Horoscope from Tamara Glob for the second half of 2020

Two thousand and twenty have already shown us who is the master of the house. The white steel rat turned out to be like a tank that roared across the planet and does not seem to slow down. It's only been six months. What else to expect and what to expect? Here we go. horoscope.

Editorial "Site" In anticipation of at least some clarity went to the astrologers. We decided not to look for a cat in a bag, but immediately contact an expert. Tamara Globa is sure that in such cases only the stars can be trusted. And they gave us this.

Horoscope for the second half of the year Rat and turmoil are the same. All sorts of scandals, conspiracies, secrets - all this comes out when a representative of this sign is next to you. You don't understand anything, you're worried, something's about to happen. Indeed, there is tension. Rats like to manipulate and subdue, achieve their goals by cunning, but they also do not occupy the ability to work.

In fact, as Tamara Globa says, all year long it is fussy, restless and, as it may reasonably seem, useless. You and I have another six months of this bacchanalia, we have to endure, and it is always easier when you know at least a little what to expect. It's a little calmer. Okay, Aries first.

He is written to work hard and the remaining six months of respite do not promise. However, the return in the form of all sorts of material benefits and bonuses is attached, so there is a sense in this eternal puffing. Don't grab everything at once. There is a plan - follow it, and do not have these feats. The strength may not be enough. Until the New Year, it will be easier. By the way, lonely Aries risk grabbing the arrow of Amur under the rib. Just in case.


These guys can relax. The next six months for Taurus promise to be like the Bahamas: they are waiting for fun and relaxation. And seriously, this time is worth devoting to new knowledge and impressions. On the way can expect some fateful acquaintance. To prevent this from becoming a surprise, you need to always look well-groomed, so go to the gyms and beauty salons.

Twins are stable. Work hard, adequately rest, do not turn away from the planned path. All that will be offered, taken, all the signs of fate will be answered in the affirmative. In general, if you do not sit idly by, you will be rewarded. In the family harmony and comfort, in the head neatly folded thoughts. Honestly, a little envious. Everyone loves stability.


It is time for cancer to stop sitting still and change something in its life. The comfort zone does not let go, this is understandable, and then you need to ask yourself a question - did you actually enter it? Same thing. Learn, overcome, train your spirit. It won't be easy. To expect that somehow you will sit in a hole, is not worth it. Use this tipping time to jump higher and grab your luck by the gills. Or whatever she has.

Lions are strong, they do not care, but any unforeseen changes can stun them. Resentment about "Who dared?" is replaced by the understanding that something needs to be done. Dear Lions! Great six months to learn to accept, forgive and adjust. If you don't want to sit in your ass, accept the new reality, stay afloat. Surprises, by the way, are pleasant, and there it will be easier.


Virgo has probably never been so left to herself. And now, dear Virgo, all you have is your own merit. More relevant than ever. Only a complete analysis of all your actions, planning each step and controlling the impulses that are characteristic of you. And you can enjoy life in peace.

Don't expect balance scales. Your cups will turn up and down. It's stressful for you, but hold on. Some astrologers say that there may be some kind of impulsive decision, such as throwing everything to dog cats and moving to another planet. In reality, you can move to another city or even a country. It can affect another person whom Libra loves very much. We do not insist on anything, listen to your heart.

Scorpio Rat 2020 promises global change. You don't have to resist, it's going to keep you strong, and these guys don't have that much of them right now. The best tactic is to go with the flow, and Scorpios are great at it. Perhaps an acquaintance that will completely change the balance. Once again we tell you – do not resist, otherwise life will hit. It's gonna hurt. Just trust your feelings and let them fly.

Sagittarius Lucky. This is about Sagittarius, because the rat favors them. You can do all the most interesting and dangerous, spin any adventures and start love affairs. In short, all kinds of bonuses and pleasures are promised. Life will guide, providence will protect. What else can you say? Forward and with a song, to new achievements!

A lot depends on how Capricorns put themselves. The year is difficult, the exact opposite of Sagittarius. Only hard work and balanced decisions will help to stay afloat. This year, Capricorns risk losing everything, but there is a chance to break the jackpot. Only your temperament and faith in yourself, in your strength, will give you the opportunity to breathe fully and enjoy the process.


Aquarius is so tired in the past year that it will just be like a wall of peas. Any difficulties will look like morning fog, instantly disappearing in the sun. A good time to change jobs and do what you like. In spite of all the tricks, the rat promises to help. Fateful encounters are possible.

Sensitive fish risk the remaining six months to spend interestingly, in adventure, creatively. This is a time when you can afford to relax a little and even “sin” a little. In a good sense of the word. Anyway, you can afford anything you want. All you have to do is play by the rules and be honest. And then wow, it's gonna be great!

The horoscope for the second half of the editorial office will survive, endure. Any negativity, any joy. We've seen things. Should we be sad? Be a normal person, help others, love life and enjoy what is. Then more will come (Peter I said). It doesn't matter what sign you are. What matters is who you are.

There he is. horoscope. Believe it or not, write in the comments why you don’t want to. We give you another useful link about which animal matches you in the Indian horoscope. See if it coincides, be sure to comment, and we wish you the fulfillment of all cherished desires!


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