Prepare delicious mashed potatoes – 9 unique recipes

1. Potatoes 10 minutes to boil in water, then drain the water, add the boiling milk and bring to readiness. Mash into a puree.
2. Potatoes mash into a puree. Sour cream mixed with grated cheese and finely chopped garlic, and season this mixture to the potatoes. Mashed potatoes need to hold a bit in the oven that the sour cream is warmed.
3. Potatoes mash into a puree, pour boiling chicken broth (similar recipe mashed potatoes with milk), beat well.
4. Fill mashed garlic, pounded with herbs, fennel seeds, divorced melted butter.
5. Beat 1-2 egg yolks with a few tablespoons of sour cream, fill with this mixture the mashed potatoes. If you are not sure as eggs, do not use this version of the dish. Otherwise the risk of catching unpleasant and even dangerous diseases.
6. Greaves (roasted pelmeni) with a small amount of melted fat add to mashed potatoes and whip.
7. Cheese varieties to RUB on a small grater. Puree slightly dilute with boiling milk, add cheese and mix thoroughly. The volume of cheese should be about a quarter of the volume of puree.

8. Mash the potatoes, add a knob of butter, mix with finely chopped herbs (dill, chives, parsley) and garlic.
9. In mashed potatoes, diluted with milk, add a handful of crushed nuts. To puree turned out delicious, you need to follow some rules. Potatoes should be of those varieties which when cooked loosened, crumble – "starch". If the tuber remains outwardly unchanged, although it is cooked, such as potatoes suitable for frying, but tender, puree it will not work.

Of course, the potatoes should be thoroughly cleaned. This applies not only peel, but also the "eyes". The flesh around them is bad, because you should not spoil your lunch or dinner, it is better to remove these sites immediately. Cook potatoes for mashed potatoes is entirely inappropriate. It should be cut. The pieces should be about the same shape and size. This will allow them cook at the same time. Finely also cut is not necessary, otherwise you will get useless puree. All of its nutrients and the nutrients remain in the broth.
Milk should only be boiling. From cold milk puree is gray. Puree likes to have his long churned. When he has a uniform creamy consistency, this means that you can bring to the table. And if until smooth and kremoobraznogo still far, work with a pestle on. Serve the sauce should be only hot. Heated it loses its wonderful taste.
Source: koko.by/recipes/12264.html
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