Grass Avicenna — Oriental secrets of healing
The unique history of fenugreek (fenugreek, fenugreek or helby) began in Egypt. He is still known as Egyptian tea or yellow tea from Egypt. In Arab countries, the Sufis called Helba "grass for a hundred diseases".
In our time the Arab and Indian women eat roasted seeds of Shambhala in order to make the shape of the breast and the hips more rounded. Chinese doctors treated with fenugreek hernia, fever, disease of the bladder, muscle pain, intestinal and pulmonary diseases. In Ayurvedic medicine Shambhala was treated for peptic ulcer disease.
In Ancient Persia fenugreek is known as a favorite grass Avicenna. In Ancient Greece, Hippocrates appreciated medicinal properties of fenugreek (fenugreek), using it to strengthen the forces. Oriental women used it to increase lactation.
In ancient times, fenugreek was part of the different recipes as a remedy for baldness, for the treatment of wounds, burns, stomach disease, impotence, menstrual cycle disorders. In our time, "a wonderful Helba" is used in many pharmaceutical preparations of modern medicine.
In folk medicine, fenugreek is used as the most effective tool for the treatment of alopecia, for the strength and splendor of the hair. Helba is also essential for women's health. It relieves painful menstruation, helps to better tolerate the menopause. In addition, fenugreek cleanses the body of toxins, and, as a consequence, helps to get rid of unpleasant breath and body odor.
To improve lactation, healthy diet after childbirth and General health promotion nursing mothers are advised to take fenugreek as a tea or in small amounts added to food.
Diabetes every day eat 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds helby, drinking hot milk.
To improve the potency daily take 1 tablespoon of crushed seeds diluted in Cup of hot milk.
In anemia daily take 1-2 teaspoon of crushed fenugreek seeds with milk and honey.
Using fenugreek for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult with your doctor. Remember, self-medication can be dangerous to your health.
At fenugreek there are contraindications: pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, vaginal bleeding.
Recipes, healthy and balanced diet
Fenugreek as a spice with a spicy nutty flavor — invaluable Supplement to many dishes. In the East it is known as Chaman. As spices for cooking Oriental dishes fenugreek is used with Basil and oregano.
Egyptian yellow tea
Before preparing tea, "Helba" rinse the seeds, then dry (about 2 days) on clean white paper. Then roast, grind to a powder in a coffee grinder or spice mill. A teaspoon of ground seeds dissolve in 250 ml of water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Can put in the tea ginger or cinnamon, lemon, honey, milk or sugar. Drink warm and cold. In addition, the Egyptian tea invigorates and refreshes, yet it is indispensable for acute respiratory diseases and pneumonia as a strong expectorant.
Morning tonic for good digestion
At night pour 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a glass of cold water. In the morning boil, strain and cool. Add a teaspoon of honey. Take 30 minutes before meals. This tonic strengthens the digestive and nervous system.
Baked potato with the paste of fenugreek in the East
Bake potatoes in the oven.
Fenugreek, herbs, salt and pepper stir in sour cream, knead this mixture with grated cheese to a smooth paste.
Serve with hot potatoes.
Also use fenugreek to strengthen hair at home
Mask for hair "a Mane like a lion"
3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds pour fresh milk (200 grams) (better to use homemade milk), leave overnight to swell. In the morning mash the seeds and add the lemon juice. Massage the mask on your hair. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
If you have a much hair fall out, will help the mask from fenugreek, a prescription which you can read below.
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Mask against hair loss
Dissolve 100 grams of crushed fenugreek seeds in a teaspoon of black seed oil. Allow the mixture to steep (enough for a couple of hours). For 15 minutes, smooth movements, RUB the mixture into the hair roots. Rinse with warm water.
The Arab sages said: "If people knew about the benefits of kelby, you would buy it at the price of gold". For a nominal price you get a treasure trove of health. That should be in every home in the kitchen and in the medicine Cabinet to prevent and solve many health problems.
Try the yellow Egyptian tea, prepare meals with fenugreek, brew tonic, and you won't be able to refuse it. Fenugreek will be one of your favorite spices. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.nadsoznaniem.ru/pazhitnik-helba-fenugrek-shambala-kladez-zdorovya/
In our time the Arab and Indian women eat roasted seeds of Shambhala in order to make the shape of the breast and the hips more rounded. Chinese doctors treated with fenugreek hernia, fever, disease of the bladder, muscle pain, intestinal and pulmonary diseases. In Ayurvedic medicine Shambhala was treated for peptic ulcer disease.

In Ancient Persia fenugreek is known as a favorite grass Avicenna. In Ancient Greece, Hippocrates appreciated medicinal properties of fenugreek (fenugreek), using it to strengthen the forces. Oriental women used it to increase lactation.
In ancient times, fenugreek was part of the different recipes as a remedy for baldness, for the treatment of wounds, burns, stomach disease, impotence, menstrual cycle disorders. In our time, "a wonderful Helba" is used in many pharmaceutical preparations of modern medicine.
In folk medicine, fenugreek is used as the most effective tool for the treatment of alopecia, for the strength and splendor of the hair. Helba is also essential for women's health. It relieves painful menstruation, helps to better tolerate the menopause. In addition, fenugreek cleanses the body of toxins, and, as a consequence, helps to get rid of unpleasant breath and body odor.
To improve lactation, healthy diet after childbirth and General health promotion nursing mothers are advised to take fenugreek as a tea or in small amounts added to food.
Diabetes every day eat 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds helby, drinking hot milk.
To improve the potency daily take 1 tablespoon of crushed seeds diluted in Cup of hot milk.
In anemia daily take 1-2 teaspoon of crushed fenugreek seeds with milk and honey.
Using fenugreek for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult with your doctor. Remember, self-medication can be dangerous to your health.
At fenugreek there are contraindications: pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, vaginal bleeding.
Recipes, healthy and balanced diet
Fenugreek as a spice with a spicy nutty flavor — invaluable Supplement to many dishes. In the East it is known as Chaman. As spices for cooking Oriental dishes fenugreek is used with Basil and oregano.
Egyptian yellow tea

Before preparing tea, "Helba" rinse the seeds, then dry (about 2 days) on clean white paper. Then roast, grind to a powder in a coffee grinder or spice mill. A teaspoon of ground seeds dissolve in 250 ml of water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Can put in the tea ginger or cinnamon, lemon, honey, milk or sugar. Drink warm and cold. In addition, the Egyptian tea invigorates and refreshes, yet it is indispensable for acute respiratory diseases and pneumonia as a strong expectorant.
Morning tonic for good digestion
At night pour 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a glass of cold water. In the morning boil, strain and cool. Add a teaspoon of honey. Take 30 minutes before meals. This tonic strengthens the digestive and nervous system.
Baked potato with the paste of fenugreek in the East
- 10 potatoes medium size you will need
- 200 grams of sour cream,
- 2 teaspoons ground fenugreek,
- 2 tablespoon chopped green Basil
- 2 tablespoons chopped dill and parsley,
- 50 grams of cheese,
- salt and black pepper to taste.
Bake potatoes in the oven.
Fenugreek, herbs, salt and pepper stir in sour cream, knead this mixture with grated cheese to a smooth paste.
Serve with hot potatoes.

Also use fenugreek to strengthen hair at home
Mask for hair "a Mane like a lion"
3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds pour fresh milk (200 grams) (better to use homemade milk), leave overnight to swell. In the morning mash the seeds and add the lemon juice. Massage the mask on your hair. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
If you have a much hair fall out, will help the mask from fenugreek, a prescription which you can read below.
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Mask against hair loss
Dissolve 100 grams of crushed fenugreek seeds in a teaspoon of black seed oil. Allow the mixture to steep (enough for a couple of hours). For 15 minutes, smooth movements, RUB the mixture into the hair roots. Rinse with warm water.

The Arab sages said: "If people knew about the benefits of kelby, you would buy it at the price of gold". For a nominal price you get a treasure trove of health. That should be in every home in the kitchen and in the medicine Cabinet to prevent and solve many health problems.
Try the yellow Egyptian tea, prepare meals with fenugreek, brew tonic, and you won't be able to refuse it. Fenugreek will be one of your favorite spices. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.nadsoznaniem.ru/pazhitnik-helba-fenugrek-shambala-kladez-zdorovya/