Choose the shape of the nose, and we'll tell you everything about your personality.

Strange but true! The nose is able to tell a lot about the character, according to research by Israeli scholar of Abraham Tamir Ben-Gurion University. The results of his research papers have been published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.
Form at the nose a great many, but here are eight basic:
Nubian nose
Nubian nose is characterized by its length. The back of the nose almost straight, and the tip downwards. Holders of such forms are often curious and very optimistic. "Nubians" really trying to help others, to create the ideal conditions for others. People with Nubian nose pretty much any problem they will always find a solution.
Greek nose
The name came from the observation of ancient Greek sculptures. Greek nose is very narrow, long and straight. "Greeks" does not always like to be in the spotlight. They are very practical and true to their loved ones. Such people are very difficult to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem to be quite closed.
The hook nose
Many compare this form of the nose with a bird's beak. The back of his bent, and the tip downwards. Such people are very creative, very selfless. They passionately prepared to defend their principles, risking everything for their own purposes.
Nose arch
Such a nose is very similar to the hook, but the tip of his more pointed. People with such a nose - a brilliant organizer. They are always honest and responsible in their work, always achieve the necessary goals.
Choose the shape of the nose, and we will tell all about your personality
"A button»
Nose, this is very small and exquisite. Its form is the most common. Holders of the nose is very spontaneous in their decisions than often do not please others. These people have a very strong character, just move from talk to action. Almost always, they get what they want.
Straight nose
Such a nose is very common in Asia. The shape of its almost perfectly straight, a little flat. Rounded tip and nostrils are quite broad. These people have a very strong character. They are very passionate and temperamental. The anger of people with a straight nose is very easy to call.
Concave nose
Such a nose on the back of a small hillock. This form is not very common, to distinguish it from the others immediately rather difficult. People with different nose generosity, a desire to solve the problems of others. Holders of such a form is very sensitive, easy to offend or insult.
Crooked nose
The name is not the most pleasant. However, the nature of such people very often soft and loving. The back of the nose is curved and rounded tip. "Krivonosov" very skontsentriirovany on what they are doing. They - excellent students, best friends and partners.