How to cheat calories?
Want to lose weight? Do not have to give up favorite foods. Better balance the consumption of calories!
Decide how many pounds you want to lose and calculate how many calories a day you have to eat less in order to the end of the year to achieve the desired result.
Consume 100 calories a day to a day to lose 5 pounds of weight.
Savings of 250 calories will lead to losing about 10 lbs a year
But if you need to lose 25 pounds in the same time, will have to reduce consumption of 500 calories per day.
1.For Breakfast try to eat 3/4 Cup of whole grain with low sugar content. this will replace you your favorite muffin, and help protect 100 calories.
2.Replace the pita bread, trecasali. So you insure yourself against more than 70 calories per day.
3.Eat every day apples. these fruits have lots of fiber and water, so other food in your stomach will need less. Studies have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight. try to eat a day at least 2 small apples instead of cookies. Savings of 100 calories.
4.In the new oil. Try to use the easy sandwich butter instead of regular butter. So you will save about 100 calories.
5.Start the lunch with soup. the soup is often called the first course. filling the stomach with liquid, it gives a sense of satiety, and hence on the second, which is much more nutritious, you eat less. Therefore, save 100 calories.
6.Can't live without dessert? Instead of sponge cake you better take tor soufflé. He air and contains 2 times less calories. Savings of 70 calories.
7.Change your drink. Soda instead of Cola or sprite drink non-carbonated mineral water. This can save you about 300 calories.
And be in shape always!!!
Source: /users/60
Decide how many pounds you want to lose and calculate how many calories a day you have to eat less in order to the end of the year to achieve the desired result.
Consume 100 calories a day to a day to lose 5 pounds of weight.
Savings of 250 calories will lead to losing about 10 lbs a year
But if you need to lose 25 pounds in the same time, will have to reduce consumption of 500 calories per day.
1.For Breakfast try to eat 3/4 Cup of whole grain with low sugar content. this will replace you your favorite muffin, and help protect 100 calories.

2.Replace the pita bread, trecasali. So you insure yourself against more than 70 calories per day.
3.Eat every day apples. these fruits have lots of fiber and water, so other food in your stomach will need less. Studies have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight. try to eat a day at least 2 small apples instead of cookies. Savings of 100 calories.

4.In the new oil. Try to use the easy sandwich butter instead of regular butter. So you will save about 100 calories.
5.Start the lunch with soup. the soup is often called the first course. filling the stomach with liquid, it gives a sense of satiety, and hence on the second, which is much more nutritious, you eat less. Therefore, save 100 calories.

6.Can't live without dessert? Instead of sponge cake you better take tor soufflé. He air and contains 2 times less calories. Savings of 70 calories.
7.Change your drink. Soda instead of Cola or sprite drink non-carbonated mineral water. This can save you about 300 calories.
And be in shape always!!!

Source: /users/60