Dog horoscope
December 23 - January 11
Rarely high, pleasing to the eye, there are many nice, well built, a lot of charm and warmth.
Inspires thoughts of love, even when she is not on her thinking (which is rare).
Chow Chow - very sentimental, sensitive. Her love interest, both theoretically, of course, and practically.
Often decided to marry without feeling a great sense of the partner (Chow - very versatile), but that does not mean the final rejection of love and feelings. If it encounters a partner, corresponding to the spirit and taste, their marriage will be bliss.
Chow always true in love (both in free and in matrimonial and even pozasupruzheskoy) until late age.
Unselfish, wasteful, can be easily deceived. Would give his own shirt,
would share the last piece of bread. For all this, however, the Chow Chow is not a simpleton.
Without thinking about tomorrow, she lives from day to day, sometimes making debts and forget about them, that in general for her naturally. It - full of fantasy philosopher,
rejoicing life and do not want to surprise anybody, nor persuade.
Do not take it, however, for being frivolous. Intelligent, thoughtful and logical, Chow has a penchant for science. Read all that relates to the interests of its area.
The sum of its knowledge is surprisingly great, but it does not try to amaze anyone, just read everything in order to satisfy their curiosity. Scientific theories, it seems, are interested in it as much as good food. Prefers pleasures of this world bliss in the other world.
Likes diversity in the emotional sphere. Monotonous happiness without blemish brings boredom.
Please be aware that this immediate girl or cute guy likes to occasionally complicate something in their lives.
Features born under the sign Chow: emotion, warmth, intelligence, propensity to reflection, logic, analytical mind.
January 12 - January 31
Pretty soon the cold, austere beauty, loves vintage jewelry, as well as shade, fine perfume, old and full of grandeur holidays. Capricious and not always easy to communicate and life together. Developed sense of isolation, so often feels a lonely even in a big team. Little susceptible to outside influence, but rarely expresses his opinion, is not highly talkative and fun. Very proud of persistence in achieving their goals.
In love rarely granted. Demanding and intractability. Always wants to get a lot out of life, because he knows about their merits, and it usually fails. It also happens to fall in love without memory, and then the whole world crashes. Her love can be boundless. Extremely intelligent, has analytical skills, scientific inclinations, but not always succeeds. Sometimes working in the field, having nothing to do with its inclinations and specialty. To work is serious and reaches certain heights integrity and thoroughness. Faced with a choice between different solutions elect usually the most difficult. Creation of difficult situations for themselves and others - that, in fact, her vocation. Noble, whatever happens - you can rely on it entirely. In any situation can not lose his presence of mind, hope and faith.
Shepherd above details. It is legible and small pleasures prefer satisfaction in a large.
The sign features Sheepdogs: intellectual mind, a tendency to analyze, thinking, logic, asceticism.
February 1 - February 21
Large, slender, beautiful. Very attractive to others, but it has in itself something deterrent. Not too much, but watching him, dressed with a simple, often can not part with the old favorite sweater. Dog is not pretentious and does not like to complicate their lives. It is characterized by calmness and poise. The most notable drawback - slow. Penchant for moralizing - the most obnoxious feature. Contrary to appearances, he was in poor health. Straightforward and open, disarm generosity. Believe in human kindness. The case, which protects, always noble, and he believes that sooner or later will achieve recognition. Stronger than others, experiencing failure. Is able to do much for the benefit of their loved ones and has a strong sense of responsibility, duty.
In the sense of passion, maybe even passionate. If it would be the best choice, it will be able to create the conditions to love in his house survived diamond wedding. Loves to lead and to a much lesser extent - to obey. Adept at managing people. Its requirements are also great as the love he gives himself. Treat it patiently, it is worth it. Manages to be very dedicated.
Has common sense and skillful hands. Characterized by a lively mind, specific and practical. Has a sense of humor and often a sense saves him in moments of frustration. His life will be pleasant and without any shocks, ie so what he himself wants.
The sign features Doga: observation, organizational skills, realism.
February 22 - March 13
Slim, sturdy, with a chiseled, strong silhouette and just the right features. There is in it something severe, something of human nature, unspoilt. But not without elegance. Satisfied small and adapts to the situation. Can live under any conditions, and be happy at the same time. Quickly reaches maturity and independence.
Do not attach importance to success in life, not after fame, the money. The only thing he wants - to be happy. Avoid anything that would put it faces. Loves summer walks, animals and hunting. This can be seen in the boat, to reflect on the fishing rod. In spite of this, he does not like being alone. Trying to arrange his life so as to be among the large family or (in his youth) in constant society friends. Not sentimental. Most often, a little rough, but not without warmth man; harsh, but at the same time and calm. Pleasant in society. His presence has a calming effect.
Doberman loves to dream and soon makes itself carry over life than organizing it. Immersed in dreams, thoughts are always somewhere else. Avoid sharp debate regardless of the subject matter. Actually, the elasticity of his character - what they are looking at it. Out of reach of his loyalty. Sometimes true to his love, friendship, memories. His intelligence is speculative. Hobby - argument on any topic. Judgment and intelligent thought. His life was often runs quietly and smoothly among those whom he loves.
The sign features Doberman: constancy of feelings, loyalty, reflexivity, intelligence, analytical mind, logic.
March 14 - April 2
Decorative, harmony and beauty of early youth. Over the years, however, creates its own problems. Very sensitive to the passage of time, too soon begins to fear of old age, this fear even more aging. Only good influence others can help, so you need to carefully choose the people with whom you have to communicate.
Caution must be exercised when changing place of residence: not every Wednesday favors the development of the Poodle. He feels the need for comrades, but suffers from the environment, not of his own choosing. Very sensitive to deprivation of liberty and easy to be pessimistic. His love is sensitive to the slightest trouble and even little things can bring him out of balance. At times, moved by itself, but more often it is possible to hide, and this is kind of concealment pleasure.
Courage and pride help him overcome the most difficult tasks, and on his face rarely seen trouble. Those who know him a little, often take for a fun and relaxed personality. It is not a materialist, has a tendency to altruism. In this beautifully organized and do not forget about the future. In marriage - a difficult happiness is too sensitive and too independent. His weapon in the marital skirmishes indifference is supplemented by a smile and a joke. If you can not do otherwise, tends to hold in relation to partner with hostility.
Has a thin innate intelligence, which did not grow old. His insight and critical mind can even sometimes have an impact on his ambition. Poodles are many common among physicians.
The sign features Poodle: need for independence, the tendency to neurasthenia, reverie and synthesis, intuition and imagination, inspired by the mind.
April 3 - April 22
Sprawling, powerful, and although not very slender, gives the impression of a solid and beautiful beast. Easily adapts to any conditions. However, he also dreams of convenience, but, if necessary, can spend the night under the open sky. Has good health. Everywhere feels at home and does not know what shyness. Dynamic, confident, makes reckoned with, at the same time is very sensitive to jokes about his person and do not really understand them. Loves to hit, grab a surprise, to be the center of attention, ready to make any sacrifice to achieve this. Believes that it should take decisions and pronounce the last word. With glitter allows the most complex issues. Does not know the dangers nepredusmotritelen and has the gift to get involved in unexpected situations. Fortunately, however, amendable optimistic that often leads to careless actions both in business and in their personal lives. Has nature, prone to excesses. When the apparent independence inclined to succumb to outside influence. Directed by experienced hand, can become a weapon of another's will. Body and soul is given to the case, which he chose, so among the Bulldogs have a lot of characters, but many martyrs.
Subject to personal influences, he also has the ability to influence others. Has on the surrounding energizing effects. Very persistent and belongs to those who are always right. Sensitive, sensitive and sentimental - can bind forever and that love sees with a capital letter. The rest is perceived as pleasant and devoid of great value way of spending time. Intelligent and has the abilities of perception to the synthesized problems. The astonishing speed with which ponders and makes decisions. Often shows a tendency to artistry, mainly in the field of music. In any case, it is distinguished by a great sense of rhythm. Born for adventure is usually mobile and diverse working life.
The sign features the Bulldog: impulsivity, optimism, intelligence, ability to deduction.
April 23 - May 13
Refined silhouette, beautiful, decorative. Knows how to emphasize their dignity. Loves the house, items of value, nice interior. Often, the sweet home, without which it could not develop, creates itself. It is said that she knows what she wants, but does not carry himself adrift that it is not enough that life gives itself. No there is nothing humble, able to plan and subject to the conditions to their needs. Brave resistance meets with his head and does not allow himself to overcome bad luck. Thanks to the courage and ability to take risks always goes ahead. The paper is able to be a success, regardless of occupation, which elects.
Collie distinguishes the tenacity with which she is the chosen path and from which it is difficult to bring down. Knows how to get out of the easiest situation. Very accurate and fast in action. Despite the friendliness of use and the ability to be a nice friend, it does not happen too much generosity. Own well-being and comfort - first and foremost. The failure of others is not banish sleep with her age, although case, it mentions them with compassion in friendly conversations. Only one shows weakness - in love. Sensual and impulsive - easily carried away, and then it is too late. In all of this has a profound mind and orderly thinking, is a good organizer. Is able to make the necessary efforts to achieve the goals and usually reaches them. From any, even of love, trouble can come out with flying colors. Sign Collie is extremely favorable for women.
The sign features Collie: aesthetic intelligence, organizational skills, a penchant for analysis.
May 14 - June 2
With his song melancholic beauty Laika is very attractive and unique. Even if only the appearance determines the basis of her charm (especially if Laika - female), you feel it as something mysterious. It is full of vague thoughts, unconscious desire that sometimes she can not identify. Very sensitive, loves the sun's heat, stay near the water. Responds to all the smells and tastes. Like no one else can use the minute of joy and not indulge in any of them. Should not believe foreign meekness Huskies. In spite of it, it is businesslike and determined, knows what he wants. Do not impose anything on anyone, because it developed
a sense of respect and there is no desire to command.
There is in it something of a poet. Her melancholic sentiments about the upcoming fall and fleeting life should not be taken too seriously and regarded as a manifestation of pessimism. Laika is a very difficult partner, because they do not have the ability to adapt quickly and does not like compromises. Her vulnerability and helplessness often only tactic. Time for fun and sometimes for personal gain, it can play brilliantly from itself weak creature. Generally, in life itself perfectly able to protect. In romantic feelings rather than sentimental. Loves sensual pleasures, making them a poetic coloring. Laika does not love feelings everyday, colorless. She has artistic abilities, intuition and imagination. Sometimes it is a good psychologist that at a certain insight allows her to guess other people's thoughts and desires. Her life could proceed calmly, if not excessive desire to love suffering. However, do not take seriously her complaints: feeling, not starkly suffering, it is not appreciated.
The sign features Laika: intuition, imagination.
June 3 - June 22
Incredibly charming and knows how to use his charm. Anyone can turn the head. Dreams of a stable, wealthy, full of amenities of life and often does not realize that all of this is for her a great value. It easily adapts to any conditions. It is enough to have a tent to create an atmosphere of home comforts. With calm mind and even a few limp, silent, shy, with a serene and pessimistic. Lapdog often goes through life with a sense of boredom. This is its main enemy.
Sometimes unstable, particularly sensitive to flattery. Full of contradictions, it is very difficult to decrypt. One it is certain: it is very nice. Communicate with it nice and easy, there is a feeling of psychological comfort. Bichon patiently listens to his interlocutor, respectful of their neighbors, does not seek to rule over them. Its all love, even when it is not really possible to rely. Has a practical turn of mind, a penchant for technology, resourceful and accurate. If you meet in life soulmate - conjugal love can bring back her balance, get rid of contradictions. At the same time has a strong
self-esteem. Sometimes jealous, often for no reason.
The sign features a lap dog: sociability, observation, realism, organizational skills.
June 23 - July 12
Often weak nevzrachen. Does not impose his "I" in the opinion of others. But if you take a closer look with the Pekingese, it is impossible not to succumb to the charm he radiates not see his original mind. Pekingese content with a small, adaptable to all kinds of conditions of life and understands everything. His appearance produces almost magical effect. If you want, you may like it, is able to make love yourself. Knows how to be good, wise, patient, but can be dangerous, evil, harmful. Everything in it is witchcraft - white or black, depending on the mood of a moment or own whim. Without a trace of good or evil sophisticated - this Pekingese, and not without reason people born under this sign, in the Middle Ages was often accused of witchcraft. After bonding to someone, he will do everything to make their lives easier. But be careful, if you do not conquer his sympathies. Despite the modesty and restraint, never goes unnoticed. Very original, unlike anyone else, life is treated differently than all.
It can always be relied upon.
It can rely on.
December 23 - January 11
Rarely high, pleasing to the eye, there are many nice, well built, a lot of charm and warmth.
Inspires thoughts of love, even when she is not on her thinking (which is rare).
Chow Chow - very sentimental, sensitive. Her love interest, both theoretically, of course, and practically.
Often decided to marry without feeling a great sense of the partner (Chow - very versatile), but that does not mean the final rejection of love and feelings. If it encounters a partner, corresponding to the spirit and taste, their marriage will be bliss.

Chow always true in love (both in free and in matrimonial and even pozasupruzheskoy) until late age.
Unselfish, wasteful, can be easily deceived. Would give his own shirt,
would share the last piece of bread. For all this, however, the Chow Chow is not a simpleton.
Without thinking about tomorrow, she lives from day to day, sometimes making debts and forget about them, that in general for her naturally. It - full of fantasy philosopher,
rejoicing life and do not want to surprise anybody, nor persuade.
Do not take it, however, for being frivolous. Intelligent, thoughtful and logical, Chow has a penchant for science. Read all that relates to the interests of its area.
The sum of its knowledge is surprisingly great, but it does not try to amaze anyone, just read everything in order to satisfy their curiosity. Scientific theories, it seems, are interested in it as much as good food. Prefers pleasures of this world bliss in the other world.
Likes diversity in the emotional sphere. Monotonous happiness without blemish brings boredom.
Please be aware that this immediate girl or cute guy likes to occasionally complicate something in their lives.
Features born under the sign Chow: emotion, warmth, intelligence, propensity to reflection, logic, analytical mind.
January 12 - January 31
Pretty soon the cold, austere beauty, loves vintage jewelry, as well as shade, fine perfume, old and full of grandeur holidays. Capricious and not always easy to communicate and life together. Developed sense of isolation, so often feels a lonely even in a big team. Little susceptible to outside influence, but rarely expresses his opinion, is not highly talkative and fun. Very proud of persistence in achieving their goals.
In love rarely granted. Demanding and intractability. Always wants to get a lot out of life, because he knows about their merits, and it usually fails. It also happens to fall in love without memory, and then the whole world crashes. Her love can be boundless. Extremely intelligent, has analytical skills, scientific inclinations, but not always succeeds. Sometimes working in the field, having nothing to do with its inclinations and specialty. To work is serious and reaches certain heights integrity and thoroughness. Faced with a choice between different solutions elect usually the most difficult. Creation of difficult situations for themselves and others - that, in fact, her vocation. Noble, whatever happens - you can rely on it entirely. In any situation can not lose his presence of mind, hope and faith.
Shepherd above details. It is legible and small pleasures prefer satisfaction in a large.
The sign features Sheepdogs: intellectual mind, a tendency to analyze, thinking, logic, asceticism.
February 1 - February 21
Large, slender, beautiful. Very attractive to others, but it has in itself something deterrent. Not too much, but watching him, dressed with a simple, often can not part with the old favorite sweater. Dog is not pretentious and does not like to complicate their lives. It is characterized by calmness and poise. The most notable drawback - slow. Penchant for moralizing - the most obnoxious feature. Contrary to appearances, he was in poor health. Straightforward and open, disarm generosity. Believe in human kindness. The case, which protects, always noble, and he believes that sooner or later will achieve recognition. Stronger than others, experiencing failure. Is able to do much for the benefit of their loved ones and has a strong sense of responsibility, duty.
In the sense of passion, maybe even passionate. If it would be the best choice, it will be able to create the conditions to love in his house survived diamond wedding. Loves to lead and to a much lesser extent - to obey. Adept at managing people. Its requirements are also great as the love he gives himself. Treat it patiently, it is worth it. Manages to be very dedicated.
Has common sense and skillful hands. Characterized by a lively mind, specific and practical. Has a sense of humor and often a sense saves him in moments of frustration. His life will be pleasant and without any shocks, ie so what he himself wants.
The sign features Doga: observation, organizational skills, realism.
February 22 - March 13
Slim, sturdy, with a chiseled, strong silhouette and just the right features. There is in it something severe, something of human nature, unspoilt. But not without elegance. Satisfied small and adapts to the situation. Can live under any conditions, and be happy at the same time. Quickly reaches maturity and independence.
Do not attach importance to success in life, not after fame, the money. The only thing he wants - to be happy. Avoid anything that would put it faces. Loves summer walks, animals and hunting. This can be seen in the boat, to reflect on the fishing rod. In spite of this, he does not like being alone. Trying to arrange his life so as to be among the large family or (in his youth) in constant society friends. Not sentimental. Most often, a little rough, but not without warmth man; harsh, but at the same time and calm. Pleasant in society. His presence has a calming effect.
Doberman loves to dream and soon makes itself carry over life than organizing it. Immersed in dreams, thoughts are always somewhere else. Avoid sharp debate regardless of the subject matter. Actually, the elasticity of his character - what they are looking at it. Out of reach of his loyalty. Sometimes true to his love, friendship, memories. His intelligence is speculative. Hobby - argument on any topic. Judgment and intelligent thought. His life was often runs quietly and smoothly among those whom he loves.
The sign features Doberman: constancy of feelings, loyalty, reflexivity, intelligence, analytical mind, logic.
March 14 - April 2
Decorative, harmony and beauty of early youth. Over the years, however, creates its own problems. Very sensitive to the passage of time, too soon begins to fear of old age, this fear even more aging. Only good influence others can help, so you need to carefully choose the people with whom you have to communicate.
Caution must be exercised when changing place of residence: not every Wednesday favors the development of the Poodle. He feels the need for comrades, but suffers from the environment, not of his own choosing. Very sensitive to deprivation of liberty and easy to be pessimistic. His love is sensitive to the slightest trouble and even little things can bring him out of balance. At times, moved by itself, but more often it is possible to hide, and this is kind of concealment pleasure.
Courage and pride help him overcome the most difficult tasks, and on his face rarely seen trouble. Those who know him a little, often take for a fun and relaxed personality. It is not a materialist, has a tendency to altruism. In this beautifully organized and do not forget about the future. In marriage - a difficult happiness is too sensitive and too independent. His weapon in the marital skirmishes indifference is supplemented by a smile and a joke. If you can not do otherwise, tends to hold in relation to partner with hostility.
Has a thin innate intelligence, which did not grow old. His insight and critical mind can even sometimes have an impact on his ambition. Poodles are many common among physicians.
The sign features Poodle: need for independence, the tendency to neurasthenia, reverie and synthesis, intuition and imagination, inspired by the mind.
April 3 - April 22
Sprawling, powerful, and although not very slender, gives the impression of a solid and beautiful beast. Easily adapts to any conditions. However, he also dreams of convenience, but, if necessary, can spend the night under the open sky. Has good health. Everywhere feels at home and does not know what shyness. Dynamic, confident, makes reckoned with, at the same time is very sensitive to jokes about his person and do not really understand them. Loves to hit, grab a surprise, to be the center of attention, ready to make any sacrifice to achieve this. Believes that it should take decisions and pronounce the last word. With glitter allows the most complex issues. Does not know the dangers nepredusmotritelen and has the gift to get involved in unexpected situations. Fortunately, however, amendable optimistic that often leads to careless actions both in business and in their personal lives. Has nature, prone to excesses. When the apparent independence inclined to succumb to outside influence. Directed by experienced hand, can become a weapon of another's will. Body and soul is given to the case, which he chose, so among the Bulldogs have a lot of characters, but many martyrs.
Subject to personal influences, he also has the ability to influence others. Has on the surrounding energizing effects. Very persistent and belongs to those who are always right. Sensitive, sensitive and sentimental - can bind forever and that love sees with a capital letter. The rest is perceived as pleasant and devoid of great value way of spending time. Intelligent and has the abilities of perception to the synthesized problems. The astonishing speed with which ponders and makes decisions. Often shows a tendency to artistry, mainly in the field of music. In any case, it is distinguished by a great sense of rhythm. Born for adventure is usually mobile and diverse working life.
The sign features the Bulldog: impulsivity, optimism, intelligence, ability to deduction.
April 23 - May 13
Refined silhouette, beautiful, decorative. Knows how to emphasize their dignity. Loves the house, items of value, nice interior. Often, the sweet home, without which it could not develop, creates itself. It is said that she knows what she wants, but does not carry himself adrift that it is not enough that life gives itself. No there is nothing humble, able to plan and subject to the conditions to their needs. Brave resistance meets with his head and does not allow himself to overcome bad luck. Thanks to the courage and ability to take risks always goes ahead. The paper is able to be a success, regardless of occupation, which elects.
Collie distinguishes the tenacity with which she is the chosen path and from which it is difficult to bring down. Knows how to get out of the easiest situation. Very accurate and fast in action. Despite the friendliness of use and the ability to be a nice friend, it does not happen too much generosity. Own well-being and comfort - first and foremost. The failure of others is not banish sleep with her age, although case, it mentions them with compassion in friendly conversations. Only one shows weakness - in love. Sensual and impulsive - easily carried away, and then it is too late. In all of this has a profound mind and orderly thinking, is a good organizer. Is able to make the necessary efforts to achieve the goals and usually reaches them. From any, even of love, trouble can come out with flying colors. Sign Collie is extremely favorable for women.
The sign features Collie: aesthetic intelligence, organizational skills, a penchant for analysis.
May 14 - June 2
With his song melancholic beauty Laika is very attractive and unique. Even if only the appearance determines the basis of her charm (especially if Laika - female), you feel it as something mysterious. It is full of vague thoughts, unconscious desire that sometimes she can not identify. Very sensitive, loves the sun's heat, stay near the water. Responds to all the smells and tastes. Like no one else can use the minute of joy and not indulge in any of them. Should not believe foreign meekness Huskies. In spite of it, it is businesslike and determined, knows what he wants. Do not impose anything on anyone, because it developed
a sense of respect and there is no desire to command.
There is in it something of a poet. Her melancholic sentiments about the upcoming fall and fleeting life should not be taken too seriously and regarded as a manifestation of pessimism. Laika is a very difficult partner, because they do not have the ability to adapt quickly and does not like compromises. Her vulnerability and helplessness often only tactic. Time for fun and sometimes for personal gain, it can play brilliantly from itself weak creature. Generally, in life itself perfectly able to protect. In romantic feelings rather than sentimental. Loves sensual pleasures, making them a poetic coloring. Laika does not love feelings everyday, colorless. She has artistic abilities, intuition and imagination. Sometimes it is a good psychologist that at a certain insight allows her to guess other people's thoughts and desires. Her life could proceed calmly, if not excessive desire to love suffering. However, do not take seriously her complaints: feeling, not starkly suffering, it is not appreciated.
The sign features Laika: intuition, imagination.
June 3 - June 22
Incredibly charming and knows how to use his charm. Anyone can turn the head. Dreams of a stable, wealthy, full of amenities of life and often does not realize that all of this is for her a great value. It easily adapts to any conditions. It is enough to have a tent to create an atmosphere of home comforts. With calm mind and even a few limp, silent, shy, with a serene and pessimistic. Lapdog often goes through life with a sense of boredom. This is its main enemy.
Sometimes unstable, particularly sensitive to flattery. Full of contradictions, it is very difficult to decrypt. One it is certain: it is very nice. Communicate with it nice and easy, there is a feeling of psychological comfort. Bichon patiently listens to his interlocutor, respectful of their neighbors, does not seek to rule over them. Its all love, even when it is not really possible to rely. Has a practical turn of mind, a penchant for technology, resourceful and accurate. If you meet in life soulmate - conjugal love can bring back her balance, get rid of contradictions. At the same time has a strong
self-esteem. Sometimes jealous, often for no reason.
The sign features a lap dog: sociability, observation, realism, organizational skills.
June 23 - July 12
Often weak nevzrachen. Does not impose his "I" in the opinion of others. But if you take a closer look with the Pekingese, it is impossible not to succumb to the charm he radiates not see his original mind. Pekingese content with a small, adaptable to all kinds of conditions of life and understands everything. His appearance produces almost magical effect. If you want, you may like it, is able to make love yourself. Knows how to be good, wise, patient, but can be dangerous, evil, harmful. Everything in it is witchcraft - white or black, depending on the mood of a moment or own whim. Without a trace of good or evil sophisticated - this Pekingese, and not without reason people born under this sign, in the Middle Ages was often accused of witchcraft. After bonding to someone, he will do everything to make their lives easier. But be careful, if you do not conquer his sympathies. Despite the modesty and restraint, never goes unnoticed. Very original, unlike anyone else, life is treated differently than all.
It can always be relied upon.
It can rely on.