What's a jerk?

Mashed potatoes are the simplest dish, but this is not the only reason for its popularity. After all, such potatoes are an excellent side dish for meat, fish, poultry, vegetables. And as an independent dish, puree perfectly quenches hunger and is easily absorbed.

However, even such a simple dish is not always perfect. It is enough to make one or more mistakes, and a gentle pearl risks turning into a sticky, lump-shaped mass, which experienced cooks dismissively call trotchenka. How not to ruin your favorite dish?

A delicious mashed potato
  1. Potatoes
    And mashedIt is necessary to carefully approach the choice of potatoes. Of course, we will cook dinner with the products that are on hand. However, it should be borne in mind that the best puree is obtained from potatoes with the highest starch content (such tubers, as a rule, have a rounded shape and light skin). But dark potatoes are more likely to turn into something slurred than into an appetizing and airy puree.

  2. salt
    When cooking, potatoes absorb salt (if it was added to water), and therefore the finished puree will not be fresh. If you salt a dish after cooking, how can you hope that someone will like it?

  3. Varka
    First, pour the peeled potatoes with water, then salt and only then put on the fire. If the order is different, the potatoes are either unevenly cooked, or turn out to be fresh. In any case, the result will be worse than expectations. In addition, many housewives prefer to cut potatoes before cooking, because it is cooked faster. But for the taste it is better if before cooking the product is cleaned, but not cut. Also, at the end of cooking, do not let the potatoes cool, and immediately completely drain the water and take up the potatoes.

  4. Additives
    It is no secret that with butter, milk or sour cream mashed potatoes will taste better, but you can not add these products cold to the dish, otherwise they will be absorbed unevenly. As a result, puree will have a heterogeneous consistency. Therefore, it is impossible to add dairy products directly from the refrigerator to hot potatoes. It is better to remove them in advance so that the additives have time to reach room temperature.

  5. Grinding.
    It is best to either grind finished potatoes with a blender, or grind them with potatoes. If you use a high-speed blender for this, then it ruthlessly destroys the delicate starch granules of cooked potatoes. As a result, the puree will turn out not only small, but also sticky. This dish will not really taste good.

Avoid these mistakes and prepare them. mashed It won't be hard at all. Do not forget that potatoes do not like to sit in a pan for a long time. And if you leave it overnight in the refrigerator, then in the morning there will be no trace of the past wonderful taste. Such a product is suitable only as a filling for cakes or dumplings.


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