Remedy fatigue.
1st healing recipe: lemon, honey and walnuts:
It should be one cup of shelled walnuts and chop one lemon, add a cup of honey, mix thoroughly. Take a remedy should be one tablespoon three times a day.
2nd recipe for healing: grape juice:
It should take two tablespoons of fresh grape juice for half an hour before a meal or eat a handful of grapes.
3rd recipe of healing: healing composition:
It is necessary to mix a glass of milk and one teaspoon of chamomile pharmacy, bring to a boil, then keep the broth over low heat for 10-15 minutes, remove from heat and let cool slightly, add a tablespoon of honey, strain and drink 40 minutes before going to sleep.
4th recipe for healing: coniferous decoction:
It should be two tablespoons of chopped pine needles pour 300 ml of water, bring to a boil and keep the structure on medium heat for twenty minutes, then remove broth from the heat and strain it, after it has cooled slightly, add to it three tablespoons of honey and Mix thoroughly. Take a decoction of healing should be one tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before a meal.
5th recipe for healing: sleep, rest and fresh air:
Do not forget that the main cause of chronic fatigue are constant stress. Try to normalize their lifestyle, get enough sleep, give a walk in the fresh air. Eliminate receiving strong drinks, strong tea and coffee - despite the apparent surge of strength, followed inevitably follow state oppression of the nervous system.
6th recipe for healing: healing oats:
It should be one cup of whole-grain oats washed pour one liter of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the jelly, then strain and add two tablespoons of honey. Take a healing broth should be for half a cup twice a day for half an hour before a meal.
7th healing recipe: rose hips:
Rosehip has established itself as an excellent tonic, it is especially useful in disorders of the nervous system. From it you can prepare a decoction of healing based on the rose, it is especially useful to people who are subject to constant physical and mental stress
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