the Internet edition prepared for you a unique selection of conventional children's riddles with which kids cope in a jiffy. But adults sometimes hang for a long time on these tasks. I think I now have a brain melt. I wonder if you can handle with all the puzzles?
Mysteries, from which adult brain boils
1. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
2. How the wheel turns at the right turn?
3. It is not a living creature, but he has 5 fingers.
4. What word begins with the three letters "G" and ends with the three letters "I»?
5. What is the word in the dictionary is spelled wrong?
6. The truck drove into the village. On the way he met a 4 passenger cars. How many cars went to the village?
7. We are vulnerable, not moving, we poison, without touching. We can bring both a lie and the truth, we never tried to size. Who are we?
8. What kind of hand is best to stir the tea?
9. Feed me, and I will live, but give me to drink - I die. Who am I?
10. Who goes sitting?
11. They are born - fly to live - are die - float away.
12. What gets wet, dry yet?
13. The more of it you take, the greater the ... What is it?
14. I'm always somewhere between heaven and earth, always at a distance. If you try to sneak up on me - I'm going to retire.
15. There was a husband and wife, brother and sister, brother-in-law Yes. What all?
16. I live only where there is light, but once it is shining directly on me - I'm dying.
17. What could travel the world, staying in the same corner?
18. Which is not an elephant's trunk?
19. In the evening, they give me a job in the morning. I always carry it out, but I still curse. Who am I?
20. always increases and never decreases?
1. The letter "M»
2. Spare
3. Glove
4. Trigonometry
5. Wrong
6. One
7. Word
8. It is best to spoon
9. Fire
10. Chess
11. Snowflakes
12. Towel
13. Pit
14. Horizon
15. Three
16. Shadow
17. Postage stamp
18. Chess
19. Alarm
20. Human Age
Quickly deal with all these puzzles? Frankly, I had a good sweat on some of them. If you do not believe me, spend at home is an experiment: try it yourself to guess the riddles, and then ask the child to do so. I bet the kid cope with them much faster and completely without straining! Oh, we adults all just complicated. And this applies not only to the task. We would all childlike, and life would be much easier.
Share these mysteries with all your friends. Let then talk about their experiences and successes!
via ofigenno ru
Today, the Internet edition prepared for you a unique selection of conventional children's riddles with which kids cope in a jiffy. But adults sometimes hang for a long time on these tasks. I think I now have a brain melt. I wonder if you can handle with all the puzzles?

Mysteries, from which adult brain boils
1. What can be seen once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
2. How the wheel turns at the right turn?
3. It is not a living creature, but he has 5 fingers.
4. What word begins with the three letters "G" and ends with the three letters "I»?
5. What is the word in the dictionary is spelled wrong?
6. The truck drove into the village. On the way he met a 4 passenger cars. How many cars went to the village?
7. We are vulnerable, not moving, we poison, without touching. We can bring both a lie and the truth, we never tried to size. Who are we?
8. What kind of hand is best to stir the tea?
9. Feed me, and I will live, but give me to drink - I die. Who am I?
10. Who goes sitting?
11. They are born - fly to live - are die - float away.
12. What gets wet, dry yet?
13. The more of it you take, the greater the ... What is it?
14. I'm always somewhere between heaven and earth, always at a distance. If you try to sneak up on me - I'm going to retire.
15. There was a husband and wife, brother and sister, brother-in-law Yes. What all?
16. I live only where there is light, but once it is shining directly on me - I'm dying.
17. What could travel the world, staying in the same corner?
18. Which is not an elephant's trunk?
19. In the evening, they give me a job in the morning. I always carry it out, but I still curse. Who am I?
20. always increases and never decreases?

1. The letter "M»
2. Spare
3. Glove
4. Trigonometry
5. Wrong
6. One
7. Word
8. It is best to spoon
9. Fire
10. Chess
11. Snowflakes
12. Towel
13. Pit
14. Horizon
15. Three
16. Shadow
17. Postage stamp
18. Chess
19. Alarm
20. Human Age
Quickly deal with all these puzzles? Frankly, I had a good sweat on some of them. If you do not believe me, spend at home is an experiment: try it yourself to guess the riddles, and then ask the child to do so. I bet the kid cope with them much faster and completely without straining! Oh, we adults all just complicated. And this applies not only to the task. We would all childlike, and life would be much easier.
Share these mysteries with all your friends. Let then talk about their experiences and successes!
via ofigenno ru
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