Child development at 12 months
A year later, I was born a little man. This is a serious milestone. This date officially marks the end of infancy and the beginning of childhood. From a completely helpless and defenseless, your baby has become an independent, fully conscious of the researcher, an adult and unique, with special character and already formed habits.
Skills at 12 months:
• walks or maybe to do a few steps
• understands speech addressed to him, fulfills the requests and can speak a few individual words, trying to put them in simple sentences
• knows the names of all family members and familiar people can call them
• knows the names of all the objects and animals, shows them the pictures
• uses many items are intended, for example: a hammer, a toy iron or a phone, and plays in the most simple casual games, such as: feeding and putting to bed a doll
• is able to search for the hidden object
• throws the ball
• independently drinks from a Cup and uses a spoon, yet rather clumsily
• takes the character, cranky if his demands are not met
• sensitive to the presence or departure of people, shows affection to parents and favorite toys
• able to joke shows a sense of humor, loves socializing and enjoys playing with adults
• curious peers and finds common language with them.
Physical development
In the last month of the first year child gains in body weight 300-350 g and 1.5 cm in height. So, the weight to the end of the year is 10-11 kg, and the growth 75-78 see don't worry if the numbers are a little different from the above mentioned. All children develop differently, because of its constitutional features. The baby moves freely around the house, can climb the stairs on the stairs, of course under adult supervision. Able to stand up from a sitting position. Standing can stoop low and put your hands or head in the floor or bending down to pick up the toy. If the child who is dancing or doing exercises, the baby will try to imitate the movements.
The first teeth To the year of the baby usually appears 8 to 12 teeth. Of course this number is approximate and each child develops individually. Make sure only that your growing body gets a sufficient amount of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D. leave the Rest to the correction nature. The mode of the day
At night, the baby sleeps about 11 hours. Daytime sleep is 2-3 hours. Increased time of wakefulness of the kid. This time should be spent with the maximum advantage: to play, to read, to promote the physical and mental development, to encourage the development of speech, gait, independence, skills of hygiene and new and different actions. As in previous months mandatory daily walks, bathing, massage and gymnastics.
A walk In the summer time it is advisable spend a lot of time outdoors. Well, if during sleep the baby sleeping on the street. During wakefulness, give the kid the opportunity to communicate with peers, and the ability to research and study the surrounding world: let's stomping through puddles, kicking the leaves, tear flowers and grass, romping in the sandbox, tactile sensations are very important and are able to occupy the child's attention. Maintain the curiosity of the child when he is interested in some object — tell us about it, to show attention to his discoveries and findings, then the kid will be harder to keep looking new.
Feeding As before, you can feed 5 times a day, however, and a transition to the power 4 times. Feed your baby immediately after waking up and then every 3-4 hours. Definitely the variety in food and daily presence in the diet of fruit juices and purees. In anticipation of the year, many moms are thinking about the termination of breast-feeding and the final transition to traditional food. Indeed, such a change will be painless for the baby, he's strong enough physically, is able to obtain all essential nutrients from adult food, it is psychologically too independent and passionate about their research to dramatically react to such changes. Game
In games the child develops, learns the world. Delighted to repeat your actions, sounds and behavior. Play hide and seek, build blocks, collect the designers and pyramids. During the joint sessions repeat the names of toys, explain actions and rules. Be sure to give the opportunity to play independently, without your participation. At this age the child needs the following toys: • the blocks
• ball
• pyramids and the first constructors
• wind-up toys
• musical instruments
• soft toys
• children's books and pictures.
Do not offer the baby all the toys at once, better to change them periodically, so it will be interesting. Be sure to monitor the games with small parts, immediately throw away broken toys with dangerous sharp edges. Speech development
Speaking and walking — the most important aspects of the development at this age. They slightly compete with each other and it often happens that a baby focuses on one thing, for example, if language development occurs rapidly, the walking skills are developing a little slower. Passive voice supply of the child updated and expanded daily: he already knows the names of the adults and other children, the names of many objects and activities, fruits and animals. Active vocabulary can be added with not much or stay the same. Exercise with your child constantly, supplementing their stories with pictures and voice your actions. It is important, expressive to pronounce letters and words, not Lisp and does not distort your speech.
12 months is a active time of development and learning. The baby opens his own "I" and learning to relate it to the world. Your task is to provide a safe and comfortable environment and to create a special family atmosphere, which will help to make a happy childhood for your child.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: natural-medicine.ru

Skills at 12 months:
• walks or maybe to do a few steps
• understands speech addressed to him, fulfills the requests and can speak a few individual words, trying to put them in simple sentences
• knows the names of all family members and familiar people can call them
• knows the names of all the objects and animals, shows them the pictures
• uses many items are intended, for example: a hammer, a toy iron or a phone, and plays in the most simple casual games, such as: feeding and putting to bed a doll
• is able to search for the hidden object
• throws the ball
• independently drinks from a Cup and uses a spoon, yet rather clumsily
• takes the character, cranky if his demands are not met
• sensitive to the presence or departure of people, shows affection to parents and favorite toys
• able to joke shows a sense of humor, loves socializing and enjoys playing with adults
• curious peers and finds common language with them.
Physical development
In the last month of the first year child gains in body weight 300-350 g and 1.5 cm in height. So, the weight to the end of the year is 10-11 kg, and the growth 75-78 see don't worry if the numbers are a little different from the above mentioned. All children develop differently, because of its constitutional features. The baby moves freely around the house, can climb the stairs on the stairs, of course under adult supervision. Able to stand up from a sitting position. Standing can stoop low and put your hands or head in the floor or bending down to pick up the toy. If the child who is dancing or doing exercises, the baby will try to imitate the movements.
The first teeth To the year of the baby usually appears 8 to 12 teeth. Of course this number is approximate and each child develops individually. Make sure only that your growing body gets a sufficient amount of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D. leave the Rest to the correction nature. The mode of the day

At night, the baby sleeps about 11 hours. Daytime sleep is 2-3 hours. Increased time of wakefulness of the kid. This time should be spent with the maximum advantage: to play, to read, to promote the physical and mental development, to encourage the development of speech, gait, independence, skills of hygiene and new and different actions. As in previous months mandatory daily walks, bathing, massage and gymnastics.
A walk In the summer time it is advisable spend a lot of time outdoors. Well, if during sleep the baby sleeping on the street. During wakefulness, give the kid the opportunity to communicate with peers, and the ability to research and study the surrounding world: let's stomping through puddles, kicking the leaves, tear flowers and grass, romping in the sandbox, tactile sensations are very important and are able to occupy the child's attention. Maintain the curiosity of the child when he is interested in some object — tell us about it, to show attention to his discoveries and findings, then the kid will be harder to keep looking new.
Feeding As before, you can feed 5 times a day, however, and a transition to the power 4 times. Feed your baby immediately after waking up and then every 3-4 hours. Definitely the variety in food and daily presence in the diet of fruit juices and purees. In anticipation of the year, many moms are thinking about the termination of breast-feeding and the final transition to traditional food. Indeed, such a change will be painless for the baby, he's strong enough physically, is able to obtain all essential nutrients from adult food, it is psychologically too independent and passionate about their research to dramatically react to such changes. Game
In games the child develops, learns the world. Delighted to repeat your actions, sounds and behavior. Play hide and seek, build blocks, collect the designers and pyramids. During the joint sessions repeat the names of toys, explain actions and rules. Be sure to give the opportunity to play independently, without your participation. At this age the child needs the following toys: • the blocks
• ball
• pyramids and the first constructors
• wind-up toys
• musical instruments
• soft toys
• children's books and pictures.
Do not offer the baby all the toys at once, better to change them periodically, so it will be interesting. Be sure to monitor the games with small parts, immediately throw away broken toys with dangerous sharp edges. Speech development
Speaking and walking — the most important aspects of the development at this age. They slightly compete with each other and it often happens that a baby focuses on one thing, for example, if language development occurs rapidly, the walking skills are developing a little slower. Passive voice supply of the child updated and expanded daily: he already knows the names of the adults and other children, the names of many objects and activities, fruits and animals. Active vocabulary can be added with not much or stay the same. Exercise with your child constantly, supplementing their stories with pictures and voice your actions. It is important, expressive to pronounce letters and words, not Lisp and does not distort your speech.
12 months is a active time of development and learning. The baby opens his own "I" and learning to relate it to the world. Your task is to provide a safe and comfortable environment and to create a special family atmosphere, which will help to make a happy childhood for your child.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: natural-medicine.ru