The result is that we can't explain
Eighty million one hundred ninety four thousand thirty four
©Yoan Capote
Any activity leads to a result. Often, not the one that we wanted.
Even if the person refuses the plans, the failure is still a result. When desired when not.
A genuinely surprised — how did I come to such a life? They can't explain how you got what you wanted.
Whether it is self-deception, or protection of the psyche, which displaces the path of negativity, leading to the failure.
The strange thing is, achieving success, people also can not really explain how they did it.
That is, the subjective experience remains hidden from the person. Obviously, Einstein was right, who believed that it is necessary to go outside the system to look the part and understand what is happening inside the system.
Also, and with the experience of a particular person. To understand the path that led to a particular result required by the external observer.
There is another option — it's qualitative introspection, the ability to "unpack" my experience, to keep track of important steps, significant turns in the path. In fact, a Herculean task.
Try to begin to describe how you pour a Cup of tea. A simple task? Answer the following questions: how do you know you already want tea what to do step by step to brew, pour into a mug? As you know that tea drink and don't want?
Like, simple questions may even seem silly, but try now to train someone of your strategy of the tea party that the other person did the same.
©Yoan Capote
Don't be surprised if you discover many new things. For example, the other person may simply not understand how you can drink boiling water, or Vice versa, how can you drink cold tea. Why is it necessary to pour in a large mug or in a small and half. Just because he never did, for it is a strange and unusual experience.
Well this stuff. Try to figure out yourself how to achieve success in any activity:
business, art, building relationships, driving a car, cooking pancakes, etc.
Because something you get extremely well. When you come to the result?
Difficult task? And how to transfer this experience to another person? published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.nlplife.ru/blog/rezultat-kotoryj-my-ne-mozhem#blog_body
©Yoan Capote
Any activity leads to a result. Often, not the one that we wanted.
Even if the person refuses the plans, the failure is still a result. When desired when not.
A genuinely surprised — how did I come to such a life? They can't explain how you got what you wanted.
Whether it is self-deception, or protection of the psyche, which displaces the path of negativity, leading to the failure.
The strange thing is, achieving success, people also can not really explain how they did it.
That is, the subjective experience remains hidden from the person. Obviously, Einstein was right, who believed that it is necessary to go outside the system to look the part and understand what is happening inside the system.
Also, and with the experience of a particular person. To understand the path that led to a particular result required by the external observer.
There is another option — it's qualitative introspection, the ability to "unpack" my experience, to keep track of important steps, significant turns in the path. In fact, a Herculean task.
Try to begin to describe how you pour a Cup of tea. A simple task? Answer the following questions: how do you know you already want tea what to do step by step to brew, pour into a mug? As you know that tea drink and don't want?
Like, simple questions may even seem silly, but try now to train someone of your strategy of the tea party that the other person did the same.

©Yoan Capote
Don't be surprised if you discover many new things. For example, the other person may simply not understand how you can drink boiling water, or Vice versa, how can you drink cold tea. Why is it necessary to pour in a large mug or in a small and half. Just because he never did, for it is a strange and unusual experience.
Well this stuff. Try to figure out yourself how to achieve success in any activity:
business, art, building relationships, driving a car, cooking pancakes, etc.
Because something you get extremely well. When you come to the result?
Difficult task? And how to transfer this experience to another person? published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: www.nlplife.ru/blog/rezultat-kotoryj-my-ne-mozhem#blog_body
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