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Children will remember this for life! 9 ways to distract your child from the tablet, phone and computer

Do you think kids spend more time playing on their phones than they should? Worried about your child becoming dependent on gadgets? Believe me, almost all parents face this. Children and adults cannot imagine life without digital technology. This is the era we live in. Many modern children begin their first acquaintance with the world through sterile computer-technology and virtual perception.


When your child is busy with a smartphone, tablet or computer, you are less concerned. The child is passionate, he does not run, does not make noise, does not annoy you. You can relax and go about your business. Isn't that great? Of course, if you're going to raise a half-blind mentally disabled person.

Many experts compare digital addiction with alcohol and drugs. To prevent this, the editorial board "Site" I have collected for you 9 simple and entertaining experiments that will especially appeal to preschoolers.

With the help of the usual improvised means that everyone has in the house, your baby will learn to conduct real scientific experiments. Imagine how excited he would be to see chemical reactions and the tricks of physics! He'll love a lot more cartoons and video games.

You're gonna need rainbow milk.
  • fatty
  • plate
  • dyes
  • detergent
  • cotton-stick

Progress of work
  1. Pour some milk on the plate. Drop a few drops of food colors of different colors.
  2. Dip a cotton swab in a detergent and touch the surface of the milk with it.
  3. Watch the amazing reaction: the milk will start to move, shimmer and play with colors.

Colors come into motion due to the interaction of detergent molecules with milk molecules.

You're gonna need a fireball.
  • 2 balls
  • candle
  • matches
  • water

Progress of work
  1. Inflate the first ball and hold it over the candle to demonstrate that the fire ball bursts.
  2. In the second ball, draw water, tie and bring it back to the candle.
  3. It turns out that the ball does not burst and calmly withstands the flame of the candle.

The water in the ball takes some of the heat from the candle and prevents the walls of the ball from melting, so it does not burst.

Lava lamp you're gonna need
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • dyes
  • vegetable-oil
  • bank

Progress of work
  1. Fill the jar with water about a third of the volume and solve it with food coloring.
  2. Pour the vegetable oil to the top of the jar. Observe that the oil with the water did not mix, but remained on top.
  3. Add 1 tsp of salt and watch the amazing reaction.

Oil and water have different densities. Oil is lighter than water, so it is on top. Salt makes the oil heavier, so it sinks to the bottom. If you replace salt with any effervescent tablet, the effect will be simply enchanting!

You're gonna need a volcanic eruption.
  • tray
  • plastic bottle
  • plasticine
  • food-dye
  • vinegar
  • 2 tbsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tbsp vinegar
  • 1/4 tbsp water

Progress of work
  1. Cut the plastic bottle in half.
  2. Blind around a bottle a volcano made of plasticine or clay.
  3. Pour inside 1/4 tbsp. water, add food dye, soda, pour vinegar.
  4. Watch the "volcano eruption."

The molecules of vinegar and soda enter into a chemical reaction, and the active release of carbon dioxide begins. Therefore, the mixture is foamed and pushed out of the bottle. If you sculpt buildings, vegetation, put figurines of animals and people around the volcano, you will get a real home “cataclysm”!

Invisible ink you'll need
  • milk
  • brush
  • sheet
  • hot iron

Progress of work
  1. Dip the brush in milk or lemon juice.
  2. Write something on a piece of paper. Wait till it dries.
  3. Heat a piece of paper with an iron and watch the inscription appear.

Milk and lemon juice are organic substances and can oxidize, that is, react with oxygen. When heated with an iron, such ink turns brown because it burns faster than paper. The same effect gives vinegar, orange and onion juice, honey. Even if you can’t write, you can draw a secret letter.

You'll need a floating egg.
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 5 tsp salt

Progress of work
  1. Carefully put the egg in the first glass of water. If it remains intact, it will sink to the bottom.
  2. In the second glass, pour hot water and add 5 tsp of salt. Dissolve the salt, wait until the water cools a little, then lower the second egg.
  3. Watch the second egg float on the surface instead of sinking to the bottom of the glass.

The density of an egg is much greater than the density of water. But the saline solution is more dense than the egg, so it remains floating on the surface.

You'll need a rainbow at home.
  • glass-plate
  • water
  • sheet
  • mirror
  • flashlight

Progress of work
  1. Put the mirror on the bottom of the transparent plate. Pour some water.
  2. Put a flashlight on the mirror.
  3. Catch the reflected light with a piece of paper and observe a bright rainbow.

The light ray is not actually white, but consists of several colors. When the beam passes through the water, it is decomposed into its component parts in the form of a rainbow.

You're gonna need a ball walk.
  • 2 dozen eggs in trays
  • trashbag

Progress of work
  1. Cover the floor with garbage bags, put 2 trays of eggs on them. Make sure all the eggs are turned upside down.
  2. Invite the child for a ball walk. With the right foot, he can walk on them without breaking any. You don't? Try it, too!

As you know, the shell of eggs is very strong, despite the fragility. At uniform stress, the pressure is distributed over the shell so that it is able to withstand even a large weight without cracking.

You're gonna need a candle pump.
  • plate
  • candle
  • glass
  • water
  • food-dye

Progress of work
  1. Dissolve the food dye in the water.
  2. Light a candle and put it on a plate.
  3. Cover the candle with a glass. Watch the water being drawn inside the glass.

Explanation: You need oxygen to burn a candle. When inside the glass it ran out, the candle went out and the internal pressure decreased, and the pressure outside the glass pushed the water inside.

So simply with the help of improvised means you can hold exciting chemistry. Acquaint your child with productive and informative games that will develop in him curiosity, thirst for knowledge and interest in the outside world.

According to psychiatrists, the child can be given gadgets to play, but for a strictly limited time. It is dangerous to familiarize children from 1 to 4 years with digital technology.

If the child does not obey and is completely unmanageable, we have prepared some tips on how to build a relationship with him.

What do you know about cognitive water experiments for children? Write in the comments an example of home science experiments from your childhood. We are sure that almost everyone in childhood had experiments with the preparation of “poisons” from grandmother’s tablets. If you were interested in the article, then click the “Share on Facebook” button!