Tamara Globa's detailed forecast, devoid of needless worries

To understand how things will turn out in the near future, I watch and listen to astrology. forecast by Tamar Globa. Unlike clairvoyants, astrologers make their predictions based on the facts of the position of celestial bodies in a particular period of time.

Today's edition. "Site" will tell you I saw Tamara Glob.Lifting the veil of the future. A world-renowned astrologer!

Many years ago, Tamara Globa predicted the collapse of the USSR and many other political events. Among the forecasts of this talented woman in her professional field were cataclysms.

For example, she warned about a fire that will occur at the Mir orbital station. She also mentioned the fires in Moscow in 2014. Tamara Globa also warned of a global collapse in health care.

He said many European countries would close their doors. This was about 2019 and the onset of the pandemic, and the lockdowns that flowed out of it.

Changes in the future May 2022 Tamara Globa described as a troubled time. “There will be many negotiations to resolve the situation. However, all this will not bring the desired result for each of the parties to the conflict.

The final settlement of the military situation between Russia and Ukraine will come much later!

May won't be easy. In addition to negotiations, there will be many provocations on both sides. Many people will be able to see how quickly the world is changing. Those moments change his story.

At the same time, Tamara Globa believes that the world is moving towards its own. transformational. Change will affect the whole world. They will concern many areas: the economy, political and social sphere, ecology.

However, we will not be able to fully assess the results of the changes soon. In the next 3 years, people can only notice the results of the conflict in the political or military spheres. The first results of the transformation of the world will be visible at the end of May 2022.

The transformation of the world is impossible without confrontation. Someone will have to give in, because the redistribution of the world is in full swing. Do not underestimate natural anomalies and cataclysms. They will also take place in 2022.

There will be a lull in the summer and an economic crisis will begin. From the beginning of autumn, conflicts will begin again. Autumn and winter 2022 may be the most difficult periods in decades.


People who have had everything can be left with nothing overnight. This will be a time of critical instability. For those who don’t have anything, this is a great way to get up. If you have ideas, you can begin your journey to recognition and great growth.

“The world is completely changing. Everything will change: civilization itself, geographical map and even human psychology. Over time, the universe will be on a path where equality and justice are paramount. Every person will get the opportunity to prove themselves and get what they deserve! – says the honored astrologer.

In 2023, there will be a large-scale military conflict, the purpose of which will be the adoption of a new world order. You can only survive if you cooperate with each other. This applies primarily to countries. A new relationship building will begin. We will see and feel it very soon.

Harmony will be restored gradually. Traveling around the world will be safer and easier. This should take 2 to 5 years!

About Ukraine Tamara Globa says: Global improvements will begin in 2024. The country will reach a completely new, unprecedented level. And not as a springboard for the realization of the goals of the West, but as a separate state!

The social sphere in Russia will be rebuilt to a special level of digitalization. In the future, a person will become the owner of an electric number. Now it is very difficult to give this name.

I also propose to find out how 2022 will end for each zodiac sign, according to Tamara Glob. People want peace and a return to normal life.

We strive all the time. make the world better If we were to live by God’s grace, there would be a paradise on earth. Astrological forecast of Tamara Globa portends difficult times in the near future. However, the most favorable scenario is still possible!

People must begin to realize the divine presence in everything. Perhaps that’s why these transformations are happening!


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