Why problems should not be left for later, but it is better to discuss immediately

How to live every Ukrainian, knowing that war? There are different opinions in society. Some people think that some actions should be delayed. For example, rename streets, visit restaurants, buy cars after the war. Someone is convinced that it is worth living one day. Especially now that 40 million people already know what war is.

About the question “after the war” shared his thoughts gynecologist, volunteer and blogger Natalia Lelukh. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia into the territory of independent Ukraine, Natalia, along with her team, began to travel to cities and villages liberated by the Ukrainian army. Volunteers delivered medicines to the victims and provided all possible assistance.

In one interview, Natalia was asked whether some medical, educational or political problems should be left for later. “I really don’t understand this, not for an hour,” Natalia reasoned, “I believe that problems should always be discussed.” Or, let’s say, a person does something stupid, and we will wait and only after the end of the war will we deal with him? If any representative of the authorities, some leader or even a grandmother on the street does some nonsense, then it should be talked about here and now.”

Some people do not like that people in the rear of Ukraine can afford a walk or a trip to a restaurant. This is considered a waste of money and disrespect for those who can not afford it. There is absolutely no rational grain in such thinking. Of course, while the army is heroically fighting for their native Ukrainian land, you should not arrange noisy parties with liters of hops and fireworks.

But a cup of coffee you can buy at your favorite coffee shop will become a tax paid to the state. The purchased car will become a customer of gas stations, sink, service station. Where the country will come from, too. People need to work. For them to have a job, they need clients. So. economy It will be able to function at a sufficient level. After all, it already suffers enormous losses due to the invasion of the aggressor. Imagine what would happen if everything stopped and closed.

Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko in one of his appeals reminded that there is no absolutely safe place in Ukraine. And so it will be until the victory of Ukraine over Russia in this foolish and groundless war. So anyway Don't forget.. Don't neglect the air alarm. As soon as you hear the siren, hurry to go to the shelter, bathroom or at least the corridor.

There are disagreements over the renaming of streets, parks, schools. But this is also an absolutely normal reaction to the actions of the aggressor country. Ukraine is a young country that is developing and getting better. It is quite clear that schools, parks, squares and streets will bear the names of those who defended them, sang in their musical and artistic works.

During World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was presented with documents with budget funding. “Where is the funding for culture?” asked Churchill. "So is war." What culture? he replied. “If there is no culture, then what are we fighting for?”

That is why it is important to adhere balance. You can’t forget something because it’s less important. Of course, the lion’s share of the effort should be thrown to the front. However, the cultural sphere has always been on the agenda. Ukrainian music is played in different countries and cities. Ukrainian exhibitions of photographs and paintings are considered by citizens of completely different countries. Culture is the heart of the state. It works nonstop for our good.

In Ukraine, the war continues for us – a peculiar marathon citizen. Someone defends the country at the front, someone works and pays taxes to the budget, someone volunteers and helps the military and civilians. Everyone is very difficult mentally and physically. But we have no choice but to win. Now we live as a single mechanism, and we should not be given slack.

The war continues, and what to do next? Live and help. Do everything that depends on everyone. Support for IDPs, assistance to war-affected animals, sending products to frontline cities, “donates” of the army – absolutely every detail is important. We have to stand up and win. Only by joint efforts will we win.

Undoubtedly, endure. daily It can be hard. For this you need to pamper yourself at least minimally. Buy a cup of delicious coffee, read an interesting book, go for a walk with friends, listen to your favorite music. Fighting for your place in the sun has never been easy. Especially when the enemy is extremely violent. But the Ukrainian sun is already rising. Soon it will warm up in the rays of victory and joy of each of us.


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