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10 secrets of the human psyche, which few people know

In this article, Site wants to introduce you to the so-called "breynhakami" - little tips, like using science to deal with some aspects of the human psyche and to establish a productive dialogue with himself

1.. Treat yourself well h2> Avoid the temptation to blame yourself for the mistakes and procrastination. Do not bring down on his head thunder and lightning for the failure of the planned affairs or a sign of weakness. Treat yourself with sympathy and forgive the shortcomings, even when it is not easy to do. Forgive yourself, you disable your brain start on a slippery slope of moral concessions, which leads to further disruptions and worsening of procrastination.

The scientific explanation h3> The term "moral indulgence" suggested Professor Stanford Kelly McGonigal. She spent a number of studies, as a result of which it became clear that our brains under the weight of guilt is particularly susceptible to the temptations. < The fact that the brain is designed to protect not only the health of the owner, but also his mood. While you are guilty, cursing himself for laziness and weakness, is pick the most abrupt and rude words in his address, trying to strengthen motivation, your brain is desperately looking for ways to cheer you. A most enjoyable seem, of course, what you are trying to avoid.

"Come on, you already ate a piece of cake, diet disrupted, and eat up the rest, limp jerk!" Or "Once again missed the deadline? Yes you throw this thing, it is on this kind of work you are incapable, lazy procrastinator! And to hell with it! Screening a selection of seals and go to bed! ". This is a graphic illustration of how the moral indulgence. Treat yourself well, forgive weakness, celebrating the success and avoid getting stuck in an endless circle of guilt and comforting indulgences.

2. Traps «freebies» h2> In boutiques, beauty salons, car dealerships, restaurants and other places of active spending money you can trap a very common trap: free services or small gifts. For example, a cup of tea while you wait your turn for a haircut from a master. Sweets in transparent vase on the store checkout. Compliment from the chef while preparing to order. Since establishment forms you have so-called "loyalty" to themselves and their brand.

< Tip: do not take anything for free, if you do not want to spend extra money

The scientific explanation h3> The man - a social animal in need of close co-operation with other members of their species. The mechanism of this interaction is honed by millions of years and firmly "sewn up" in your brain. And one of its components - a desire by all means "gave back" in response to a gift or response service to the service
Although you are not aware of their "duty", the brain sees an unexpected freebie it as a duty, and makes you feel obligated. Our ancient brain considers a gift as well as millions of years ago, when human society was no different from the population of monkeys - as an invitation for cooperation
Willy-nilly, to the unconscious "duty" to give: spontaneous shopping, calm attitude to the overpriced, recommendation brand familiar, etc. One cup of free coffee offered - and here you are already in the "trap freebies»
Marketers and business people all this is well known, so if you do not want to manipulate you, remember the rule: never take nothing for free - in our world there is no free

3. Read a little h2> Today - advice for those who love to read, but he was always busy. If you just can not bring myself to start reading a book, or, more commonly, starting out, but throw without getting to the end, try the old and very effective technique: ask yourself a number of pages that will be read in a day, and even this number will small. Let's say, 10 pages, but every day.

The scientific explanation h3> This hitch, annoying people smart, but engaged, provoked paralysis of analysis. Between you and interesting books is the fear of the brain - the fear of the volume of the work. You may not even realize it, but the brain does not favor long-term projects: they spent a lot of energy. You will forever telling yourself "tomorrow" ... or decide to read a little bit. < 10 pages do not scare your brain: it is a little, it is very long, and reading will not have time to tire you
The book is usually accommodates 200-300 pages, so one book you read through, on average, over the last month. 12 books a year - not too much, but it's 12 books more than anything, right? Besides, you only need to convince yourself to take the book in hand and start reading: then you are addicted and will read, of course, more: as much as you want. But if not - no, read at least a dozen pages and praise yourself for consistency and desire for knowledge

4. Train the mind h2> Visualize the skills that you want to obtain. What would you do, what goals have planned to accomplish - take the time during the day and at bedtime for visualization practice: to provide the desired details. Just do not thing I would like to have a skill that want to receive.

The scientific explanation h3> Visualization - a concept known as a specialist in the area of ​​the brain, and a wide range of people. The ability of the human brain to learn is so great that even simple view desired action makes him "include" activity in those regions, which are responsible for the actions performed in reality. This applies to any actions, even heavy exercise when you imagine that, for example, raises the bar to the desired muscles rushes blood to the brain prepares them to load. Of course, one's imagination you pump up muscles, but the rendering is able to cut your way to the dream and to strengthen motivation.

However, this breynhak works only when you visualize your own actions, not their results: for example, the visualization of the new beautiful car you may only soul warm and, for example, visualization of Action on making money on this machine will help put in order thoughts and set yourself a number of clear objectives.

5. Do not talk after the gym h2> Exercise extreme situation or make you more talkative than usual. Chatting during fitness easiest accidentally blurt out a secret, especially if you have been familiar with. So today breynhak is: if you are afraid to say too much - not too actively share information after a good job

The scientific explanation h3> Exercise extreme situations and trigger the body's response "fight or flight": increased heart rate, respiratory acceleration for better supply of oxygen to the muscles, blood flow to the extremities and other similar physiological activity of an organism. The brain responds to this state as the threat of danger and mobilize all forces in order to run away from it or to fight back.

< And in particular, increases the craving to communicate with other members of their species.

The mechanism of this connection is not fully understood, but Jonah Berger, a professor of the Wharton School of Business, in a series of experiments conclusively proved its presence. It can be assumed that the increase of the gab in case of danger saved the lives of our ancestors, forcing people to share information about the threat and the experience of overcoming it. Whatever it was - note: fiznagruzki makes you godsend for a spy. About half an hour after it.

6. Put charades h2> Put the puzzle, charades and other games and toys, "developing mindfulness, thinking speed and depth of knowledge." Mind games do not work, so do not waste your time on them. If you want to take care of the future of his brain, his functioning in old age - in for sports, as exercise - the only proven method of preventing cognitive

The scientific explanation h3> Give a word expert in the field of attention, a professor at Harvard, Jeremy Wolff: "In the US, recent video games are often advertised and applications that claim to help you increase your cognitive abilities and improve the function of attention. Many of the creators of game promise that you will not lose memory with age. However, most of the evidence suggests that the more you play these video games or solve Sudoku, the more you hone your skills only in this particular class.

If, instead, to drive a couple of blocks on the machine, you will walk (without any mental stress), it already will do you good. All this is mainly due to circulation. For example, my mother more than 80 years, and she is getting older. Does it have lost their mental faculties fully? If she wants to put money into something, then I would advise her to spend them on the gym, than any puzzle toys. »

7. Analysis Paralysis h2> If you have to make difficult business, to which you do not know how to approach, break the task into multiple subtasks. Moreover, the smaller will be the sub-tasks, the better.

For example, you need to make an important document. The first point would be: sit down at the table. Second, turn on the computer. Third, open a text editor. Fourth: to make the first two sentences
It is best to record these items, put the list in front of his eyes, and perform activities. < You will not notice how addicted to the process, and the job is done.

The scientific explanation h3> Paralysis Analysis (information overload) - a condition where too long and diverse thinking of the problem leads to the fact that working memory "off" prihvatyvaya with itself and the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the strength of will - prefrontal cortex. You can even experience the asphyxiation as a physical symptom of the onset of paralysis of analysis.

There is a method to trick the brain: try to do to stop thinking about his difficult task as the actual reality, and look at it solely as the sequence of the small, do not frighten the working memory task, , each of which will be handled consistently

8. Put in place h2> If you want to save more, but enjoy a walk to the shops? Walk, think of windows, but the do not touch anything, and even more so, do not take in hand. Once again: do not touch the goods, no matter how interesting and attractive they may seem. This will allow you without too much trouble to keep from spontaneous purchases.

The scientific explanation h3> On the scene of dopamine - a hormone which is still in some places (eg, Wikipedia) is called "hormone of pleasure". Actually dopamine - the hormone of desire rather than pleasure: it makes you want to, but it does not bring feelings of satisfaction. Dopamine acts as a carrot strapped to a donkey's nose: forces are infinitely move after the desires, but all the time moves the award You may have noticed:. Anticipation of buying the things you've always wanted, always gives more positive emotions, than follow the pleasure of owning this thing.

Your dopaminergic neurons begin to work as soon as you eye catches something interesting and attractive, but a hundred times more effectively they work, when the desired becomes tangible - in the truest sense. The blood flows to the face, the heart starts pounding harder (dopamine - a biochemical precursor of adrenaline) - and without even noticing, you already puts in the basket some unnecessary bullshit you. < sun'te hands deep in his pockets and Poglazov the goods - but no more

9. Close the plate h2> Focus on the feeling of hunger: do not sit at the table until they get hungry and get up from the table as soon as ate, even if the plate was left food. If you dine in the company and the possibility of immediately finish the meal you do not have, Close the plate as soon as feel satiated, for example, another plate or napkin. In an extreme case, simply remove his plate out of sight. This simple technique will help you not overeat.

The scientific explanation h3> Any conscious effort of will, in this case - to stop eating after reaching satiety, committed the prefrontal cortex - the center of your self. In technie day you make many decisions and doing hundreds of small choices - what to wear, what route to get to work, what to buy for dinner, etc., -.. That gradually depletes the resources of the prefrontal cortex, tired of her, and your will is weakened
Help your prefrontal cortex: removing the sight of food , you stop the process of production of dopamine, a hormone that causes a person to want to, that is, to perform actions in search of reward. The food your brain perceives as a reward, but only when you see it and smell. When you are full, the smell of food does not seem your brain so attractive, but eyes continue to transmit information on the "snacks» directly to your dopaminergic neurons, and this process is performed in addition to your mind (and desire).

Instead of having to strain willpower, consciously hold himself from "malnutrition" and eating, just hide the food out of sight and stop the production of dopamine. You will feel better in a few minutes.

10. Dim lights h2> An hour and a half before sleep dim the lights in all the rooms. Arrange in the bathroom can be switched from the top on a soft bright light and dim (for example, put there a table lamp). This incredibly simple technique improves falling asleep and improve the quality of your sleep.

The scientific explanation h3> The value of sleep for the various systems of the body can not be overestimated. In the dream produced hormones, healing the affected areas of tissue contributing to the growth and strengthening of muscle mass, destroying excess fat stores. If you stick to a diet - a dream most intensively lose weight. If exercise - during sleep restores and strengthens muscle tissue. If you are a child or teenager - in the dream you are growing. And all, without exception, people dream and structured archive received the day the information is treated vospomnianiya, "grow a" necessary for the development of brain synapses - connections between neurons in the brain
We humans are conducting daily life, so brain reacts to light as day and the darkness -. Both at night Turn the lights down, you give information - dusk and time to get ready for bed. In response, the brain gives the signal to the production of the hormone melatonin, a regulator of circadian rhythms. Melatonin, in turn, spreads all over your body the signal to start preparing for bed: metabolism slows down as you no longer need to produce energy for action, mental processes and transformed into "sleep mode". One and a half hours is enough to get your body to prepare for sleep.

Bathroom where you spend some time just before bedtime, making hygiene must also be dimly lit. < There's nothing worse than being exposed to bright light just before bedtime - claims circadian neuroscientist Russell Foster, a video with the TED conference which you can see below

Author Selena Parfyonova

via factroom.ru