What determines the healing
What determines the healing
"Healing does not depend on what the person WANTS NO MATTER WHAT HE KNOWS. Healing depends entirely on what he is doing. "
In fact, the motto - true
. Knowledge gives a potential cure. It gives a person the means to act. Thus, being aware of the conflict that started the disease, a person is able to find a solution to the conflict, to implement it and, thereby, to get well. DO NOT TREAT KNOWLEDGE PROBLEMS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS DECISION.
A person may be aware, where they come from disease, to understand what kind of emotions impact on certain bodies, but still remain sick.
If he is not to let the disease, then it will remain.
This also works if the sick person the conflict resolved itself, in this case comes vyzdorovlenie.Takim way, whether people know it or not, the solution of the conflict brings healing.
Attitude to the problem - that's the essence. A person can change the attitude to the problem, change their lives and recover. The media and the medical associations as well as the Company believes that a person has to fight the disease. "The disease - an enemy that attacked our body and we need to fight to get rid of him." Such an attitude is not conducive to recovery. In the language of biology is a struggle - you should still be in stress. But this is precisely the cause illness.
Disease Control enhances this STRESS AND STRENGTHENS DISEASE.
The right attitude - a feeling of gratitude, a disease called to assist. The disease exists in order to save our lives and helps us to see that aspect of life where we do not have coped with emotions or situations. For treatment, we need to be calm. You must rest. Healing requires a lot of energy, but if we are able to fight the disease, only expend vital energy uselessly. We must take advantage of the time of the disease, as it exists in us, and when will come the solution of the conflict that caused the disease, you need to afford to get well.
Another very important factor is FAITH. It can cure even without the help of other factors. It is a powerful force - the key to many problems. Brother Andre in Montreal, hundreds of people healed by faith. Hundreds of pairs of crutches unnecessary now lie somewhere in Montreal, and remind people about the power of faith. Unfortunately, the concept of faith is often perceived wrong, but that's another aspect that is part of a completely different discussion.
Example: LIVER CANCER - Conflict "I do not have enough" - when a person does not have enough to eat, every cell in the liver work more than necessary to compensate for the shortage. The hepatocytes of the liver parenchyma are stepping up their activities. This conflict is essential for liver cancer.
True healing is always initiated by the patient. It can not come from someone or something external.
Patients who expects that someone has cured, the remaining patients. The disease - the patient's own conflict and you can not shift the responsibility for your life on someone else. Otherwise, it is a time bomb that will explode in the future, at any time.
BEST DECISION IS REPROGRAMMING conflicts and go beyond it.
Essential in understanding the disease model is the understanding that every disease has two phases - conflict phase and recovery phase
. Each of them has different characteristics.
The conflict phase begins with the appearance of severe stress or shock and can be identified by symptoms of sympathetic nervous system. These are the following symptoms:
cold limbs
poor sleep
loss of appetite
impaired attention and concentration
feeling of weakness If a person does not find solutions, the brain uses energy and stress will automatically switch into survival mode (ie, disease). Once this happens, the patient feels relieved and the body is returned almost to normal operation. The core of the emotional conflict is placed in the subconscious, where it is stored.
In many cases of conflict phase it does not manifest itself and remain unnoticed for a man. But the patient begins to feel uncomfortable, he says that he had a bad feeling, pain and other symptoms in the recovery phase.
The recovery phase begins when man found solution to the conflict, and the person begins to carry out a practical solution to this conflict or conscious way.
But at this point he can go to the doctor and get the appropriate destination. Surgery and drugs acting on the physical aspects of the disease, can greatly facilitate and reduce the physical, and then emotional symptoms, and in many situations can save lives. However, this way the disease is not healed. This is possible by the destruction of the "program" of the disease, when a person finds and provides solution to the conflict.
When a solution is found, the brain learns about it first. The patient himself may not be aware that he lived some conflict or resolve it, but gradually the brain controls all aspects of survival. Sympathetic phase of the conflict, and stress takes energy, and in their place come the symptoms of parasympathetic phase:
fatigue and drowsiness
tangled thoughts
redness, increased sweating, flushing
appetite recovery sometimes short periods
paralysis The recovery phase is divided in turn into two stages:
1. The initial stage is associated with the recovery in the brain. Excessive
liquid falls into the "brain hearth" Hamer zone or neuronal disease involved in the program, thereby providing nutrients and elements for recovery of brain tissue. brain edema during the initial recovery phase can sometimes squeeze the healthy tissue, which leads to the parasympathetic symptoms described above.
2. Then comes the moment when the brain switches to survival mode to the normal operation of the program - the switch is pressed again health. At this point, epileptic crisis may occur, which leads to manifestation of symptoms of a short period of time from several hours to one day. After epileptic crisis, begins the second part of the recovery phase, the body recovers quickly.
Recommended treatment of epileptic Creasy
(Recommended by Dr. L. Koudenom)
1. Apply ice in a plastic container to the head.
2. Place both feet in hot water.
3. Take homeopathic black currant or black cumin oil every hour.
4. Drainage means - Burbur Detox (drug) every 15 minutes
5. Take herbal diuretics - a decoction of the fruit of juniper or watermelon seed each hour
. The drugs are used as a last resort only to save the person's life.
1. The pharmaceutical diuretics - mannitol, furosemide
2. Steroid hormones - dexamethasone or hydrocortisone
Treatment of infections
The tumor cells that are associated with the "old brain" in the recovery phase undergoes necrosis.
The bacteria are saprophytes, living constantly in the human body, are involved in the destruction of these tumors.
If these bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, the recovery phase is broken, associated with necrosis of the tumor as described above, and the healing process is a big question.
Mycobacteria are primarily involved in tumor necrosis, but if their number is insufficient, the body uses fungi and other bacteria to destroy the tumor.
Treatment with positive attitudes
A patient who wants to use the method of "healing of memories", must know the two conditions of our work with him:
1st condition: He must find a solution to the conflict, and implement it practically or knowingly
. 2nd condition: the man is solely responsible for its healing process. He had no doubt the end result is healing, free from every kind of doubt.
We can distinguish four types of doubt encountered in our patients:
Man DOUBTS IN THE METHOD "healing recollection»
But once a person learns how this method works, and see examples of healing, the confidence comes to him, "I can heal itself»
The man convinced that his heavyweight STATE ONLY incomparable with any other similar cases.
Man doubts that might someday be healed: "Other people may be cured, but my disease is heavier than the other." We can explain that to the method of "memory healing" every disease is more severe than the common cold. And colds and cancer, the human brain is how to enable and disable the disease program. But for each of the disease it is necessary to find the reason why the brain is "included" program is the disease
. Hurt too strongly believes in the poor prognosis, which he heard from
physician or other authoritative person.
Sick doubt myself: "Some people are cured of various
cancers, multiple sclerosis, allergy, eczema, and similar diseases. But I can not. My condition is too heavy. I'm not good enough ... people recover around the world ... and to me, as always, no luck. " In fact, sick at heart hopes for a cure, but it says the opposite (touch wood). This fourth kind of doubt trudnoulovim.
Dr. Saba found here catch. At first glance, "deep down I hope" - it is extremely positive statement
. In itself this phrase no negative words, but there is no positive installation because the patient doubts to himself. What does the phrase "in my heart I hope to be healed?" - "I have a slim chance to recover, but I'm not sure I will succeed»
. Where a person uses the word "hope" - meaning "doubt" and "great hope" means "great doubt".
Without absolute certainty (where there is no place no hope, no doubt), the healing is not possible or it will not be FINAL.
When you have confidence in me I am recovering. I have absolute faith in the present is.
When I have a hope, not an absolute belief - I do not recover, I just hope it
. It is also impossible to reconcile faith and confidence. Faith - this is one level, and confidence is completely different. The highest degree of faith may have some relation to the self, but in order to reach the level of absolute certainty, it is necessary to make a breakthrough.
"Healing does not depend on what the person WANTS NO MATTER WHAT HE KNOWS. Healing depends entirely on what he is doing. "
In fact, the motto - true
. Knowledge gives a potential cure. It gives a person the means to act. Thus, being aware of the conflict that started the disease, a person is able to find a solution to the conflict, to implement it and, thereby, to get well. DO NOT TREAT KNOWLEDGE PROBLEMS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS DECISION.
A person may be aware, where they come from disease, to understand what kind of emotions impact on certain bodies, but still remain sick.
If he is not to let the disease, then it will remain.
This also works if the sick person the conflict resolved itself, in this case comes vyzdorovlenie.Takim way, whether people know it or not, the solution of the conflict brings healing.
Attitude to the problem - that's the essence. A person can change the attitude to the problem, change their lives and recover. The media and the medical associations as well as the Company believes that a person has to fight the disease. "The disease - an enemy that attacked our body and we need to fight to get rid of him." Such an attitude is not conducive to recovery. In the language of biology is a struggle - you should still be in stress. But this is precisely the cause illness.

Disease Control enhances this STRESS AND STRENGTHENS DISEASE.
The right attitude - a feeling of gratitude, a disease called to assist. The disease exists in order to save our lives and helps us to see that aspect of life where we do not have coped with emotions or situations. For treatment, we need to be calm. You must rest. Healing requires a lot of energy, but if we are able to fight the disease, only expend vital energy uselessly. We must take advantage of the time of the disease, as it exists in us, and when will come the solution of the conflict that caused the disease, you need to afford to get well.
Another very important factor is FAITH. It can cure even without the help of other factors. It is a powerful force - the key to many problems. Brother Andre in Montreal, hundreds of people healed by faith. Hundreds of pairs of crutches unnecessary now lie somewhere in Montreal, and remind people about the power of faith. Unfortunately, the concept of faith is often perceived wrong, but that's another aspect that is part of a completely different discussion.
Example: LIVER CANCER - Conflict "I do not have enough" - when a person does not have enough to eat, every cell in the liver work more than necessary to compensate for the shortage. The hepatocytes of the liver parenchyma are stepping up their activities. This conflict is essential for liver cancer.
True healing is always initiated by the patient. It can not come from someone or something external.
Patients who expects that someone has cured, the remaining patients. The disease - the patient's own conflict and you can not shift the responsibility for your life on someone else. Otherwise, it is a time bomb that will explode in the future, at any time.
BEST DECISION IS REPROGRAMMING conflicts and go beyond it.
Essential in understanding the disease model is the understanding that every disease has two phases - conflict phase and recovery phase
. Each of them has different characteristics.
The conflict phase begins with the appearance of severe stress or shock and can be identified by symptoms of sympathetic nervous system. These are the following symptoms:
cold limbs
poor sleep
loss of appetite
impaired attention and concentration
feeling of weakness If a person does not find solutions, the brain uses energy and stress will automatically switch into survival mode (ie, disease). Once this happens, the patient feels relieved and the body is returned almost to normal operation. The core of the emotional conflict is placed in the subconscious, where it is stored.
In many cases of conflict phase it does not manifest itself and remain unnoticed for a man. But the patient begins to feel uncomfortable, he says that he had a bad feeling, pain and other symptoms in the recovery phase.
The recovery phase begins when man found solution to the conflict, and the person begins to carry out a practical solution to this conflict or conscious way.
But at this point he can go to the doctor and get the appropriate destination. Surgery and drugs acting on the physical aspects of the disease, can greatly facilitate and reduce the physical, and then emotional symptoms, and in many situations can save lives. However, this way the disease is not healed. This is possible by the destruction of the "program" of the disease, when a person finds and provides solution to the conflict.
When a solution is found, the brain learns about it first. The patient himself may not be aware that he lived some conflict or resolve it, but gradually the brain controls all aspects of survival. Sympathetic phase of the conflict, and stress takes energy, and in their place come the symptoms of parasympathetic phase:
fatigue and drowsiness
tangled thoughts
redness, increased sweating, flushing
appetite recovery sometimes short periods
paralysis The recovery phase is divided in turn into two stages:
1. The initial stage is associated with the recovery in the brain. Excessive
liquid falls into the "brain hearth" Hamer zone or neuronal disease involved in the program, thereby providing nutrients and elements for recovery of brain tissue. brain edema during the initial recovery phase can sometimes squeeze the healthy tissue, which leads to the parasympathetic symptoms described above.
2. Then comes the moment when the brain switches to survival mode to the normal operation of the program - the switch is pressed again health. At this point, epileptic crisis may occur, which leads to manifestation of symptoms of a short period of time from several hours to one day. After epileptic crisis, begins the second part of the recovery phase, the body recovers quickly.
Recommended treatment of epileptic Creasy
(Recommended by Dr. L. Koudenom)
1. Apply ice in a plastic container to the head.
2. Place both feet in hot water.
3. Take homeopathic black currant or black cumin oil every hour.
4. Drainage means - Burbur Detox (drug) every 15 minutes
5. Take herbal diuretics - a decoction of the fruit of juniper or watermelon seed each hour
. The drugs are used as a last resort only to save the person's life.
1. The pharmaceutical diuretics - mannitol, furosemide
2. Steroid hormones - dexamethasone or hydrocortisone
Treatment of infections
The tumor cells that are associated with the "old brain" in the recovery phase undergoes necrosis.
The bacteria are saprophytes, living constantly in the human body, are involved in the destruction of these tumors.
If these bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, the recovery phase is broken, associated with necrosis of the tumor as described above, and the healing process is a big question.
Mycobacteria are primarily involved in tumor necrosis, but if their number is insufficient, the body uses fungi and other bacteria to destroy the tumor.
Treatment with positive attitudes
A patient who wants to use the method of "healing of memories", must know the two conditions of our work with him:
1st condition: He must find a solution to the conflict, and implement it practically or knowingly
. 2nd condition: the man is solely responsible for its healing process. He had no doubt the end result is healing, free from every kind of doubt.
We can distinguish four types of doubt encountered in our patients:
Man DOUBTS IN THE METHOD "healing recollection»
But once a person learns how this method works, and see examples of healing, the confidence comes to him, "I can heal itself»
The man convinced that his heavyweight STATE ONLY incomparable with any other similar cases.
Man doubts that might someday be healed: "Other people may be cured, but my disease is heavier than the other." We can explain that to the method of "memory healing" every disease is more severe than the common cold. And colds and cancer, the human brain is how to enable and disable the disease program. But for each of the disease it is necessary to find the reason why the brain is "included" program is the disease
. Hurt too strongly believes in the poor prognosis, which he heard from
physician or other authoritative person.
Sick doubt myself: "Some people are cured of various
cancers, multiple sclerosis, allergy, eczema, and similar diseases. But I can not. My condition is too heavy. I'm not good enough ... people recover around the world ... and to me, as always, no luck. " In fact, sick at heart hopes for a cure, but it says the opposite (touch wood). This fourth kind of doubt trudnoulovim.
Dr. Saba found here catch. At first glance, "deep down I hope" - it is extremely positive statement
. In itself this phrase no negative words, but there is no positive installation because the patient doubts to himself. What does the phrase "in my heart I hope to be healed?" - "I have a slim chance to recover, but I'm not sure I will succeed»
. Where a person uses the word "hope" - meaning "doubt" and "great hope" means "great doubt".
Without absolute certainty (where there is no place no hope, no doubt), the healing is not possible or it will not be FINAL.
When you have confidence in me I am recovering. I have absolute faith in the present is.
When I have a hope, not an absolute belief - I do not recover, I just hope it
. It is also impossible to reconcile faith and confidence. Faith - this is one level, and confidence is completely different. The highest degree of faith may have some relation to the self, but in order to reach the level of absolute certainty, it is necessary to make a breakthrough.