Only a guru of logical thinking will guess who whistled the watermelon.

Logical puzzles They make even the most intelligent citizens move. And this is great, because such tasks stimulate thinking processes and act as a kind of simulator for the brain.

Today's edition. "Site" It invites readers to deal with some interesting puzzles. See how well your savvy works. Good grades in the school certificate and a red diploma will not help here. Can you figure it out?

Logical puzzles
  1. First of all, try to deal with the traffic jam. We see 7 cars stuck at the intersection. Further progress seems impossible. Try to figure out which car to remove in order for the movement to resume.
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    Publication by Quest-quest Sevastopol (@questquest_sev)

  2. The second task makes you think even more than before. There is an abandoned house where we have to open one of the three doors. And behind the first door lurks a hungry lion, behind the second door lies a rumbling zombie, and behind the third door is an electric chair. Which door do you ultimately decide to go through?
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    Can you read the hardest puzzles of all time? (@erudhit)

  3. In the last mission, we have four suspects. We need to figure out which one stole the watermelon. And although they all seem cute and do not cause much suspicion, but this is only at first glance. Use your savvy to figure out the thief. Will it work better than the famous Sherlock Holmes?

Tips and answers
  1. On the left side of the intersection, only one (red) car moves, while from all other directions two cars go. That's why we should remove this particular car, number 3. This will allow first to pass cars with numbers "1" and "2", and then successively pass the intersection and cars with numbers "4", "5", "6" and "7".

  2. If you read the conditions carefully, you can see that this abandoned haunted house has no running water or electricity. The electric chair will not work in such conditions. And then the third door should be opened to get out without any problems.
  3. A decent watermelon is quite heavy, it can weigh 10 kg, and much more. Therefore, it will take effort to keep it. And to maintain a relaxed appearance in such conditions is unlikely to work. Therefore, immediately pay attention to a red-haired man who can hardly hold the ball. Looks like this guy stole the watermelon. After all, a football is light, its weight is only about 400-450 grams.

Did you find all the solutions? Then your savvy is on top, congratulations. Also solve our other puzzles. And also deal with unusual school examples that can puzzle even a round honors student.


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