Roman Sheptytsky shared a detailed layout for June 2022

There are high hopes for this summer. I dream of peace in Ukraine, so with faith in the best I study the forecast. June 2022 from the psychic Roman Sheptytsky.

Roman became the semifinalist of the 20th international "Battle of psychics". The seer himself comes from Ternopil village. He works with both light and dark forces, which is why he calls himself a “gray magician.” In his practices, he uses Tarot cards, herbs, flowers, runes and the power of the elements.

Today's edition. "Site" will tell you Ukraine and the world in June 2022. Roman Sheptytsky's prediction!

Forecast for June 2022 “What awaits Ukraine in June 2022 and what will be the energy of this month?” – asked the cards Tarot Roman Sheptytsky.

The first was the stress card, which means that relax. The energy of greed will go away, and Ukraine will get enough support from Europe and faraway countries. The occupied territories will also begin to return. In the middle of the month there will be a reason to rejoice.

At the same time, there is a possibility of samples of seizure of new territories by the occupier, but in the end they will not succeed.

The most acute situation remains in the east of Ukraine, as well as in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions. It won't be easy. But by the end of the month and in those places there will be little cause for joy. Ukraine will regain control over some of its territories.

Peels Closer to mid-summer there will be talks with the occupier. And the initiator negotiation will be the attacking side.

“There will be more destruction, more losses, but it will end soon. The final is close! says the magician.

Regarding Belarus, this territory will still be used as a springboard for an attack on Ukraine. At the same time, closer to the autumn, the leader of Belarus and the Moscow leader quarreled. After that, Belarus will take a neutral position in this war.

Regarding the situation in the world, Roman Sheptytsky says: New military conflicts may develop, not only in Ukraine. There are also threats of natural disasters or man-made disasters. The latter may be related to viruses. Maybe it's a monkey accident.

Peels June could be a landmark in terms of interesting new global coalitions. It will be a month of new opportunities. ?

Roman also says that the time has come. ponder. It's time to rebuild the world, make it a better place, because it's our home. The whole planet is crying, it's in a terrible state. The whole Earth project is in question.

Peels “I can’t understand why people can’t live peacefully?” – the participant of the “Battle of psychics” warmly expressed his position. The higher powers gave us the chance to write our own history. It is time to choose peace and goodness.

I also propose to get acquainted with the prophecy of Hayal Alekperov, which are beginning to come true now. The psychic knows what he's talking about. Predictions are encouraging!

Throughout June, masks will fall, enemies will be exposed. Ukraine will be cleansed. The biggest changes are expected from the second half of the month.

What is your forecast for June 2022 from Roman Sheptytsky? Do you believe his predictions or do you have a different opinion?


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