Can you solve 200-year-old mysteries?

Russian folk riddles are an expression of the wisdom of our ancestors. For centuries, they have taught people to think logically, developed their imagination, and helped them better understand the world around them. Can you guess a mystery that is almost 200 years old?

The problem, they say, is with an asterisk. And to make it easier, we provide options. It remains only to choose from them the most suitable and make sure it is correct. And you can double-check yourself by opening a collection of proverbs and mysteries of the Russian people, compiled by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl and published in 1862.

Russian Folk Mysteries
  1. It flies without wings, grows without roots.
    (a) wind
    (b) flying squirrel
    (d) child

  2. Daria and Marya see each other, but do not meet.
    (a) shore
    (b) floor and ceiling
    (d) salt and pepper
  3. Running, running grouse on a linden bridge, saw the sea, rushed into the water.
    (b) clouds
    (c) lingonberry berries in the grille

  4. Baba-yaga, pitchfork, the whole world feeds, she is hungry.
    (a) soha
    (b) rake
    c) fork
  5. It warms in winter, smolders in spring, disappears in summer, comes to life in autumn.
    (a) fire
    (b) snow
  6. In the yard bows, and comes home - stretch.
    (a) pop
  7. Grandpa bridges without an axe and without a knife.
    (a) magician
    (c) frost

  8. No arms, no legs, he wants a shirt.
    (a) sprout
    (c) blueberry
    (g) collar
  9. White choirs, red supports.
    (a) goose
    (b) Terem
    (c) furnace

  10. I was born in the water and afraid of water.
    (d) mosquito
  11. There are fierce dogs in the steep buerac.
    a) forest
  12. In the evening, the earth flies, the night stays on the ground, in the morning it flies away again.
    (a) moon
    (b) dew
    (c) moth
    (d) shadow

  1. A month.
    I mean, of course, not 1/12 years, and the night sky, which is also called the month. We observe a growing month in the sky after the new moon, when the proportion of the illuminated surface of the moon increases consistently.
  2. Floor and ceiling
    They're always there, but they'd better never meet.
  3. lingonberry
    I'll have to explain. It is very difficult for modern man to understand what the sea has to do with it. We are talking about the selection of sweet and sour berries after harvest. In the old days, to weed out garbage and spoiled berries, lingonberries were rolled on a grille (wooden rim with a strained net) and lowered into water.

  4. Soha
    “You are our mother, a helper of bitter poverty, a constant nurse, an eternal worker!” The word “sokha” in many Slavic languages means “kol”, “stick with a fork”. This is an ancient arable tool that did not turn the layer of land, but only tossed it aside.

  5. Snow
    In winter, snow really warms the crops.
  6. Axe
    He can't swim, but he can hang in a smoking room.
  7. frost
    Santa Claus is known to be able to connect the banks of rivers without logs and an axe.
  8. Pillow
    Pillows have always been synonymous with rest and comfort. But without a shirt, sleeping on them is not very comfortable.

  9. goose
    The most vivid and concise description of the goose, which "is known to be an important and judicious bird," says "ga-ga-ga," walks "goose" and hisses in danger.
  10. salt
    Salt is born on the site of evaporated water, and it also risks dissolving. It should be recognized that mosquitoes are also born in water. But are they afraid of her? Asking mosquitoes this question is unlikely.
  11. Hive.
    We all love honey, but it is better not to make bees angry!

  12. rose
    From ancient times, people considered dew a blessed gift of heaven, endowed with rejuvenating and rejuvenating properties.

Well, if you guessed at least 8 out of 12, then Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl could be quite proud of you!


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