Alla Abdrazyakova: Sick those internally rent
How closely related to our body and soul as our personality determines the state of our health, and how to heal itself from the inside - this in an interview with a clinical psychologist, researcher at the National Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. VP Serbian Alla Abdrazyakovoy.
- As far as reasonably claim that the state of mind very seriously affects our well-being?
- There is a whole new trend, to study the relationship between psychosocial factors, the central nervous system, immune system and disease - is psychoneuroimmunology. It appeared not so long ago, in the early '80s, and his ancestors are Nicholas Cohen and Robert Ader.
Over the past few decades, since a lot of evidence has been obtained that various stresses can affect health by altering the immune system. By and large stress is one of the main explanatory concepts, which is used to denote a wide range of events affecting the person and to indicate individual reactions to stressful life events.
- How important is the direction?
- It is not parapsychology, a modern science-based direction on the intersection of psychology and immunology. In this direction, even a different name - psychoimmunology, and even more difficult - psihoneyroendokrinoimmunologiya. This title adds more of the "endokrino-" because in addition to the nervous and psychic sphere there still is considered and the endocrine system, which is closely interconnected with both of them.
Somewhat earlier than psychoneuroimmunology, psychosomatic medicine appeared - the science that studies the relationship between mind and body. More was the division of approaches to ancient Greece - and we treat the patient, or we treat the disease, that is, or medicine focuses on illness as the disease of the body, or profess a holistic approach and consider the patient as a whole
. This was the background is for psychosomatic medicine at all, which is to the XIX century began to take shape in a serious science to date has accumulated a lot of data on the relationship of psychological and somatic spheres, how certain psychological factors may determine or influence the development of disease.
< br> However, at the beginning of psychosomatic diseases, the origin of which play the role of certain conflicting emotions, totaled a little, only seven: essential hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, duodenal ulcer and ulcerative colitis
. Scientists have noticed that all the suffering of people look for some personal characteristics, internal conflicts and models of response to certain events. Then the understanding of how psychology affects the physical well-being, expanded. And today it is believed that the psychosomatic aspect and have a cold, and tuberculosis.
It was a lot of experiments and observations, some of which are very significant. For example, according to the results of a Swiss study, about 80% - and this is a very high percentage - of people under the age of 40 years gave a positive reaction to the tuberculin (using tuberculin tests identify people to be vaccinated against tuberculosis, - a method of early diagnosis and evaluation tubercular process flow).
However, ill with tuberculosis only 5-10% of those infected. And the answer to the question, why not get sick all media tuberculosis bacillus, and only a limited percentage of people allows you to find psychoneuroimmunology.
Furthermore, human mental features may be factors which have lead to the development and disease. For example, essential hypertension describes a specific personality conflict - conflict between hostility, aggressiveness and increased demand depending
. People with rheumatic lesions described as people with high self-control, suppressing a healthy aggressive impulses and prone to self-sacrifice, is always ready to help - and self-restraint in the manifestation of healthy aggression begins to be expressed literally in the pathology of the organs of locomotion
. Then atopic dermatitis: a skin disease is considered as a result of violations of the relationship with her mother - describes the typical features such as difficulties in self-affirmation, strongly expressed passivity
. Or another example - the study, when scientists on the basis of psychological criteria try to predict who of the recruits who had been serving in the army, has an increased risk of developing a duodenal ulcer
. Psychologists from all recruits identified those who have a higher chance to be ill, and, as shown by the future, the percentage of hits in point was very high. In assessing the risk of the disease, they proceeded from the fact that the increased need for dependence and care, which is characteristic for patients with duodenal ulcer, will not be met during the service, and this will lead to the development of the disease. I think it's pretty convincing experiment.
- And what is the reason excessive immune response, for example, when inflammation develops in sepsis, or when the body reacts to some absolutely harmless things, as happens in allergy, which is called schizophrenia immune system?
- Interestingly, sometimes not only schizophrenia immunity, but actually an autoimmune disease called schizophrenia, because the mind is like destroying itself. And this is something there, because among people suffering from schizophrenia, a fairly high percentage of suicides. It turns out that a lot of things - it is a product of the war with himself or the world. Or do you live in love, or hate.
With regard to sepsis - it is associated with the weakening of the body's defenses. Apparently, in those cases it would be possible to apply the tenets of psychoneuroimmunology.
When allergies and, in view of the severity of the reflex component, are the reflex mechanisms in asthma. For example, the literature describes cases in which patients with bronchial asthma attack started at the sight of the artificial flower. Patients saw a flower, not knowing that he was not real, and they began the attack. It elaborated a conditioned reaction, described more Pavlov: conditioned responses are formed at the expense of learning, if one and the same stimulus over and over again cause the same reaction, forming a stable body's response
. - How predisposition to any disease caused by the type of personality? Or is it only applies to the so-called psychosomatic?
- Currently, the scope of diseases considered as psychosomatic, significantly expanded and described the psychological characteristics of people with a variety of diseases. For example, in the personality of people with TB, this feature stands out as an expression of vulnerability to any taking away of love: it is very important to stay safe near the mother
. - And if a person does not believe that his mind is able to affect his health, whether it is possible that he will really rid of this influence?
- The knowledge accumulated in the field of psychosomatic medicine, show that the person wants or does not want to, the impact is still there. Moreover, if we consider people who either do not believe in and do not pay attention to their feelings, they are characterized by the term
«alexithymia." It is people who have deficiency of fantasy, hardly versed in feelings, action-oriented, thinking very specifically. Alexithymia is currently just regarded as one of the mechanisms associated with the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, people may think: "It's nothing that I have depression" - and still sick
. We do not know much, but the fact remains that the state of depression, depression or anxiety later lead to a higher incidence. People in this state are more prone to disease. Psychoneuroimmunology explains this by the fact that the immune system's response to decreases and the body fights disease worse.
Any stress induces an immune response in the body, as well as emotional and nervous system. Through these systems and sought possible ways of stress effects on somatic well-being or ill-being. The disease usually occurs in the last phase of stress - exhaustion phase when resources are no longer remains, and the need to act. This usually occurs in a state of chronic stress.
Interestingly, acute stress, if a person conducts himself effectively in it, leads to an increase in the immune system. Faith man and his intention to struggle somehow could have a positive impact. Vadim Rotenberg has a concept which considers internal state of helplessness and failure of the search.
According to his model, the sick are the people who are internally rent. But when a man fights when he takes a proactive stance, then, in terms of Rothenberg, he, on the contrary, increased immunocompetence.
- But if a person makes a mistake in the course of these active measures? - It is important not so much the correct action, as the position itself. Active is the position or passivity and helplessness. And specify some only correct way to "actively work" is impossible: different situations different people themselves. And a mistake - it's not scary
. - If a person is aware of their internal problem and begins to solve it, it will allow him to get rid of health problems?
- You know, it is very rare that the person himself understood. Take hostility. When a person is hostile, for he is does not notice it, on the contrary, he thinks that it is the other people are bad. And if he is aware that he will have a chance to change everything - it will be other ways to respond, it will expand the behavioral repertoire, a repertoire of interaction with other people
. With regard to the beneficial effects on mental health, that is, instances when people spontaneously recovered. Someone refers to this critical, but I think that there are such cases - for example, there are cases of recovery from cancer. Psychosomatic component is very important, even in such serious diseases as cancer and AIDS.
- That is what he writes, for example, Louise Hay about the specific relationship between psychological problems and disease (not only cancer) of a certain organ, far from the truth?
- It is not the only person who writes about it, there are many other authors who are trying to bind a particular problem to a particular disease. There are some theories.
But there is not so unambiguous. From the standpoint of multifactorial theories, for example, it is not strictly states that specific organ disease is associated with a particular problem. They are taken into account and stress, and genetic predisposition, and certain congenital or acquired physiological vulnerability, because where thinly, there and tear.
Currently, researchers are cautiously talking about psihobiosotsialnom approach when there is a biological, psychological and social dimension and there are several factors associated with the occurrence of the disease. I think that the theory of the relationship of disease and mental bodies have a right to exist. Another thing - how to prove it scientifically: it is very difficult, because in the research we need to control the absence of other factors
. And it is not only psychosomatic, but also somatopsihika, ie somatic effects on the psyche. Here's a trivial example: when we are recovering after a long injury, we have improved the mood
. And this is natural, as well as the fact that before the man lying in bed covered in bandages and plaster, can experience depression. Or, let's say, such a situation: a person involved in an accident in which something happened to his body. But this time something happened with his psyche, especially if there was a threat to life and could cause post-traumatic stress disorder.
The same can occur with surgery, when there is a disruption of the body, some invasion, transformation of body image. There is a feeling of disturbance of bodily "I", the base for the person.
The integrity of our body to the mind is very important. There are theories that it was a bodily "I" is the basis for the formation of our "I" in general, a point of reference, and it is impossible to forget. The modern concept offers not consider the influence of one on the other, and to see the person as a whole system, where everything affects everything.
- Are there any obvious psychological background of the disease? For example, I'm still healthy, but watch closely what is happening in his inside. Are there any points that you need to pay special attention not to get sick?
- The point at which you need to pay attention - this is certainly depressed. And the depressed person may not particularly notice - it may just feel constant fatigue, which is often hidden behind the depression. This can be a general feeling of depression and increased anxiety.
In such a state it is very easy to get sick. If this is a chronic condition, it is possible to assume the increased risk. This is a reason to do anything - in some cases it makes sense to turn to professionals to address these issues
. Features typical of people with a particular disease, about which we have spoken - for example, the conflict between the impulses of anger, aggression and addiction in essential hypertension - are also prerequisites. To identify them, you must appeal to him, a reflection, a certain level of self-understanding. In any case it is very important to the overall feeling of well-being / ill-being.
- Is it possible to simulate the immunity by using positive stress?
- Probably not. We know many examples when the person who wants to jump out of a difficult situation, went on vacation or arranged a holiday, but fell ill because of the surge of forces caused by the positive stress.
Whether or not a positive stress - the body has a certain tolerance limit, a certain ceiling, jump higher which is quite difficult. If a person in life there is a lot of events, half of which is not heavy and happy, though this may weaken it.
- That is the practice of yoga, which offer a person does not ride on the emotional scale, but to be at zero, right?
- It is necessary to mention. Yoga and meditation - it is a very good method of self-regulation and control of diseases. In the treatment of psychosomatic diseases - no matter what kind of disease - except for certain contraindications, highly recommended neuromuscular relaxation
. This is the method that can reduce the level of nervous excitement and depression, to come to some equilibrium. Relaxation, relaxation sometimes with a kind of figurative representation, rendering some nice, positive things can achieve a certain balance and a positive emotional state.
- How else can people help themselves? For example, when it's cold and dark?
- First, you need to build your lifestyle. In the conditions of instability, stress sets needed calm and measured mode that is independent of external influences. Then classes need some nice things - for example, going to the pool
. But do not overload yourself training, namely to achieve a pleasant state of relaxation. Massage, again, contributes to this goal. Or going to the movies, but not in some horror, and comedy. We need to get as much positive emotions as possible. TV, by the way, a smaller look.
- Is it possible to create a psychological immunity against diseases, supporting himself in an even emotional state?
- There are statistics on people who visit psychologists, and psychologists themselves - in one study, for example, it was found that the average life expectancy and those and others on 30% higher than in the rest of the population. We need not only a one-time "cleaning" of his inner world. This should be a lifestyle, fashion and lifestyle.
We should not only look inward, but also to take certain actions. I've already talked about Rothenberg, who wrote that stress leads to the development of the disease in those who occupy a position of helplessness. And I like this theory -. She is very beautiful and humanistic
There are instances when a person becomes ill, but decided that he wants to get well, took the situation under control. Подобные случаи описывает литература, не всегда признаваемая в академических кругах, но тем не менее такие данные есть, и, если присмотреться, похожие случаи наверняка можно найти даже среди своего окружения. Ведь даже в случае травмы человек может вести себя очень по-разному.
Когда нет руки или ноги, нельзя её вернуть. Но можно впасть в отчаяние, изолироваться от жизни и других людей, занять позицию жертвы, а можно продолжать бороться, вести активный образ жизни, и понятно, что второе намного полезнее и продуктивнее.
Автор: Алла Абдразякова
Беседовала: Екатерина Антропова

- As far as reasonably claim that the state of mind very seriously affects our well-being?
- There is a whole new trend, to study the relationship between psychosocial factors, the central nervous system, immune system and disease - is psychoneuroimmunology. It appeared not so long ago, in the early '80s, and his ancestors are Nicholas Cohen and Robert Ader.
Over the past few decades, since a lot of evidence has been obtained that various stresses can affect health by altering the immune system. By and large stress is one of the main explanatory concepts, which is used to denote a wide range of events affecting the person and to indicate individual reactions to stressful life events.
- How important is the direction?
- It is not parapsychology, a modern science-based direction on the intersection of psychology and immunology. In this direction, even a different name - psychoimmunology, and even more difficult - psihoneyroendokrinoimmunologiya. This title adds more of the "endokrino-" because in addition to the nervous and psychic sphere there still is considered and the endocrine system, which is closely interconnected with both of them.
Somewhat earlier than psychoneuroimmunology, psychosomatic medicine appeared - the science that studies the relationship between mind and body. More was the division of approaches to ancient Greece - and we treat the patient, or we treat the disease, that is, or medicine focuses on illness as the disease of the body, or profess a holistic approach and consider the patient as a whole
. This was the background is for psychosomatic medicine at all, which is to the XIX century began to take shape in a serious science to date has accumulated a lot of data on the relationship of psychological and somatic spheres, how certain psychological factors may determine or influence the development of disease.
< br> However, at the beginning of psychosomatic diseases, the origin of which play the role of certain conflicting emotions, totaled a little, only seven: essential hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, duodenal ulcer and ulcerative colitis
. Scientists have noticed that all the suffering of people look for some personal characteristics, internal conflicts and models of response to certain events. Then the understanding of how psychology affects the physical well-being, expanded. And today it is believed that the psychosomatic aspect and have a cold, and tuberculosis.
It was a lot of experiments and observations, some of which are very significant. For example, according to the results of a Swiss study, about 80% - and this is a very high percentage - of people under the age of 40 years gave a positive reaction to the tuberculin (using tuberculin tests identify people to be vaccinated against tuberculosis, - a method of early diagnosis and evaluation tubercular process flow).
However, ill with tuberculosis only 5-10% of those infected. And the answer to the question, why not get sick all media tuberculosis bacillus, and only a limited percentage of people allows you to find psychoneuroimmunology.
Furthermore, human mental features may be factors which have lead to the development and disease. For example, essential hypertension describes a specific personality conflict - conflict between hostility, aggressiveness and increased demand depending
. People with rheumatic lesions described as people with high self-control, suppressing a healthy aggressive impulses and prone to self-sacrifice, is always ready to help - and self-restraint in the manifestation of healthy aggression begins to be expressed literally in the pathology of the organs of locomotion
. Then atopic dermatitis: a skin disease is considered as a result of violations of the relationship with her mother - describes the typical features such as difficulties in self-affirmation, strongly expressed passivity
. Or another example - the study, when scientists on the basis of psychological criteria try to predict who of the recruits who had been serving in the army, has an increased risk of developing a duodenal ulcer
. Psychologists from all recruits identified those who have a higher chance to be ill, and, as shown by the future, the percentage of hits in point was very high. In assessing the risk of the disease, they proceeded from the fact that the increased need for dependence and care, which is characteristic for patients with duodenal ulcer, will not be met during the service, and this will lead to the development of the disease. I think it's pretty convincing experiment.
- And what is the reason excessive immune response, for example, when inflammation develops in sepsis, or when the body reacts to some absolutely harmless things, as happens in allergy, which is called schizophrenia immune system?
- Interestingly, sometimes not only schizophrenia immunity, but actually an autoimmune disease called schizophrenia, because the mind is like destroying itself. And this is something there, because among people suffering from schizophrenia, a fairly high percentage of suicides. It turns out that a lot of things - it is a product of the war with himself or the world. Or do you live in love, or hate.
With regard to sepsis - it is associated with the weakening of the body's defenses. Apparently, in those cases it would be possible to apply the tenets of psychoneuroimmunology.
When allergies and, in view of the severity of the reflex component, are the reflex mechanisms in asthma. For example, the literature describes cases in which patients with bronchial asthma attack started at the sight of the artificial flower. Patients saw a flower, not knowing that he was not real, and they began the attack. It elaborated a conditioned reaction, described more Pavlov: conditioned responses are formed at the expense of learning, if one and the same stimulus over and over again cause the same reaction, forming a stable body's response
. - How predisposition to any disease caused by the type of personality? Or is it only applies to the so-called psychosomatic?
- Currently, the scope of diseases considered as psychosomatic, significantly expanded and described the psychological characteristics of people with a variety of diseases. For example, in the personality of people with TB, this feature stands out as an expression of vulnerability to any taking away of love: it is very important to stay safe near the mother
. - And if a person does not believe that his mind is able to affect his health, whether it is possible that he will really rid of this influence?
- The knowledge accumulated in the field of psychosomatic medicine, show that the person wants or does not want to, the impact is still there. Moreover, if we consider people who either do not believe in and do not pay attention to their feelings, they are characterized by the term
«alexithymia." It is people who have deficiency of fantasy, hardly versed in feelings, action-oriented, thinking very specifically. Alexithymia is currently just regarded as one of the mechanisms associated with the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, people may think: "It's nothing that I have depression" - and still sick
. We do not know much, but the fact remains that the state of depression, depression or anxiety later lead to a higher incidence. People in this state are more prone to disease. Psychoneuroimmunology explains this by the fact that the immune system's response to decreases and the body fights disease worse.
Any stress induces an immune response in the body, as well as emotional and nervous system. Through these systems and sought possible ways of stress effects on somatic well-being or ill-being. The disease usually occurs in the last phase of stress - exhaustion phase when resources are no longer remains, and the need to act. This usually occurs in a state of chronic stress.
Interestingly, acute stress, if a person conducts himself effectively in it, leads to an increase in the immune system. Faith man and his intention to struggle somehow could have a positive impact. Vadim Rotenberg has a concept which considers internal state of helplessness and failure of the search.
According to his model, the sick are the people who are internally rent. But when a man fights when he takes a proactive stance, then, in terms of Rothenberg, he, on the contrary, increased immunocompetence.
- But if a person makes a mistake in the course of these active measures? - It is important not so much the correct action, as the position itself. Active is the position or passivity and helplessness. And specify some only correct way to "actively work" is impossible: different situations different people themselves. And a mistake - it's not scary
. - If a person is aware of their internal problem and begins to solve it, it will allow him to get rid of health problems?
- You know, it is very rare that the person himself understood. Take hostility. When a person is hostile, for he is does not notice it, on the contrary, he thinks that it is the other people are bad. And if he is aware that he will have a chance to change everything - it will be other ways to respond, it will expand the behavioral repertoire, a repertoire of interaction with other people
. With regard to the beneficial effects on mental health, that is, instances when people spontaneously recovered. Someone refers to this critical, but I think that there are such cases - for example, there are cases of recovery from cancer. Psychosomatic component is very important, even in such serious diseases as cancer and AIDS.
- That is what he writes, for example, Louise Hay about the specific relationship between psychological problems and disease (not only cancer) of a certain organ, far from the truth?
- It is not the only person who writes about it, there are many other authors who are trying to bind a particular problem to a particular disease. There are some theories.
But there is not so unambiguous. From the standpoint of multifactorial theories, for example, it is not strictly states that specific organ disease is associated with a particular problem. They are taken into account and stress, and genetic predisposition, and certain congenital or acquired physiological vulnerability, because where thinly, there and tear.
Currently, researchers are cautiously talking about psihobiosotsialnom approach when there is a biological, psychological and social dimension and there are several factors associated with the occurrence of the disease. I think that the theory of the relationship of disease and mental bodies have a right to exist. Another thing - how to prove it scientifically: it is very difficult, because in the research we need to control the absence of other factors
. And it is not only psychosomatic, but also somatopsihika, ie somatic effects on the psyche. Here's a trivial example: when we are recovering after a long injury, we have improved the mood
. And this is natural, as well as the fact that before the man lying in bed covered in bandages and plaster, can experience depression. Or, let's say, such a situation: a person involved in an accident in which something happened to his body. But this time something happened with his psyche, especially if there was a threat to life and could cause post-traumatic stress disorder.
The same can occur with surgery, when there is a disruption of the body, some invasion, transformation of body image. There is a feeling of disturbance of bodily "I", the base for the person.
The integrity of our body to the mind is very important. There are theories that it was a bodily "I" is the basis for the formation of our "I" in general, a point of reference, and it is impossible to forget. The modern concept offers not consider the influence of one on the other, and to see the person as a whole system, where everything affects everything.
- Are there any obvious psychological background of the disease? For example, I'm still healthy, but watch closely what is happening in his inside. Are there any points that you need to pay special attention not to get sick?
- The point at which you need to pay attention - this is certainly depressed. And the depressed person may not particularly notice - it may just feel constant fatigue, which is often hidden behind the depression. This can be a general feeling of depression and increased anxiety.
In such a state it is very easy to get sick. If this is a chronic condition, it is possible to assume the increased risk. This is a reason to do anything - in some cases it makes sense to turn to professionals to address these issues
. Features typical of people with a particular disease, about which we have spoken - for example, the conflict between the impulses of anger, aggression and addiction in essential hypertension - are also prerequisites. To identify them, you must appeal to him, a reflection, a certain level of self-understanding. In any case it is very important to the overall feeling of well-being / ill-being.
- Is it possible to simulate the immunity by using positive stress?
- Probably not. We know many examples when the person who wants to jump out of a difficult situation, went on vacation or arranged a holiday, but fell ill because of the surge of forces caused by the positive stress.
Whether or not a positive stress - the body has a certain tolerance limit, a certain ceiling, jump higher which is quite difficult. If a person in life there is a lot of events, half of which is not heavy and happy, though this may weaken it.
- That is the practice of yoga, which offer a person does not ride on the emotional scale, but to be at zero, right?
- It is necessary to mention. Yoga and meditation - it is a very good method of self-regulation and control of diseases. In the treatment of psychosomatic diseases - no matter what kind of disease - except for certain contraindications, highly recommended neuromuscular relaxation
. This is the method that can reduce the level of nervous excitement and depression, to come to some equilibrium. Relaxation, relaxation sometimes with a kind of figurative representation, rendering some nice, positive things can achieve a certain balance and a positive emotional state.
- How else can people help themselves? For example, when it's cold and dark?
- First, you need to build your lifestyle. In the conditions of instability, stress sets needed calm and measured mode that is independent of external influences. Then classes need some nice things - for example, going to the pool
. But do not overload yourself training, namely to achieve a pleasant state of relaxation. Massage, again, contributes to this goal. Or going to the movies, but not in some horror, and comedy. We need to get as much positive emotions as possible. TV, by the way, a smaller look.
- Is it possible to create a psychological immunity against diseases, supporting himself in an even emotional state?
- There are statistics on people who visit psychologists, and psychologists themselves - in one study, for example, it was found that the average life expectancy and those and others on 30% higher than in the rest of the population. We need not only a one-time "cleaning" of his inner world. This should be a lifestyle, fashion and lifestyle.
We should not only look inward, but also to take certain actions. I've already talked about Rothenberg, who wrote that stress leads to the development of the disease in those who occupy a position of helplessness. And I like this theory -. She is very beautiful and humanistic
There are instances when a person becomes ill, but decided that he wants to get well, took the situation under control. Подобные случаи описывает литература, не всегда признаваемая в академических кругах, но тем не менее такие данные есть, и, если присмотреться, похожие случаи наверняка можно найти даже среди своего окружения. Ведь даже в случае травмы человек может вести себя очень по-разному.
Когда нет руки или ноги, нельзя её вернуть. Но можно впасть в отчаяние, изолироваться от жизни и других людей, занять позицию жертвы, а можно продолжать бороться, вести активный образ жизни, и понятно, что второе намного полезнее и продуктивнее.
Автор: Алла Абдразякова
Беседовала: Екатерина Антропова
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