40 quotes from the immortal series "Friends"

OH. MY. GOD! h3> Website is still dwells in a light shock of knowing that the first series of this brilliant series already published twenty years ago. And as if it was yesterday. And after ten seasons have flown in the same breath.
We decided that after that date there is nothing better than to remember your favorite moments from the cult TV series. Therefore, of all seasons, we chose at random 40 witty quotes that we hope will encourage you to review the entire series. Or at least a couple of episodes, or seasons ...
- Joe, you do not have to eat up. - No, I have to. Otherwise, what's next? Today I can not finish eating the turkey, but tomorrow otkushu half a chocolate bar, and the rest put in the fridge?! - I have a scientific question: Homo sapiens became extinct because they were homosexuals?
- Joey, Homo sapiens - people.
- I did not blame them ... - You ever hit in my life?
- Of course!
- Apart from Monica.
- No.

Rachel: You have a sister?
Phoebe: Yes, but we do not communicate, she is selfish - only about his career and thinks.
Chandler: And who is she?
Phoebe: Waitress. Terry (about Phoebe): I can not say that your friend sings badly. She sings so bad that at the sound of her voice I want someone to be tortured with red-hot tongs and long ... ... and best of all herself. Chandler: All guys! I have to go to work. If I just did not enter the data into the computer ... no one will notice. Joe Job? Dinosaurs.
Ross: Actually, I paleonto ... Okay, let there be dinosaurs. Joe (about Janis): As soon as she starts laughing, I want my arm to pull out - just to have something in it to throw! Phoebe: I just gave birth to three children and not allow them to live in a world where the rights of Joe. Rachel: I hate men who have a boring job!
Chandler: And what it was Ross !? Lion tamer?

- I've always thought, what would be my life if I had not divorced.
- At what time? - Julie ...
- Yes?
- Have you had a paleontologist on the lip, and there is no longer, come unstuck. - Someone stole my sandwich.
- What do the police say? - She gave me a box from under it, on it was painted bicycle. I sat in it, and my stepfather dragged me to the back yard box.
- What an injustice!
- Why? I also had to carry him! - Guys, I want you to ask about something. If I'm going to speak at the congress of paleontologists, come to listen to me, back!
- I think on behalf of all, I can say that we have a family circumstances, problems at work, and we are sick.
- He will be in Barbados.
- But you're important.
- I'll be there! - What's the matter, are you upset about something?
- It's my dad. He said he would buy me a Mercedes sports.
- I told you! Her father - a sadist. - Unagi - a state of complete creation.

Phoebe: We ordered a pizza as you like.
Joe: Two pizza?! Chandler: Janice said, "Listen, do not you think that I have recovered?" I looked at her and ...
Ross: You what ?! Looked? See impossible. Develop a reflex: "I'm fat?" - No. "She's prettier than me?" - No. "Size does matter?» - ...
Rachel: No-oo! Joe (about Janis): Why did you bring her here? Here people! Ross: I'm so happy for you guys. And you are so lucky: both are called the right name ... Nobody ... Nobody drank blue and pink ... and the first try ... Joey: I thank God for the wonderful autumn ... The other day I was standing at the bus stop suddenly blew a pleasant autumn breeze ... and pulled up her skirt girl!

- Guess what happened to me at work?
- The dinosaurs died millions of years ago? - So, I have three breasts and a leg.
- How did you pick up his clothes? - I do not want to read you a notation guys, but a shame that more educated people, and Joe can not remember all the states. - Monica that it?
- And this is my swimsuit from school. Then I was a little thicker.
- I thought it was close to a tennis court in the rain. - This is a site where we met - the Guggenheim Museum. She likes painting, and me funny names.

Ross: Monica, I want to lend you money?
Monica: No, if I can not pay, then when you will always feel guilty!
Ross: Well, then ask the parents - with them you always feel guilty, as though to capitalize on this! Ross: I'm going to ask her to live with me.
Chandler: Are you serious !?
Ross: And why not?
Chandler: Because you know her only six weeks. I have a carton of milk in the fridge, and so I have with him a long-term relationship! Ross: My marriage is failing.
Phoebe: Why?
Ross: Carol - a lesbian ... I do not have. Ross: What are you doing?
Joe: I write recommendation Monica with Chandler. I want it to sound respectable, but I'm not one buzzword not know.
Ross: Why do not you vospolzueshsya thesaurus?
Joe: Did you hear what I said?! Joey: Come on, buddy, jump off a cliff, look down the barrel of a gun, to help against the wind.
Chandler: Joe, I assure you, if you send me a gun, I start to pee in all directions.

- my grandmother terribly pleased that we are trying to unravel the secret of her cookies. Surely, she is now looking at us from the bottom and smiling.
- Bottom?
- Oh, yes, I have it, of course, is never to offend anyone, but it is certainly in hell. - You have no idea what I had to do today at work!
- But you chose a profession where you have to say about dinosaurs. - Chandler took part in the competition "VIEW melted ice cream" and won.
- And Russia finished fourth and cried! - Well, I can give a nineteen?
- Yes. On a scale of one to ten, where ten is the most idiotic kind, you may well be to nineteen. - You're going to someone familiar with Ross? A wedding dress she's got?

Joey: Ross and Rachel got married. Monica and Chandler almost got married. Maybe you and I should?
Phoebe: Always. Not now. At first, Chandler and Monica get married and, incidentally, strongly rich. But they did not work out. And I will marry Chandler for the calculation, and you marry Rachel, and you will have beautiful children. Then we outline the two of these around your finger and get married. We'll have Chandler's money and Rachel's kids. And we adopt them easily.
Joe: Well, what about Ross?
Phoebe: Do not want to go, but we quarreled, and I will kill him. - Well, like basketball?
- Remarkably, while Chandler has not got a finger in the eye.
- Oh no! Who?
- Chandler. Phoebe: Do you want to learn to play guitar?
Joe: Yeah!
Phoebe: Then do not touch it! Rachel: How long should I wait to start to stick to the guy?
Phoebe: Month.
Monica: Three months.
Joe: Half an hour. Ross: Take my word, your job as a groom - to appear at the ceremony, and the right to name. Continuation of the article: Top quotes from the series "Friends»
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