Where is Leah Akhedjakov now?

Famous actress Lia Akhedzhakova is now forced to go through another test. On February 8, the Sovremennik Theatre, where she has been serving since 1977, announced on its website: “The Gin Game, scheduled for February 13th and 18th and March 29th, will not take place.” It is further stated that there will be other performances on these dates.

Moreover, the audience is assured that tickets already bought for the “Game of Gin” with the participation of Lia Akhedzhakova will also be valid. Do you feel the repetition of methods from not so long ago? In the last years of the existence of the Soviet state, the pressure on people of creative professions who were undesirable to the regime was carried out similarly. Their works were not published, films with their participation were filmed from the box office, famous names sought to be forgotten.

The moral squalor of the authorities is not surprising. But it would seem that the people of the theater not only declare the rights to freedom of speech, beliefs, conscience, but are ready to defend them in their lives. How bravely, stubbornly, consistently does it in creativity and in open statements a small 84-year-old woman and a big actress Liya Akhedzhakova. She did not remain silent in 2014, she was not afraid to declare her civic position immediately after February 24, 2024.

Liya Akhedzhakova is also loyal to supporting Ukraine in the just struggle for the right to be a free country. And the leadership of the theater gets rid of her, referring to anonymous (!) letters allegedly dissatisfied with her position of the allegedly spectators. Low.

Instagram / @stars._novosty Performances with Akhedzhakova not to be Yes, she hurts. Last fall, the play “First Bread” was removed from the repertoire, where Akhedzhakova still played. Probably also for a edifying purpose. More for the population, so that it was bad. Yes, it is mostly silent or boorishly heits a wonderful actress.

It is fair to say that haters are in no hurry to remove their masks. A dirty propaganda game is also possible. It's not about people. People... It is not known how those of her colleagues in the workshop who are no longer alive would have acted in the situation with the persecution of Lia Mejidovna.

Sadly, many well-known actors, directors, who consider themselves intellectuals, are not against the current political agenda. The same Alexei German, whose “Verification on the roads” was seen as anti-Soviet, died in 2013. After the current president came to power, he signed a letter supporting the war in Chechnya. Perhaps he would still have loyal feelings? So he changed the office chair? .

Akhedzhakova now: the cancellation of the play “Gin Game” However, there are brave people among the stars, whose support will definitely help Lia Akhedzhakova become even stronger. The cancellation of the play "Gin Game" excited, outraged many actors of the theater and cinema.

Oleg Basilashvili called the decision of the director of “Contemporary” the most disgraceful. Oleg Valeryanovich asks when a certain denunciation of a group of people can be taken into account when it comes to art. Why are some viewers outraged and others not? This, in his opinion, is very strange.

Yes, there is not so much strange: they operate according to a scheme rolled up in Soviet times, when the fate of a person could depend on the “letters of workers”.

Instagram / @emma_nette_puppe Famous Polish actress Barbara Brylska, who starred alongside Lia Akhedjakova in The Irony of Fate, doesn't hold back feelings: "Lia, so hold on! A homeland, such a homeland, is unworthy of it. Of course she needs to leave. They won't let her live, these communists, God damned people. She needs to go and fight like we do.”

Instagram / @basya_brylska By editorial office

The director of theater and cinema, the founder of the Gogol Center Kirill Serebrennikov, who has repeatedly worked with Lia Akhedzhakova, announced the action “Letters for Leah”. We'll talk about her next time. But you can already write a letter for Lia Akhedzhakova, whose heart is always on the side of the truth.


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