Kid with implant
Hello everyone! My name is Daria, I'm a 32-year-old mother of Yegor wonderful boy with special needs (he was deaf from birth, difficulty seeing in his 2 years 8 months still can not walk on their own). I also remarkable man and wife, blogger, which is almost three years ago, had once described here alone your day. Since then, everything in our lives radically changed ...
The fact that our son is deaf, we learned almost immediately after his birth (the other unpleasant surprises emerged only later). The first two years he wore hearing aids, we hoped that the heavy-duty device will help him at least something to hear. But the results almost was not, and we did synule surgery to implant cochlear implant. A month after the operation, when the seam on his head healed, you can connect the external part of the implant - speech processor. And our baby will start to hear the world! Not like a normal hearing person, in other words, yet it opens a new world of sound.
It happened in Moscow, September 2, 2014.
via geleowife
So morning.
1. Our baby is sleeping very restlessly, waking up many times during the night, but we empirically found that he, oddly enough, better sleep with dad Oleg, without me. Therefore, he spends the night in the bedroom, and in the morning comes to me in the kitchen and wakes me up. It happens, and at 5 am, and 6, but most still around 7 am. But today, our day started a little later than usual, because sonny got sick and slept for hours to 8.
That's so begins my every day. It has a light version for Yegor mother - is first and foremost my face, so that only my head or have suffered in the morning, as soon as it no jumping, no fidgeting and no talking in different directions.
2. Babe I'm taking to his nest and we fill up another half an hour together. After the second spill baby with her mother almost always happy with life and is added to the tenderness.
3. A Oleg, after a heroic night with my son bravely fills up the one on the big mattress. His morning almost always begins: Egor, soak up with me, is to check whether dad got up, and if the pope dared to sleep on, and the bedroom door is not closed, the baby crawl to Daddy, kisses him, and then gestures to him that to get up. By the way, the mattress is on the floor, without a basis, because our kid, though he does not go, but actively crawls, fidgeting, and always strives to fall from everywhere and hit Her head. In order to avoid such undesirable for us injury, we took such measures here - possibly all come down.
4. We decide to give Oleg still nap, I digress Babe fact that the left ear wear a hearing aid, and on the right we will now connect the external part of the cochlear implant.
5. Here the seam of operations carried out a month ago. Now under golovushku skin in the place where a bump is itself implant and magnets, and conducted to the inner ear electrodes, which will transmit an encoded sound signal to the auditory nerve to the brain. That looks like the outer part of the implant (speech processor), which is mounted on magnets, see later.
6. To prepare breakfast herself and her son, this bully need something to distract. The most simple - to put the goat in the garden to give it to bring another "order" in the closet in the kitchen. And breakfast is almost ready: the son of porridge, I - cocoa. Cocoa - it's my passion, I can not live without him and the day.
7. I'm going to the bathroom to brush up my tail immediately creeps me (he is very attached to me for a long time and never let me let go, only if with him at this point is no Oleg or grandmother). So - it's time, sorry, go to the potty. Because our baby almost does not hear anything even hearing apparatik, no sound provoke his natural reactions toilet. But empirically found out that that is very conducive to the current Vodicka. Rebyatenka lure on the pot is not easy. Therefore, any machine in our bathroom just not washed! And Yegor always fundamentally in a bowl or box cars have to climb not only hands but also feet and stuff, no matter how small would have the capacity.
8. Oleg woke up, went to brush your teeth. Egor as little povtoryushka, all copies of the Pope, so gets his toothbrush and proudly, as a dad, brushing his teeth.
9. And this time I Grate fruits in addition to gruel for breakfast. Because of their neurological features and underdevelopment our baby is still almost do not know how to chew and bite. Therefore blender and float our best friends, especially when it's food for the journey. And we accustom to pieces gradually in a playful way separate from the main meal.
10. My guys came to clean the kitchen, Yegor, as soon as he saw me, immediately flew to me, "Superman." We have to pick it up and go with the Pope to wear.
11. A boy dressed already out, and need more time to get dressed herself, drink cocoa and Yegor collect food for the road, late. Egor collect food for the journey, and the boy hanging on my leg - a common phenomenon, as I move around the kitchen almost always
12. Oleg took my shoes Yegor. It's almost a ritual: while dad wears shoes, Yegor actively trying to come off the bench hugging
13. 10:36 left, late for 30 minutes. The long-awaited feed porridge Yegor, it allows to go to silence minutes 20.
14. Yegor not quite proper metabolism, we will adjust with the help of various dietary supplements under the supervision of genetics.
15. The House did not have time to make up. If you are in the mood, I often do it in the car while standing in traffic jams? of all it is necessary to benefit.
16. Here we are at the center, where Egor will connect the speech processor of a cochlear implant.
17. This office, where it will be the most important event that we have been waiting for.
18. Put on the speech processor of cochlear implatna, is setting via PC: Egor sounds fed directly into the ear, that is, he hears sounds from the inside. People still do not understand and checks, and where his mind when something sounded.
19. Pretty soon our soobrazhun glades that sounds in his ears makes Aunt at the computer, and not coming off looked at her, and on the PC.
20. The second part of the settings - check reactions to external sounds, and not through the computer. Audiologist makes sounds different musical instruments and shows their Egor. It seems more like a boy herself rattle than the sound of it. The audiologist said that such a reaction kids for the first time is quite normal for him all these sounds a novelty in hearing apparatik he heard a very different (and even if he had heard anything about them?). And now he would need some time to get used to the new sound to the brain to regroup, re-learned to listen and decipher the sounds. This can happen in a week, and a month later, and after a few months. And you have many, many engage with the child, to accelerate this process.
21. Here's what that part of the cochlear implant, which is Egor under the skin of the head: transparent - a silicone in which magnets, hereinafter - the implant itself (receiver / stimulator) and electrodes that go into the cochlea.
22. And so the implant is placed under the skin Egor, so it has at this point a small bump.
23. For such a small device relies so much in the form of accessories and service material - the whole huge bag!
24. At 12:57 hours, we were allowed to go home.
25. Egor said: "All I carry with me." Joke :)
In this interesting and unusual part of our day ends in the afternoon nothing sverhinteresnogo was not just the most ordinary mundane affairs of life a little boy, well, with some amendments to our "features".
26. On the way back we just arrange a snack machine to house no longer spend time on it. The road back was less calm than there, because the boy was tired and had to entertain his dancing bear, sit with him, hiding under my mother's scarf as a house, and a loud, loud singing. Unfortunately, I was so fascinated by the game that I forgot all that sfotkat extravaganza. Oleg, as the driver, nerves of steel, I must say. At home, we immediately began to dress for an afternoon nap, because Malchish was severely overworked new impressions from the trip in general and of new sensations in the ear. But with such dancing with a tambourine kicking and flourishes we usually change clothes.
27. Yes, do not be surprised, like this, and so far the only way we are able to lay Babe sleep. Due to its neurological abnormalities, Yegor very bad sleep during the day and at night, he can not sleep, as do normal kids. He is very sensitive to light, so you have to wear eye masochku and unnecessarily seam on the operation of the eye has not healed to Kona to gum from the mask does not rub, have to wear a hat. And since our little man is very sensitive to tactile sensations he feels much more comfortable when his loose something is holding, so you have to wrap it in prostynochku, so he is not going to sleep wakes itself handles. And now, my kulechek ready and is calling my mother to lie down next to him. Sleeps so far only with me, without me, can not sleep at all the night will Kolobrodov, and is not itself able to sleep.
28. While Egor falls asleep, I check the phone or tablet-mail and personal social networking, but in a position to respond to the weight is very difficult, so I always tormozhu answers. Too much for the boy was under the impression today and this time Yegor slept longer than usual and slept very restless, so I had to lie all the time with him.
29. Oleg at this time engaged in farming in the kitchen, cleans, washes the dishes, cooking beans Yegor, and warms himself prepared me on the eve of the fish. Here's a golden husband cleans up after me my chaos.
30. Ta-dum! Egor decided that today he is a sleep only an hour and that's my hero already jumped up and go to sleep no longer going.
31. Almost always after a nap comes to us Oleg to lie a little bit together with us and stay with Egor.
32.Standartnye obnimashki with my dad.
33. The man goes back to land in the bath, and my dad gets back to work. He squandered half a day with us in Moscow, now we have to catch up.
34. Cynul distracted by a new bag with accessories for cochlear implants, and I ran to the kitchen to warm up the dinner yourself and baby. Miraculously managed to hang wash things, lay scattered toys in the kitchen. Came into the room to bring detke drink, he immediately stuck with me ...
35. ... and so it went for me in the kitchen, holding his leg
36. It was possible to divert Babe lighting in the oven and while he plays grind beans and vegetables in a blender.
37. Time - 16:35
38. My attempts to feed varmint right way on the floor, did not succeed, so the pope intervened and managed to sit in sonny highchair (mine is obtained through time - the boy began to show its character, and I'm not always good)
39. That I can not feed my two spoons, I use it hints ABA therapy for children with special needs: Egor knows that what he eats a spoonful of vegetables, he got a promotion - a drop of honey on the second spoon.
40. At the end of the meal - Yegor accustom to solid food. I put before him a plate of beans and allow to do with it, whatever. Baby, who can not chew often need to give an opportunity to study all possible food tactile ways.
41. As long as man is busy studying the structure of a bean, I run dishes. In the sink - Homemade painted plates, which I gave to her husband, when we were just friends.
42. A boy abruptly turned to go out highchair (he almost always does - coached by my reaction).
43. It is time to dress for the walk. I stand before the mirror and pushes her hair in a bun, Yegor crawls and copies all my actions, it touches me so! It started recently and I'm still not used to it.
While I was changing, the boy has done another incident on the mat. I had to wash the hero of the first crash, then the crime scene.
44. After she washed with soap and a place to crash, give a new cloth baby wipes are also let to established relationships: done Affairs - Removes the consequences. Egor begins its cloth to wipe everything :)
45. And here we are, finally, fully dressed and ready to go for a walk and went ... terrible downpour outside. Hence, the need to change the waterproof pants on, because Egor on the street does not go, and creeps in previous pants after the rain does not walk.
46. While we wait out rain, I hope to have time to quickly check your mail and answer at least a couple of letters, but Egor very soon comes back and hangs on her leg.
47. On the first day he quite often removes the speech processor with abalone and gives him or me or Oleg. Whether unusual sensations, whether he realized that in this way can attract attention
48. At 18:26 hours, the rain ended, a boy dressed as waterproof trousers and ready to go for a walk.
49. crawled out into the street by a special ramp for wheelchair (in Butovo many people on wheelchairs). Yegor himself does not know how to walk only with the support and the handles, so when he wants to go somewhere quickly get it creeps. In recent years, he is a complete rejection of the wheelchair and sling, he wants stupidly crawl and roll machine. Therefore, it moves all fours, straight from kvaritry the elevator and so on to the street and down the street too. Yes, unhygienic, but my problem - the child as much as possible and move until he is able to walk and did not want to go by the handles, it is better to let the creeps and develops muscle than sitting in a doll carriage. Although he is not sitting in a wheelchair and screaming hysterically, if put into it. And because of this exemption behavior, we will not get away more than our playground. Previously we so cool walking through the woods, went to visit, and now just playground and surrounding area to where the boy could crawl.
50. According to the site, too, sonny moves on all fours, well, a special coating on it and the handle is not cold. The point is that my mother ran away and rolled in front of the stroller and baby will crawl with the machine in the hands of mum and catch up. Well, that Yegor very tiny boy in his nearly three years, on the face of it appears a half, so does not cause its views creeping terror in others.
51. While my kid carefully studied the structure of wet sand, he dove into a pool one leg, which was right in the sandbox and quite soaked her
52. Both the "ask" home. Return home the same way you came - crawling. The clock 19:34
53. While we were crawling home, I called Oleg and asked to fill the bathtub with warm water to immediately download there soaked boy. Time when the baby is bathed - these are the most cherished moments when you can work out something for themselves to breed, for example, and if put on a headset, and catch a couple of minutes and with cracked his girlfriend on the phone. But it turns out it's not for long, ah, what a pity that I do not have a third hand ...
54. Since in the morning we missed classes because of our most important trip, we have to catch up too late in the evening. Draws attention to the son of music - shows that you can dance to the music. When the music stops, I also froze. Then we "dance" together.
55. Now more complex exercises at the table to practice hearing.
56. The peculiar family photo - teach family members. Not all classes began to photograph at first glance they may seem very monotonous. The essence is that with such small restless little men need to engage in a playful way and a lot of fun and emotionally, and it does not appear in the pictures :)
57. It was almost ten o'clock, so we immediately run into the kitchen to warm supper (Oleg had a snack while we walked).
58. As the evening feeding us very long, I usually listen to at this time webinars or just watch movies. First synulka shrimp feed (this is one of the few that he agrees to learn to chew), and then finish feeding the rest, grinding it in a blender.
59. At 22:15 hours. Usually at this time we have put to bed, but today we have something was late.
60. While I clean the kitchen, the boys work hard. It's almost a ritual - to sit at bedtime five minutochek dad on the handles.
61. And so here we are yet laid on the night's sleep. Unfortunately, while that on the night baby to sleep alone in a sling. This time, he dragged with him to burrow even machine.
62. About half an hour Yegor fell asleep, and we were going to Oleg discuss our future plans, but called his mother and said that on TV show program about children with special needs and we really should see it. We do not have TV, so we opened the website of TV channel and watch the recording of this program.
The fact that our son is deaf, we learned almost immediately after his birth (the other unpleasant surprises emerged only later). The first two years he wore hearing aids, we hoped that the heavy-duty device will help him at least something to hear. But the results almost was not, and we did synule surgery to implant cochlear implant. A month after the operation, when the seam on his head healed, you can connect the external part of the implant - speech processor. And our baby will start to hear the world! Not like a normal hearing person, in other words, yet it opens a new world of sound.
It happened in Moscow, September 2, 2014.
via geleowife

So morning.
1. Our baby is sleeping very restlessly, waking up many times during the night, but we empirically found that he, oddly enough, better sleep with dad Oleg, without me. Therefore, he spends the night in the bedroom, and in the morning comes to me in the kitchen and wakes me up. It happens, and at 5 am, and 6, but most still around 7 am. But today, our day started a little later than usual, because sonny got sick and slept for hours to 8.
That's so begins my every day. It has a light version for Yegor mother - is first and foremost my face, so that only my head or have suffered in the morning, as soon as it no jumping, no fidgeting and no talking in different directions.

2. Babe I'm taking to his nest and we fill up another half an hour together. After the second spill baby with her mother almost always happy with life and is added to the tenderness.

3. A Oleg, after a heroic night with my son bravely fills up the one on the big mattress. His morning almost always begins: Egor, soak up with me, is to check whether dad got up, and if the pope dared to sleep on, and the bedroom door is not closed, the baby crawl to Daddy, kisses him, and then gestures to him that to get up. By the way, the mattress is on the floor, without a basis, because our kid, though he does not go, but actively crawls, fidgeting, and always strives to fall from everywhere and hit Her head. In order to avoid such undesirable for us injury, we took such measures here - possibly all come down.

4. We decide to give Oleg still nap, I digress Babe fact that the left ear wear a hearing aid, and on the right we will now connect the external part of the cochlear implant.

5. Here the seam of operations carried out a month ago. Now under golovushku skin in the place where a bump is itself implant and magnets, and conducted to the inner ear electrodes, which will transmit an encoded sound signal to the auditory nerve to the brain. That looks like the outer part of the implant (speech processor), which is mounted on magnets, see later.

6. To prepare breakfast herself and her son, this bully need something to distract. The most simple - to put the goat in the garden to give it to bring another "order" in the closet in the kitchen. And breakfast is almost ready: the son of porridge, I - cocoa. Cocoa - it's my passion, I can not live without him and the day.

7. I'm going to the bathroom to brush up my tail immediately creeps me (he is very attached to me for a long time and never let me let go, only if with him at this point is no Oleg or grandmother). So - it's time, sorry, go to the potty. Because our baby almost does not hear anything even hearing apparatik, no sound provoke his natural reactions toilet. But empirically found out that that is very conducive to the current Vodicka. Rebyatenka lure on the pot is not easy. Therefore, any machine in our bathroom just not washed! And Yegor always fundamentally in a bowl or box cars have to climb not only hands but also feet and stuff, no matter how small would have the capacity.

8. Oleg woke up, went to brush your teeth. Egor as little povtoryushka, all copies of the Pope, so gets his toothbrush and proudly, as a dad, brushing his teeth.

9. And this time I Grate fruits in addition to gruel for breakfast. Because of their neurological features and underdevelopment our baby is still almost do not know how to chew and bite. Therefore blender and float our best friends, especially when it's food for the journey. And we accustom to pieces gradually in a playful way separate from the main meal.

10. My guys came to clean the kitchen, Yegor, as soon as he saw me, immediately flew to me, "Superman." We have to pick it up and go with the Pope to wear.

11. A boy dressed already out, and need more time to get dressed herself, drink cocoa and Yegor collect food for the road, late. Egor collect food for the journey, and the boy hanging on my leg - a common phenomenon, as I move around the kitchen almost always

12. Oleg took my shoes Yegor. It's almost a ritual: while dad wears shoes, Yegor actively trying to come off the bench hugging

13. 10:36 left, late for 30 minutes. The long-awaited feed porridge Yegor, it allows to go to silence minutes 20.

14. Yegor not quite proper metabolism, we will adjust with the help of various dietary supplements under the supervision of genetics.

15. The House did not have time to make up. If you are in the mood, I often do it in the car while standing in traffic jams? of all it is necessary to benefit.

16. Here we are at the center, where Egor will connect the speech processor of a cochlear implant.

17. This office, where it will be the most important event that we have been waiting for.

18. Put on the speech processor of cochlear implatna, is setting via PC: Egor sounds fed directly into the ear, that is, he hears sounds from the inside. People still do not understand and checks, and where his mind when something sounded.

19. Pretty soon our soobrazhun glades that sounds in his ears makes Aunt at the computer, and not coming off looked at her, and on the PC.

20. The second part of the settings - check reactions to external sounds, and not through the computer. Audiologist makes sounds different musical instruments and shows their Egor. It seems more like a boy herself rattle than the sound of it. The audiologist said that such a reaction kids for the first time is quite normal for him all these sounds a novelty in hearing apparatik he heard a very different (and even if he had heard anything about them?). And now he would need some time to get used to the new sound to the brain to regroup, re-learned to listen and decipher the sounds. This can happen in a week, and a month later, and after a few months. And you have many, many engage with the child, to accelerate this process.

21. Here's what that part of the cochlear implant, which is Egor under the skin of the head: transparent - a silicone in which magnets, hereinafter - the implant itself (receiver / stimulator) and electrodes that go into the cochlea.

22. And so the implant is placed under the skin Egor, so it has at this point a small bump.

23. For such a small device relies so much in the form of accessories and service material - the whole huge bag!

24. At 12:57 hours, we were allowed to go home.

25. Egor said: "All I carry with me." Joke :)
In this interesting and unusual part of our day ends in the afternoon nothing sverhinteresnogo was not just the most ordinary mundane affairs of life a little boy, well, with some amendments to our "features".

26. On the way back we just arrange a snack machine to house no longer spend time on it. The road back was less calm than there, because the boy was tired and had to entertain his dancing bear, sit with him, hiding under my mother's scarf as a house, and a loud, loud singing. Unfortunately, I was so fascinated by the game that I forgot all that sfotkat extravaganza. Oleg, as the driver, nerves of steel, I must say. At home, we immediately began to dress for an afternoon nap, because Malchish was severely overworked new impressions from the trip in general and of new sensations in the ear. But with such dancing with a tambourine kicking and flourishes we usually change clothes.

27. Yes, do not be surprised, like this, and so far the only way we are able to lay Babe sleep. Due to its neurological abnormalities, Yegor very bad sleep during the day and at night, he can not sleep, as do normal kids. He is very sensitive to light, so you have to wear eye masochku and unnecessarily seam on the operation of the eye has not healed to Kona to gum from the mask does not rub, have to wear a hat. And since our little man is very sensitive to tactile sensations he feels much more comfortable when his loose something is holding, so you have to wrap it in prostynochku, so he is not going to sleep wakes itself handles. And now, my kulechek ready and is calling my mother to lie down next to him. Sleeps so far only with me, without me, can not sleep at all the night will Kolobrodov, and is not itself able to sleep.

28. While Egor falls asleep, I check the phone or tablet-mail and personal social networking, but in a position to respond to the weight is very difficult, so I always tormozhu answers. Too much for the boy was under the impression today and this time Yegor slept longer than usual and slept very restless, so I had to lie all the time with him.

29. Oleg at this time engaged in farming in the kitchen, cleans, washes the dishes, cooking beans Yegor, and warms himself prepared me on the eve of the fish. Here's a golden husband cleans up after me my chaos.

30. Ta-dum! Egor decided that today he is a sleep only an hour and that's my hero already jumped up and go to sleep no longer going.

31. Almost always after a nap comes to us Oleg to lie a little bit together with us and stay with Egor.

32.Standartnye obnimashki with my dad.

33. The man goes back to land in the bath, and my dad gets back to work. He squandered half a day with us in Moscow, now we have to catch up.

34. Cynul distracted by a new bag with accessories for cochlear implants, and I ran to the kitchen to warm up the dinner yourself and baby. Miraculously managed to hang wash things, lay scattered toys in the kitchen. Came into the room to bring detke drink, he immediately stuck with me ...

35. ... and so it went for me in the kitchen, holding his leg

36. It was possible to divert Babe lighting in the oven and while he plays grind beans and vegetables in a blender.

37. Time - 16:35

38. My attempts to feed varmint right way on the floor, did not succeed, so the pope intervened and managed to sit in sonny highchair (mine is obtained through time - the boy began to show its character, and I'm not always good)

39. That I can not feed my two spoons, I use it hints ABA therapy for children with special needs: Egor knows that what he eats a spoonful of vegetables, he got a promotion - a drop of honey on the second spoon.

40. At the end of the meal - Yegor accustom to solid food. I put before him a plate of beans and allow to do with it, whatever. Baby, who can not chew often need to give an opportunity to study all possible food tactile ways.

41. As long as man is busy studying the structure of a bean, I run dishes. In the sink - Homemade painted plates, which I gave to her husband, when we were just friends.

42. A boy abruptly turned to go out highchair (he almost always does - coached by my reaction).

43. It is time to dress for the walk. I stand before the mirror and pushes her hair in a bun, Yegor crawls and copies all my actions, it touches me so! It started recently and I'm still not used to it.

While I was changing, the boy has done another incident on the mat. I had to wash the hero of the first crash, then the crime scene.
44. After she washed with soap and a place to crash, give a new cloth baby wipes are also let to established relationships: done Affairs - Removes the consequences. Egor begins its cloth to wipe everything :)

45. And here we are, finally, fully dressed and ready to go for a walk and went ... terrible downpour outside. Hence, the need to change the waterproof pants on, because Egor on the street does not go, and creeps in previous pants after the rain does not walk.

46. While we wait out rain, I hope to have time to quickly check your mail and answer at least a couple of letters, but Egor very soon comes back and hangs on her leg.

47. On the first day he quite often removes the speech processor with abalone and gives him or me or Oleg. Whether unusual sensations, whether he realized that in this way can attract attention

48. At 18:26 hours, the rain ended, a boy dressed as waterproof trousers and ready to go for a walk.

49. crawled out into the street by a special ramp for wheelchair (in Butovo many people on wheelchairs). Yegor himself does not know how to walk only with the support and the handles, so when he wants to go somewhere quickly get it creeps. In recent years, he is a complete rejection of the wheelchair and sling, he wants stupidly crawl and roll machine. Therefore, it moves all fours, straight from kvaritry the elevator and so on to the street and down the street too. Yes, unhygienic, but my problem - the child as much as possible and move until he is able to walk and did not want to go by the handles, it is better to let the creeps and develops muscle than sitting in a doll carriage. Although he is not sitting in a wheelchair and screaming hysterically, if put into it. And because of this exemption behavior, we will not get away more than our playground. Previously we so cool walking through the woods, went to visit, and now just playground and surrounding area to where the boy could crawl.

50. According to the site, too, sonny moves on all fours, well, a special coating on it and the handle is not cold. The point is that my mother ran away and rolled in front of the stroller and baby will crawl with the machine in the hands of mum and catch up. Well, that Yegor very tiny boy in his nearly three years, on the face of it appears a half, so does not cause its views creeping terror in others.

51. While my kid carefully studied the structure of wet sand, he dove into a pool one leg, which was right in the sandbox and quite soaked her

52. Both the "ask" home. Return home the same way you came - crawling. The clock 19:34

53. While we were crawling home, I called Oleg and asked to fill the bathtub with warm water to immediately download there soaked boy. Time when the baby is bathed - these are the most cherished moments when you can work out something for themselves to breed, for example, and if put on a headset, and catch a couple of minutes and with cracked his girlfriend on the phone. But it turns out it's not for long, ah, what a pity that I do not have a third hand ...

54. Since in the morning we missed classes because of our most important trip, we have to catch up too late in the evening. Draws attention to the son of music - shows that you can dance to the music. When the music stops, I also froze. Then we "dance" together.

55. Now more complex exercises at the table to practice hearing.

56. The peculiar family photo - teach family members. Not all classes began to photograph at first glance they may seem very monotonous. The essence is that with such small restless little men need to engage in a playful way and a lot of fun and emotionally, and it does not appear in the pictures :)

57. It was almost ten o'clock, so we immediately run into the kitchen to warm supper (Oleg had a snack while we walked).

58. As the evening feeding us very long, I usually listen to at this time webinars or just watch movies. First synulka shrimp feed (this is one of the few that he agrees to learn to chew), and then finish feeding the rest, grinding it in a blender.

59. At 22:15 hours. Usually at this time we have put to bed, but today we have something was late.

60. While I clean the kitchen, the boys work hard. It's almost a ritual - to sit at bedtime five minutochek dad on the handles.

61. And so here we are yet laid on the night's sleep. Unfortunately, while that on the night baby to sleep alone in a sling. This time, he dragged with him to burrow even machine.

62. About half an hour Yegor fell asleep, and we were going to Oleg discuss our future plans, but called his mother and said that on TV show program about children with special needs and we really should see it. We do not have TV, so we opened the website of TV channel and watch the recording of this program.