Effective Ayurvedic remedies for cough and cold

The common cold is almost always accompanied by cough.From the point of view of Ayurveda, a cold is a disease of Kapha type. Like any disease, is different, depending on vikriti – Vata type, Pitta type and Kapha type.
Cough of Vata type usually dry with scanty sputum, cough frequent, painful and with a distinctive sound. Can be a pain in the chest and heart, headaches. There are dry mouth, hoarse voice, and sometimes nervousness, anxiety, or insomnia.
When you cough, Pitta-like leaves, yellowish phlegm, sometimes mixed with blood. There is fever, thirst, burning sensation in the throat and chest, bitter or spicy taste and dry mouth.
Cough Kapha-type is accompanied by expectoration of thick phlegm, clear or white in color, the dirt doesn't happen often. Can be aversion to food, feeling of heaviness, sweet taste in mouth, excessive salivation and nausea, vomiting. In the lungs can be a lot of phlegm.
Ways to treat a cold and cough a lot. But, treat, no treat, and it will take time of output of mucus, almost equal to its accumulation. As they say even experienced doctors of conventional medicine "If a cold treat, it will take a week. If not treated, then 7 days".
So act all known to you methods, domestic, national. About the drugs and antibiotics is sometimes necessary, but for the most part, knows what to act and medications are not successful.
Let's talk about the cough that remains after a common cold for a long time. It happens to 3-4 months. This cough almost takes nothing from the well-known methods.Many medicines and cough syrups suppress it, without mucus.
Mucus coughing is well excreted by inhaling fumes of turmeric (curcuma)
One of the best home remedies for colds and lung diseases are the seeds of fenugreek. Other names: Shambhala, fenugreek (fenugreek), methi, hilbe, Greek soczewica, camel grass. This is not a spice, a plant of the legume family. Experts believe that if all drugs to put on one scale, and another the fenugreek, then the scales would be balanced. The list of diseases in which the fenugreek brings relief is huge. Will only stop the cough.
Avicenna wrote: "Fenugreek soothes the throat and chest pain, soothes cough and asthma, especially when cooking with honey (note – Avicenna writes about cooking with honey, although all of his contemporaries suggest that honey cannot be heated above 40%. But to argue with Avicenna, we may not).

Fenugreek is used in influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, a protracted, chronic cough, chronic cough, bronchial asthma.
Except for the name fenugreek (Shambhala, fenugreek), also known under the names methi, hilbe, Chaman, Greek hay, Greek goat Shamrock, Greek soczewica, cocked hat, camel grass.
Belongs to the legume family and is not a spice, and beans, as a good source of vegetable protein. Fenugreek is so valuable that there is even a belief that "if all medicines put on one scale, and another the fenugreek, then the scale would be balanced".
Use all parts of the plant. The seeds have a strong, slightly sweet odor, napominalki walnut and mushroom.
Fenugreek reduces Vata and Kapha, increases Pitta.
The seeds contain a lot of nutrients: proteins, starch, sugar, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, vitamin a, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B9 (folic acid), efirnyi oil, enzymes, amino acids.
Studies have shown that the fenugreek composition very similar to fish oil, which is very important for vegetarians. The high content in fenugreek selenium and magnesium allows it to be plants that have a protective effect against cancer.
Fenugreek seeds are one of the best home remedies for colds and lung diseases.
Recommended 2 tsp seeds boil in 1 Cup water for 5-10 min. on low heat with dates, figs. Take 3-4 times a day for ½ Cup, you can dobavlyali honey. Dry cough helps a milky broth of seeds. The bitter taste of the infusion of fenugreek seeds choke a small addition of fennel.
When you cough, especially dry, and even chronic, long-intractable to any treatment helps the jelly: fennel, cardamom, fenugreek, you can also add cumin (Zira). Take 2 tbsp, fennel. Grind, take pieces about 6 large figs or 10 dates, cut into small pieces, cover with water, 2-3 cups, and simmer on low heat 15 min. Sometimes it is necessary to add water in the cooking process, so it doesn't stick. It turns out thick porridge (you can take more water, more liquid will form). After cooling, grind in a blender. Store in refrigerator, as needed take ½ of this mixture (it thickens even more), diluted with warm water or milk. Some are not bred to a liquid state, and just eat with a spoon. No matter, the main thing is to eat or drink.
Source: aayurveda.ca/illness/coughing-remedies/
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