10 most terrifying numbers from around the world
Do you think that the number can not be scared? Even as they can! Numbers from our list - not trivial 13 or 666, but they inspire fear in the citizens of many countries. < Website tells the stories of some numbers with which many inhabitants of our planet nothing good associates.
39 h2> Afghans avoid the presence of 39 on the number of machines in the rooms and mobile home phones and even in the building address. People who have it shown in the room at home, pay calligraphy, so that they have drawn nine, as much resembling a figure eight.
888 888 0888 h2> In Bulgaria a telephone number 0888888888 is not served mobile phone company Mobitel because of superstition. The fact that three of its former owner died one after another. The first went to the light Grashnov Vladimir, former head of Mobitel. Officially, the cause of death Grashnova become cancer. However, in Bulgaria it was rumored that he was poisoned by competitors.
11 h2> The twin towers of the World Trade Center stood close to each other and were like a huge number 11. The aircraft operated by terrorists, crashed into them, 11 of September (the ninth month of the year). Summing the two units and nine, we find again, 11. But that's not all. September 11 - is the 254th day of the year in a row, while the numbers 2, 5 and 4, with the addition of form 11. The first plane hit the tower, the flight number was 11. In it were 11 crew members and 92 passengers (9+ 2 = 11). Finally, the English name of the city of New York and the country of Afghanistan, as you might guess, exactly 11 letters.
17 h2> The Italians consider the number 17 unlucky. According to them, it symbolizes death, as is written in Roman numerals as XVII. "What's wrong with that?" - You ask. The fact that such a sequence is not difficult to convert to a word «VIXI», meaning "I lived". It is often stamped on the graves of the ancient Romans. In addition, the number 17 is considered unlucky because on February 17 - the day of the Flood (this is one of the rare events, precisely dated in the Bible).
250 h2> For the Chinese, the number 250 is offensive. The fact is that in their language, it is pronounced as «er bai wu», which translates as "feeble-minded».
87 h2> It would seem harmless number 87 is called in the Australian cricket "diabolical number of cricket." Fans of the sport believe that the supply is likely after a set of 87 points of the game will take off soon.
17 h2> In 2014, for seven days, starting with the 17th of the seventh month (July), the aircraft crashed on the territory of Ukraine, Mali and Taiwan. Malaysian flight MH17 knocked in 17 hours 17 minutes in the East of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that the Boeing 777 aircraft operated exactly 17 years (from 17 July 1997 to 17 July 2014).
26 h2> 26 - an unlucky number in India. The devastating earthquake in Gujarat, due to the deaths of 20 thousand people, dated January 26, 2001. December 26, 2004 a powerful tsunami killed nearly 230,000 people. May 26, 2007 a powerful bomb exploded in the north-east of India, in the city of Guwahati. July 26th, 2008 a bomb exploded in Ahmedabad. Finally, exactly 5 months, 26 November of the same year in India, followed by a series of bloody terrorist attacks.
191 h2> Since the sixties of the last century, five different aircraft with the 191-th number of flight crashed.