Mindfulness development test to become grated kalach
Developing mindfulness Observation will allow you to notice what others simply miss. An attentive person is able to focus on what is important to him, is able to concentrate on the desired subject or process. This allows him to better use both thinking and memory to always achieve results.
And today's edition. "Site" It offers a few simple tasks to check how attentive you are. Get to grips with such tasks more often, and your ability to concentrate on important things will develop every day.
Developing mindfulness
Tips for Mindfulness Tasks
It seems that we managed to cope with each task correctly. Do not forget to write if you have found all the hidden numbers. Perhaps we haven’t seen something, and attentive readers can find even more.
And today's edition. "Site" It offers a few simple tasks to check how attentive you are. Get to grips with such tasks more often, and your ability to concentrate on important things will develop every day.

Developing mindfulness
- First of all, we offer a task on mindfulness, where the picture shows 225 numbers at once. At first, all the numbers seem to be the same: 368. But if you look closely, the attentive person will find that there are other numbers. The only question is whether you can find these other numbers. Calculate how many numbers are different from 368.
- Now that we have managed to cope with the previous task, we offer the most similar, but now you need to find numbers that differ from 678. This is not as simple as it seems at first glance, because an inattentive person will not see the trick. Can you see that?
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A post shared by FORMULA CONTROL Company (@formulakontrol) - And finally, one more task for attentive people. In addition to the number 830, try to find others. It is important to cope as quickly as possible, running the rows with a glance. Can you find all the different numbers in a minute? If yes, we suggest you check our answers.
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A post shared by FORMULA CONTROL Company (@formulakontrol)
Tips for Mindfulness Tasks
- In the second vertical (top down) row there is the number "358", and in the third - the number "369". In the fourth row was found the number "868", and in the seventh - again the number "358". Also in the ninth row is the number “308”, in the eleventh – the number “968”, and in the last row there is another number “868”. There are 7 numbers that are different from the others.
- In the second task, numbers that differ from 678 are much smaller. We found 578 in the fifth row, 878 in the eighth row, and 673 in the fifth row on the right. It seems that there are no more different numbers here. Or is there?
- Looking through the picture for the third task, we noticed the number “330” in the second row. And in the fourth row also found 880. And only in the penultimate row was the number "380" noticed. Other than these three numbers, nothing strange was found.
It seems that we managed to cope with each task correctly. Do not forget to write if you have found all the hidden numbers. Perhaps we haven’t seen something, and attentive readers can find even more.
As a mother, I am entitled to my son’s salary.
For the sake of salad "Dniester" I get family crystal in the summer, my summer version of Olivier.