Interesting facts about bananas
Bananas from ancient times are in high demand. Today they can be seen in selling worldwide and not just in their own maturation.
What makes bananas so attractive? Bananas are easy to clean, it is convenient to have on hand when you need a snack. This fruit is considered to hypoallergenic, allowing you to give him food, and even kids. Bananas – good source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium.
It is believed that the birthplace of bananas — jungle of Asia. The stem of a banana — not wood, so the wind более25 m. per second can easily destroy a whole plantation of bananas per minute. That is why every plant has a backup.
Bananas are harvested after 8-10 weeks after their appearance on the branches. Gather them green and matured in special factories, and then they go to the shops.
If you bought bananas and don't want to peel the blackened, store the fruit at room temperature. If banana need to ripen a bit, put it in the refrigerator, the peel will blacken, but the fruit will become sweeter. To help the banana ripen and is possible at room temperature, by placing a banana in a brown paper bag overnight. If placed in the same package is already ripened bananas, the process will accelerate.
Bananas can be frozen by placing in vacuum bags or containers, removing the peel.
Completely green bananas or bananas with green tips are best for cooking in General and, in particular, for frying. Banana is best kept out of the plant that produced it, so don't be afraid to buy green bananas. If you leave a banana to ripen on the plant branch, then the skin will crack, and the fruit will be nevkusnym, which is why bananas are picked still green.
Source: /users/559
What makes bananas so attractive? Bananas are easy to clean, it is convenient to have on hand when you need a snack. This fruit is considered to hypoallergenic, allowing you to give him food, and even kids. Bananas – good source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium.

It is believed that the birthplace of bananas — jungle of Asia. The stem of a banana — not wood, so the wind более25 m. per second can easily destroy a whole plantation of bananas per minute. That is why every plant has a backup.
Bananas are harvested after 8-10 weeks after their appearance on the branches. Gather them green and matured in special factories, and then they go to the shops.

If you bought bananas and don't want to peel the blackened, store the fruit at room temperature. If banana need to ripen a bit, put it in the refrigerator, the peel will blacken, but the fruit will become sweeter. To help the banana ripen and is possible at room temperature, by placing a banana in a brown paper bag overnight. If placed in the same package is already ripened bananas, the process will accelerate.
Bananas can be frozen by placing in vacuum bags or containers, removing the peel.

Completely green bananas or bananas with green tips are best for cooking in General and, in particular, for frying. Banana is best kept out of the plant that produced it, so don't be afraid to buy green bananas. If you leave a banana to ripen on the plant branch, then the skin will crack, and the fruit will be nevkusnym, which is why bananas are picked still green.
Source: /users/559
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