15 myths and facts about the "medical home"
Let's face it: the Russians can not stand to go to the doctors. It is unclear whether the Soviet legacy frightens us images of endless queues, or the famous Russian "maybe" plays a role, but the fact remains: the doctor of our human Kalach not entice. And once! Meanwhile, on the threshold of winter, which means that many will have to remember that a runny nose and cough, as well as to think about how it would treat. And then in the course are proven methods for grandmother - honey vodka compress, nasal lavage with brine ... Ugh!
So whether the onions and garlic are effective in fighting the common cold? Whether rights were our mothers and grandmothers, when we were forced to breathe over a saucepan of hot potatoes to cure the common cold? On these and other issues associated with traditional treatments responded practitioners in Moscow, Website publish their answers.
Myth number 1: When colds need to drink tea with raspberry or honey h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «In this case, tea with raspberry or honey may be partially useful: a person gets a decent amount of liquid with various vitamins and protective substances. In the specific case of honey and raspberry, clear evidence that they help with colds, no. Thus there is no evidence to support this method denied organism. We can only say that the raspberries in large quantities has some antipyretic effect.
Myth number 2: From cold symptoms helps foot bath with mustard h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «There is no evidence that this method can help the patient. Theoretically, the procedure can even be harmful. First, the patient strongly warms legs, and then a period of chilling, that hardly promotes healing ».
Myth number 3: When colds and coughs have to put hot jars h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Hot banks caused a strong increase in the rush of blood to the skin and involve the reflex mechanisms that could potentially help alleviate state. It is difficult to say whether this method is effective in the treatment of cough is. After all, there are different types of cough, and there is no guarantee that the hot jars will be useful in getting rid of any particular type. In the treatment of common cold, asthma or chronic bronchitis smokers I would definitely not recommend this method ».
Myth number 4: Runny nose will heal inhalation of hot potato h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Inhalation of warm moistened air can actually be useful for some types of rhinitis and some other ENT diseases. Today, many doctors prescribe nebulizer therapy with mineral water for treatment of the vocal cords and throat. And inhaled over a saucepan of potatoes - in effect replacing inhalation therapy, but is much less effective. It should be noted that the temperature during this procedure is difficult to control. And there is a risk of damage to the vocal cords by inhalation of vapors especially hot potato ».
Myth number 5: Garlic - effective means for the prevention of influenza h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «For the prevention of influenza is garlic - means very little. Nevertheless, there are certain prerequisites to ensure that volatile contained in garlic can actually protect us from some of the viruses that cause SARS.
Myth number 6: In order for the hurt place is not formed a bruise, you need to attach to it a cold h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «In severe injuries should not do it. Athletes, for example, are special types of freezing. As for just something cold, we do not know what the temperature and the mechanism of action, it is difficult to say, it is possible to apply or not. Additional cold can be a factor that will only aggravate the injury ».
Myth number 7: The patient's throat to help rinse with a solution of salt, soda and iodine h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Salt and soda really are antiseptics. They, of course, less modern and less tasty, but can provide a disinfecting effect of reducing the number of bacteria that live on the mucous membrane. As for iodine to be very careful. Firstly, it can not swallow because delivery of high doses of iodine in the body can destabilize the function of the thyroid gland. And secondly, the alcohol solution of iodine is irritating substance and can cause serious damage to the mucosa.
Myth number 8: Drink starch solution diarrhea h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Potentially water with starch can help with some types of diarrhea. But will it involve the use? Firstly, some types of diarrhea accompanied by bacterial growth or exposure of the infectious agent. In this case, the starch can further give them only medium. Secondly, the starch is not optimal tool for irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea-predominant (that patients with this disease often used starch). Therefore, in most cases, it can result in either a temporary reduction of symptoms or cause more harm than good ».
Myth number 9: In the case of poisoning vomit help water with salt h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «When indigestion, poisoning with alcohol or food vomiting is better to call in a simpler way - with the help of the gag reflex, which is enough to tickle the toes back of the throat. After that you can drink a glass of water and repeat the process as many times as necessary. If there is a possibility that the food was contaminated with harmful bacteria, the water should be added to the antiseptic. Poisoning - is serious business, so if you have symptoms of intoxication, fever and abdominal pain you should always consult a doctor ».
Myth number 10: To wound or bruise attach plantain h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Harm from plantain will be more than good. Psyllium can help a little quicker to clot blood when minor abrasions. But in this case it may comprise on its surface a large number of pathogenic bacteria that degrade wound healing in the future. So in any case it is impossible to do ».
Myth number 11: Iodine mesh on the back - a worthy response cough h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Among the practitioners, there are those who argue that the iodine grid helps with some inflammatory diseases of soft tissues. But, nevertheless, it does not help cough. If we talk about injuries, inflammatory diseases, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue - here you can still talk about the effect of iodine on the skin cells on fibroblasts. But as for the effect on the cough, it is a delusion ».
Myth number 12: Lubricate the oil burn h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Burns not be lubricated with oil. First aid for burns involves as much as possible faster cooling. If you grabbed the hot frying pan, you need to dip his hand under running cold water. This is necessary to get done within a few seconds. In the future, we must act according to the stage of burn. Antiseptics are needed that do not contain alcohol. But conventional oil need not be applied ».
Myth number 13: sunburn? Spread the skin cream or yogurt h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «Anyone safe fat-containing component can alleviate the condition after the scorching sun (though not the fact that speed healing of the skin). However, the danger may be in the fact that these products contain a large number of bacteria. It is not clear how they are applied to the burned skin will affect the future development of damage. It is better to use special oils or "Panthenol" ».
Myth number 14: If sore throat help hot milk with butter h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «If we mean by a sore throat sore throat when the throat dries and it requires humidification, the milk and Oil help because their application gives a feeling of moisture. But mixing milk and butter? I think it's too much. It is possible that in the lung during pharyngitis will simply warm milk or tea - no oil, of course ».
Myth number 15: Rub the alcohol from the body temperature h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: «By the time a person has a fever, it usually has expanded vessels of the skin. Rubbing the skin with alcohol, is not likely to increase the heat transfer. As for beginning of the period of temperature rise , rubbing the skin with alcohol it is partly logical. The man takes the centralization of blood vessels of the skin constrict.
Our expert: h3> Jaroslav Ashihmin: MD, internist, cardiologist, member of the European Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, author of over 70 scientific publications
So whether the onions and garlic are effective in fighting the common cold? Whether rights were our mothers and grandmothers, when we were forced to breathe over a saucepan of hot potatoes to cure the common cold? On these and other issues associated with traditional treatments responded practitioners in Moscow, Website publish their answers.