It was not so: a rational explanation of Greek myths
Greek myths They are presented to us as a divine-heroic epic created by the ancient people of Greece. However, it will be interesting to learn that the Greeks themselves, contemporaries of those events, often tried to rethink these stories. They tried to find a rational grain in them. Let’s just say: they were skeptical of myths, considering them nothing more than fairy tales.
Editorial "Site" I am happy to talk about how ancient Greek sages and philosophers explained certain events and why there is absolutely nothing divine or fabulous in ancient myths. However, the epic itself seems close and understandable, because it tells about people in terms of their shortcomings and advantages.
Greek legends were reinterpreted by such giants of thought as Herodotus and Hecataeus. Hellenic historians did the same, giving out literally about myths. testimonial. For example, the story of Io, who was allegedly kidnapped by Zeus. Herodotus tells us that the girl was actually kidnapped by pirates. But what happened to her then?
And then Io appeared in the courtyard of the king of Egypt, who, apparently, was the customer of this enterprise. In return, the king sent the girl’s father a cow. Perhaps as a gift or not to be sad. Well, gentleman They have already unleashed fantasy, turning this story into a myth, where unhappy Io turns into a cow.
There are entire treatises devoted to the question of myths. Some critics did not try to question the existence of deities and avoided interpreting the legends in which they appeared. Others, on the contrary, gave detailed explanations. For example, Heraclitus, who analyzed 39 subjects in his treatise. However, it is believed that he simply took a sample of earlier works and took only what he liked.
Philosophers in their debunking were guided by simple principles. Heraclitus was convinced that the legends of monsters actually featured robbers or leaders with frightening nicknames. Some myths appeared because of different interpretation of words or because of a banal error. Or even people's imagination.
Here he gives the example of the legend of the Heliads, sisters of the god Phaeton. According to legend, when they mourned for their brother, they became poplars. Heraclitus believed that the sisters just threw themselves into the river, and some people who moved along the stream after them, saw on some of the bends. poplar. Maybe even a whole grove. Why wouldn't they think the girls were poplars?
Greek myths are interesting about Medusa Gorgon. Although she is considered a monster according to myths, the story about her is probably much more prosaic than it seems. It appears to have been exceptionally beautifulIt is only from the sight of which men have “rocked”. And then she came across a young handsome Perseus, on whom she spent her fortune and youth. In other words, she lost her head!
The harpies were not monsters who robbed Phineas because of his curse, and so he could not eat properly. Heraclitus suggests that instead of harpy men were processed flocks of cute heteras, on the pleasures with which they spent all their money, and when wealth was depleted, enterprising They just went out. To be honest, this seems far from the truth.
Other notes about the heroes deserve attention. For example, Atlas could well be a serious scientist who studied astronomy and meteorology. It is said that he “holds space on his shoulders.” Orpheus, who was able to stop the beast by music, was obviously a professional in rhetoric and persuasion. This skill he may have used successfully in negotiations with savages.
Interesting and later notes about the famous king Midas and his donkey ears. Simply, according to the Hellenic sages, the king had a cloud of informants all over the country, due to which he managed to support the king. state. Hence the legend of the long ears. If they are long, they are like a donkey.
Something similar can be found in thinking about the Spartans, warriors who grew from the teeth of a dragon, and therefore invincible. Philosophers believed that the Boeotians lost to the Phoenicians because the latter used techniques unknown to them, and perhaps more so. perfect-armour. This led to the myth that the Spartans “came out of the earth.”
In our time, of course, it is easier to agree with the ancient Greek scientists, because their arguments are really rational and understandable. But sometimes you want to believe in fairy tales and think that really once on Olympus lived the gods who pacified the Titans and gave life to everything we know. Even in such extravagant ways as we know from myths.
Write in the comments if you like it. Greek And did you believe in school that these were just folk tales? Read our article on how to make the right Greek salad. Thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" I am happy to talk about how ancient Greek sages and philosophers explained certain events and why there is absolutely nothing divine or fabulous in ancient myths. However, the epic itself seems close and understandable, because it tells about people in terms of their shortcomings and advantages.
Greek legends were reinterpreted by such giants of thought as Herodotus and Hecataeus. Hellenic historians did the same, giving out literally about myths. testimonial. For example, the story of Io, who was allegedly kidnapped by Zeus. Herodotus tells us that the girl was actually kidnapped by pirates. But what happened to her then?

And then Io appeared in the courtyard of the king of Egypt, who, apparently, was the customer of this enterprise. In return, the king sent the girl’s father a cow. Perhaps as a gift or not to be sad. Well, gentleman They have already unleashed fantasy, turning this story into a myth, where unhappy Io turns into a cow.
There are entire treatises devoted to the question of myths. Some critics did not try to question the existence of deities and avoided interpreting the legends in which they appeared. Others, on the contrary, gave detailed explanations. For example, Heraclitus, who analyzed 39 subjects in his treatise. However, it is believed that he simply took a sample of earlier works and took only what he liked.

Philosophers in their debunking were guided by simple principles. Heraclitus was convinced that the legends of monsters actually featured robbers or leaders with frightening nicknames. Some myths appeared because of different interpretation of words or because of a banal error. Or even people's imagination.
Here he gives the example of the legend of the Heliads, sisters of the god Phaeton. According to legend, when they mourned for their brother, they became poplars. Heraclitus believed that the sisters just threw themselves into the river, and some people who moved along the stream after them, saw on some of the bends. poplar. Maybe even a whole grove. Why wouldn't they think the girls were poplars?
Greek myths are interesting about Medusa Gorgon. Although she is considered a monster according to myths, the story about her is probably much more prosaic than it seems. It appears to have been exceptionally beautifulIt is only from the sight of which men have “rocked”. And then she came across a young handsome Perseus, on whom she spent her fortune and youth. In other words, she lost her head!
The harpies were not monsters who robbed Phineas because of his curse, and so he could not eat properly. Heraclitus suggests that instead of harpy men were processed flocks of cute heteras, on the pleasures with which they spent all their money, and when wealth was depleted, enterprising They just went out. To be honest, this seems far from the truth.

Other notes about the heroes deserve attention. For example, Atlas could well be a serious scientist who studied astronomy and meteorology. It is said that he “holds space on his shoulders.” Orpheus, who was able to stop the beast by music, was obviously a professional in rhetoric and persuasion. This skill he may have used successfully in negotiations with savages.
Interesting and later notes about the famous king Midas and his donkey ears. Simply, according to the Hellenic sages, the king had a cloud of informants all over the country, due to which he managed to support the king. state. Hence the legend of the long ears. If they are long, they are like a donkey.
Something similar can be found in thinking about the Spartans, warriors who grew from the teeth of a dragon, and therefore invincible. Philosophers believed that the Boeotians lost to the Phoenicians because the latter used techniques unknown to them, and perhaps more so. perfect-armour. This led to the myth that the Spartans “came out of the earth.”
In our time, of course, it is easier to agree with the ancient Greek scientists, because their arguments are really rational and understandable. But sometimes you want to believe in fairy tales and think that really once on Olympus lived the gods who pacified the Titans and gave life to everything we know. Even in such extravagant ways as we know from myths.

Write in the comments if you like it. Greek And did you believe in school that these were just folk tales? Read our article on how to make the right Greek salad. Thank you for staying with us!
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