The old life is no more, but as long as we are alive, everything continues in a new reality.

People’s lives after the war have changed dramatically. The sooner you accept the new reality, the easier it will be to live.

Life is zero, someone left and still does not know that forever. Someone stayed and waited for a miracle, not knowing that everything will not be as he draws in pictures. Someone will come back and start over! The old life is no more, but life is and everything will be, if not so – it means differently, but somehow it will be! And now the most important thing is to be ready to accept the new reality and not resist it.

The life of people after the war was for many of us a new stage in life. A stage none of us wanted. No one was prepared for such changes. Many people, even imagining the worst scenarios of your lifeNever thought of war. We read about it in books, sometimes we saw news reports from hot spots somewhere in the world. But none of this was with us. It was far away, and it seemed completely unreal. War existed for most of us only in the context of movies, books and TV shows.

Unfortunately, the reality was much worse than the script of any TV series or movie. Perhaps the most painful thing was the idealists. Those people who until the last sincerely believed that someone strong and fair will come and return everything to its place. All who believed in the so-called supreme good have known the most bitterness.

Instagram / @cary_fukunaga When your favorite city is bombed out the window and you don't know if you'll live a couple more hours, all illusions fall. It is hard to believe in God or any other justice. When very young people die, and sometimes even babies 3 months old, it is quite difficult to remain optimistic and believe in the best.

Peels Unfortunately, global frustration is not just about invaders. It feels like Faith in all of humanity is falling. It seems as if the whole world does not care, and the fact that your compatriots lose their lives in order to win back their native land is just a news story.

Peels want to scream. Except no one's gonna hear you scream. The feeling of inner brokenness It's not going anywhere. I doubt it will go away even after the war is over. Life will forever be divided into before and after. And that's only if we live.

I do not want to end this text on such a sad note. I’m going to go over it and say that everything will be fine. One way or another, we'll win. It's coming soon. Happy day, when all channels will announce the end of the war. I am sure that on this day absolutely all people of our country, regardless of gender or age, will cry for a long time and not believe that all this is finally over.


To be flexible and move forward, there is a door to the unknown that everyone needs to open and enter... on their own! Scary? Very! But it's the road to life! All we need now is to go forward and not stop, because stopping is a step into depression and apathy. We pull ourselves out by the hair and go live! There will be life and there will be love, I promise you that. You know, it'll still be...

Photo in article .


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