Houseplants, "devouring" mold, fungi and condensate in the apartment
I was already going to make a new renovation, but in time I learned how to rid the house of mold and condensate with the help of just four indoor plants! Previously, if the house was molded on the walls of the apartment, the house was simply burned. And in this place tried not to build new buildings.
Mold on the walls in the apartment Today, this method is not real. Especially when it comes to multi-storey houses. Due to climate change and global warming, mold on the walls of an apartment is becoming an increasingly common problem.
Today our editorial board will introduce you to recommendations of horticultural expert Angela Slater. The specialist told how you can fight bacteria and fungi in the apartment and office spaces. She named plants that will effectively help get rid of dampness in the house and mold on the wall. There are four of these plants, you can place them in any room.
Mold is a very insidious type of fungal. In addition to the fact that it looks unaesthetic on the walls of black divorces, it also causes an unpleasant smell. Mold causes serious diseases such as allergies, upper respiratory diseases and asthma. You can reduce the level of humidity and fungal spores by 40-60%, placing only four houseplants at home.
Plants that absorb excess moisture Spatiphyllum, or, as it is also called, the female flower, or the lily of the world. To place in the bedroom, the expert recommends this flower. This plant perfectly tolerates shade and loves high humidity. The plant is perfect for places prone to mold formations. Spatiphyllum absorbs moisture through its large leaves. The larger the flower, the better it will fight mold. This plant effectively processes carbon dioxide into oxygen, and also absorbs unpleasant odors.
Sansevieria, or in the common people mother-in-law. One of the most popular houseplants in apartments. Its long dense leaves perfectly absorb excess moisture in the house. The plant feels well in rooms with bright light and warm temperature. It can be placed even in bathrooms, where, in addition to fighting mold, it will still remove toxic fumes from cleaning products.
English header ivy. Evergreen plant that grows beautifully on walls, clinging to air roots. Perfect for a bathroom or kitchen. He prefers humid air, does not like direct sunlight. Scientists have proven that this plant is a natural air filter. Removes heavy compounds such as benzene, formaldehydes and trichloroethylene. Unpretentious in care, so it does not need to be heavily watered.
Palm trees. These exotic plants with lush large leaves perfectly fight mold. And they will decorate any interior. Their huge leaves absorb all the excess moisture in the room and clean the air of harmful heavy compounds. Also, palm trees are very often found in office spaces, where there is a large crowd of people. They neutralize unpleasant smells.
Nature is the most reliable protector against harmful bacteria. So if you see a black dot in the corner, run to the flower shop. These plants can be bought in any region. They are unpretentious, but at the same time aesthetically fit into any interior.

Mold on the walls in the apartment Today, this method is not real. Especially when it comes to multi-storey houses. Due to climate change and global warming, mold on the walls of an apartment is becoming an increasingly common problem.

Today our editorial board will introduce you to recommendations of horticultural expert Angela Slater. The specialist told how you can fight bacteria and fungi in the apartment and office spaces. She named plants that will effectively help get rid of dampness in the house and mold on the wall. There are four of these plants, you can place them in any room.

Mold is a very insidious type of fungal. In addition to the fact that it looks unaesthetic on the walls of black divorces, it also causes an unpleasant smell. Mold causes serious diseases such as allergies, upper respiratory diseases and asthma. You can reduce the level of humidity and fungal spores by 40-60%, placing only four houseplants at home.

Plants that absorb excess moisture Spatiphyllum, or, as it is also called, the female flower, or the lily of the world. To place in the bedroom, the expert recommends this flower. This plant perfectly tolerates shade and loves high humidity. The plant is perfect for places prone to mold formations. Spatiphyllum absorbs moisture through its large leaves. The larger the flower, the better it will fight mold. This plant effectively processes carbon dioxide into oxygen, and also absorbs unpleasant odors.

Sansevieria, or in the common people mother-in-law. One of the most popular houseplants in apartments. Its long dense leaves perfectly absorb excess moisture in the house. The plant feels well in rooms with bright light and warm temperature. It can be placed even in bathrooms, where, in addition to fighting mold, it will still remove toxic fumes from cleaning products.

English header ivy. Evergreen plant that grows beautifully on walls, clinging to air roots. Perfect for a bathroom or kitchen. He prefers humid air, does not like direct sunlight. Scientists have proven that this plant is a natural air filter. Removes heavy compounds such as benzene, formaldehydes and trichloroethylene. Unpretentious in care, so it does not need to be heavily watered.

Palm trees. These exotic plants with lush large leaves perfectly fight mold. And they will decorate any interior. Their huge leaves absorb all the excess moisture in the room and clean the air of harmful heavy compounds. Also, palm trees are very often found in office spaces, where there is a large crowd of people. They neutralize unpleasant smells.
Nature is the most reliable protector against harmful bacteria. So if you see a black dot in the corner, run to the flower shop. These plants can be bought in any region. They are unpretentious, but at the same time aesthetically fit into any interior.
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