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Fibonacci Spiral - encrypted law of nature

Fibonacci numbers - a numerical sequence wherein each successive row equals the sum of the previous two, that is: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987 , 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368 ... 75025 ... 3478759200, 5628750625 ... 260993908980000 ... 422297015649625 ... 19581068021641812000 ... The study of complex and surprising properties of the numbers of the Fibonacci series were engaged in a variety of professional scientists and amateurs mathematics.

In 1997, a few odd features a number described researcher Vladimir Mikhailov, who was convinced that the nature (including man) develops according to the laws, which are incorporated in the numerical sequence.

A remarkable property of the numerical series of Fibonacci is that increasing numbers of a number of the ratio of two successive terms of the series asymptotically approaches the exact proportions of the golden section (1: 1, 618) - the basis of beauty and harmony to the surrounding nature, including in human relations.

Note that the Fibonacci he opened his famous series, reflecting on the problem of the number of rabbits, which in one year to be born from a single pair. It turned out that in each subsequent month after the second number of pairs of rabbits in the accuracy of the following digital series, which now bears his name. It is no accident that the man himself is arranged on the Fibonacci series. Every body is arranged in accordance with the internal or external duality.

Fibonacci numbers attracted mathematicians his feature occur in the most unexpected places. It is noted, for example, that the relationship of the Fibonacci numbers taken through one corresponding to the angle between adjacent leaves on the stem of plant, more precisely, they say what proportion of the turnover of this angle: 1/2 - for elm and linden, 1/3 - for beech, 2/5 - for oak and apple, 3/8 - for poplar and roses, 5/13 - for willow and almond etc. the same number you will find in the calculation of sunflower seeds in spirals, in the amount of rays reflected from the two.. mirrors, in the amount of routing options for crawling bees from one cell to another, in many mathematical games and tricks.

What is the difference between the spirals of the golden section and the Fibonacci spiral? Spiral golden section is ideal. It corresponds to the first source of harmony. This spiral has no beginning and no end. It is infinite. Fibonacci spiral has a beginning from which it begins to "promotion." This is a very important property. It allows the Nature after another closed loop to carry out the construction of a new spiral with the "zero".

It should be noted that the Fibonacci spiral can be double. There are numerous examples of these double helices, found everywhere. Thus, the spiral of sunflowers always correspond to the Fibonacci series. Even in ordinary pine cone can be seen that the double Fibonacci spiral. The first spiral goes in one direction, the second - in the other. If you count the number of scales in spiral that rotates in one direction, and the number of scales in the other spiral, you can see that it is always two successive numbers of the Fibonacci series. The number of these helices 8 and 13. In the sunflowers there are pairs of spirals 13 and 21, 21 and 34, 34 and 55, 55 and 89. And deviations from these pairs do not happen ..


In humans, in the set of chromosomes of somatic cells (of 23 pairs) source of hereditary diseases are 8, 13 and 21 pairs of chromosomes ...

But why is this number of Nature plays a crucial role? This question can give a comprehensive response to the concept of the trinity, which determines the conditions for its preservation. If any of the "balance of interests" triad one of its "partners", the "opinions" of the other two "partners" need to be adjusted. Especially clearly manifested trinity concept in physics, which was built out of quarks "almost" all the elementary particles. If we remember that the relationship of fractional charges quark particles are a number, and this is the first terms of the Fibonacci series, which are necessary for the formation of other elementary particles.

It is possible that the Fibonacci spiral can play a decisive role in shaping patterns of closed and bounded hierarchical spaces. Indeed, imagine that at some stage in the evolution of the Fibonacci spiral has reached perfection (it became indistinguishable from the golden section spiral) and for this reason, the particle must be transformed into the following

«category». These facts once again confirm that the duality of the law provides not only qualitative but also quantitative results. They make us think that the Macrocosm and Microcosm around us evolyutsiruet by the same laws - the laws of the hierarchy, and that these laws are the same for the living and non-living matter


All this testifies to the fact that a number of Fibonacci numbers is a kind of law of nature encrypted.

Digital code of civilization can be detected by various methods in numerology. For example, using complex numbers to bring one (example 15 has 5 + 1 = 6, etc.). Through such addition procedure with all complex numbers of the Fibonacci series, Mikhailov has received the following series of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 8, 1, 9, and then it repeats 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 4, 8, 8, ..., and repeated again and again ... This series also has the properties of the Fibonacci series, each successive number is infinite sum of the previous ones. For example, the amount of the 13th and 14th members is 15, i.e. 8, 8 = 16, 16 = 1 + 6 = 7. It turns out that the number of periodic, with a period of 24 members, and then, the whole procedure is repeated digits. After receiving this period, Mikhailov has put forward an interesting suggestion - is not there a set of 24-digit numeric code kind of civilization
