200 years since the death of Mikhail Kutuzov
It will be 12 pictures, please do not break.
28 (16) April 1813 in Poland, died an outstanding Russian commander, the first full Cavalier of the Order of St. George Mikhail Kutuzov (Serene Highness Prince Golenishtchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky).
"Death raced through his head,
But his life was left intact,
- God himself on his feat blyuli! »
Gabriel Derzhavin.
The commander entered the Russian history as the winner of the French emperor Napoleon and his Grand Army in the Patriotic War of 1812, the "savior of the fatherland." Mikhail Kutuzov was a difficult fate, with its ups and downs. Along the way, he was a soldier for a long time, take part in more than one campaign. But it was during the War of 1812 leadership talent Kutuzov and his closeness to the people, the soldiers opened the best. Kutuzov became a worthy rival of Napoleon and his generals won up over the army of the then "international community." West has once again been defeated and humiliated Russian soldiers.
Rhode Kutuzov was one of the oldest in Russia. His ancestor - "an honest man Gabriel" left "German" More of Alexander Nevsky. Parent Prince of Smolensk was a Lieutenant-General, Senator Hilary Golenishtchev-Kutuzov, and her mother, Anna of the genus Beklemisheva. His father served as the first Turkish war under the banner of Rumyantsev-Transdanubian, three decades served in the Engineering Building, famous for its high intelligence and knowledge of civil and military affairs, for which he was nicknamed the "reasonable book." Born Michael 5 (16) September 1745 (according to other sources September 5, 1747). Kutuzov received a good education at home, in 1759 was given to the artillery and engineer aristocratic school where his father taught. In 1761, Michael has mastered the program and graduated from the school with the rank of ensign engineer. In the same year, a young man is assigned to the Astrakhan Infantry Regiment, whose commander was Alexander Suvorov. He was spotted by Catherine and her request enlisted aide to the governor of Revel Prince Holstein-bek. Soon he was granted the rank of captain.
The first baptism of fire Kutuzov took place in 1764, when the volunteers enrolled in the army in Poland. From that moment Kutuzov almost half a century spent in combat, reaching top positions and awards. His first battle occurred June 28 near Warsaw, with a detachment of Radziwill. The following year he again beat the Confederate detachment. In 1767, Kutuzov was brought to work in the "Commission on the preparation of the new Code," probably as a translator, as a good command of Latin, French and German. In 1769, again sent to Poland, was in Mobile ("flying") detachments.
Since 1770 he transferred to the 1st Army Field Marshal Pyotr Rumyantsev, taking part in the war against the Ottomans. Kutuzov, consisting in the Quartermaster General Baur, distinguished himself in the battle of pock-marked grave, for which he was made a Chief Quartermaster Prime Mallorcan rank. With the defeat on the Prut River Abd Pasha he commanded two companies and repulsed the attack of the enemy's cavalry. In the battle at Larga he commanded a battalion of grenadiers, who broke into the enemy camp. In Cahul battle was in the vanguard of the column Baur and pursued the Ottomans to the Danube, received the rank of major. In 1771, for successes in the battle of Popesti he received a rank of lieutenant colonel. In these battles commander Kutuzov showed undoubted qualities: initiative, resourcefulness, determination, courage and composure in critical situations.
In 1772 he was transferred to the 2nd Army Vasily Dolgoruky in Crimea. Here Kutuzov scored at Kinburn in 1773, and in 1774 took part in the reflection of Turkish troops to the peninsula. In the battle near the village of Noises (now Kutuzovka) was severely wounded in the head. Doctors feared for his life, he received a perforating wound, a bullet hit his left temple and flew around the right eye. But to the surprise of many, he was cured. Empress Catherine treated him with attention, he said, "One must take care of Kutuzov. It will be my great general. " Kutuzov was awarded the Military Order of St. George 4th grade and sent for treatment in Austria, paying expenses. Kutuzov two years traveled to Europe, visiting Germany, France, Italy, Holland and England. This time, he used to improve his education.
On his return to Russia in 1776 he returned to military service. It has been identified in Crimea Suvorov. Using talent Kutuzov in all important matters, Suvorov loved him, and from 1776 until 1782 in his view he bestowed for distinguished ranks of colonel and brigadier. Suvorov Potemkin recommend it. In 1784, suppressed excitement of the Crimean Tatars, Kutuzov to report Potemkin, received the rank of Major General. Since 1785, Mikhail Kutuzov was named commander of the Bug Chasseur Corps formed. Designed for rangers new tactical methods of struggle in the spirit of Suvorov's "Science of Victory" and presented them in a special instruction. Personally selected the people in the building, train soldiers marksmanship, receptions bayonet, to navigate the forest steppe. Instills the ability to act in skirmishing. In 1787, during a trip to the Crimea Empress, Kutuzov led to her presence at the Poltava field maneuvers, which depicted the Battle of Poltava. For this he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 2 degrees.
At the beginning of a new Russian-Turkish war, Kutuzov was guarding the border on the River Bug Empire. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. It was becoming MI Kutuzov as a military commander. He participated in the siege of Ochakov. In August 1788 the second was seriously wounded in the head during the Turkish raids. Again, all we feared for his life, but Kutuzov recovered and returned to duty. Masot, chief physician in the Army, wrote that the fate appoints Kutuzov to something great, for he was still alive after the two injuries, deaths duly health. " Catherine sent Kutuzov Order of St. Anne. In 1789, Kutuzov commanded a separate corps, protects bank of the Dniester and Bug. He participated in the capture of Gadzhibeya (now Odessa), took in at Causeni Turkish pasha, was the capture of Bender. In 1790 he protected the banks of the Danube, conducted reconnaissance and Ishmael, for which he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. During the assault of Ishmael he commanded one of the assault columns. After the capture of the stronghold was appointed commandant of Izmail Suvorov. According to the great commander, in this battle, Kutuzov was his "right hand." In that case Kutuzov was awarded the rank of lieutenant-general, and the Order of St. George 3rd Class. Kutuzov repelled an attempt to fight off the Ottoman fortress and defeated the Turkish corps at Babadag. For the victory at Machin in June 1791, where the general commanded the right wing, he was awarded the Order of Kutuzov George's 2 nd degree.
Right on the banks of the Danube Kutuzov went to Poland, while in the Army and contributing to the defeat of the Kakhovka Polish insurgents. Then Catherine caused Kutuzov to the capital and gave the new appointment - Ambassador to Constantinople. In this mission Kutuzov has shown himself not only a brilliant diplomat and intelligence officer. At the celebration of the Iasi peace Empress awarded Kutuzov 2 thousand. Serfs and peasants of Kazan and Vyatka appointed by the Governor General.
Upon returning to the Russian Empire Kutuzov he became commander of the troops in Finland and the director of the land gentry (Cadet) Corps. Kutuzov became a member of a small select society of the Empress. The commander did much to improve the training of officers, he taught tactics, military history and other sciences. Many of his students will be the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Catherine II almost daily to talk with him, and Kutuzov spent with her and the last night before the death of the empress. Kutuzov was one of the few favorites of Catherine, who retained his position in the reign of Paul. During all of Paul Kutuzov was close to the emperor special permanently honored with his confidence. Paul I, Kutuzov sent on a diplomatic mission in the capital of Prussia, after successful negotiations in Berlin (Prussia was on the side of Russia against France), granted him the rank of General of Infantry, the title of chief of the Ryazan regiment and chief of the Finnish Division. In 1799 he was appointed commander of Russian troops in the Netherlands. However, the troops did not get the emperor called him back to Russia. Paul again expresses its appreciation to: Kutuzov was awarded the Order of St. And St. John of Jerusalem. Andrew. Lithuania was the Governor-General (1799-1801) and was appointed commander of the army formed in Volyn. This army was one of two that were intended for use against France in Europe. Commander of the Army on the big maneuvers near Gatchina. Paul expressed his satisfaction with the actions of the general: "When Gen. such as Kutuzov, - said the emperor - Russia may be calm».
An interesting fact is that Kutuzov spent the evening on the eve of the death of Catherine in her community, and also the night before the death of the Emperor Paul had a conversation with him. When Alexander's reign, was appointed Petersburg and Vyborg military governor (1801-1802 gg.). However, already in 1802, Kutuzov fell into disgrace to the Emperor Alexander I, was removed from his post and lived in his estate in peas (in the Ukraine).
Opala lasted three years. In 1804, Russia joined the anti-French coalition, and another in 1805, sent two armies to the aid of Austria. Talents Kutuzov had claimed, he was appointed commander of one of their armies. However, the Austrians failed campaign began active operations until the arrival of Russian troops. The result was sad, the Austrian army suffered a crushing defeat Ulm. A Russian army in the face of superior forces of the enemy, had to make a retrograde march-maneuver at 425 km from Braunau to Olmutz. At the same time troops Kutuzov inflicted a series of defeats separate parts of Napoleon's army. Kutuzov had saved the Russian army from the encirclement and destruction. This maneuver Kutuzov was an amazing example of the triumph of the strategic calculation and the invincible courage of the Russian general and the Russian troops. Top military leaders of France Smalley nothing to do with the troops Kutuzov. The feat Kutuzov was awarded the Austrian Order of Maria Theresa of 1st degree.
From Olmutz Kutuzov suggested the emperor to lead the troops to the Russian border, and then connected to the second Russian army, and Austrian troops from Northern Italy, to counter-attack. But the opinion Kutuzov was not taken into account, the Emperor Alexander I and Francis II decided to give battle the French army. On November 20 (December 2), 1805 was the famous Battle of Austerlitz. Russian and Austrian forces were defeated. Kutuzov in this battle was wounded.
Royal court put the entire responsibility for this defeat on Kutuzov. Officially, no one blamed, even awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 1st degree, but Opal was obvious. At the beginning of a new war with Napoleon, in alliance with Prussia, the army instructed Kamensky and then Bennigsen. Kutuzov was sent to the "honorable exile" - the military governor of Kiev. In 1808, Kutuzov sent a team mate Moldavian army elderly Field Marshal Prozorovsky. However, after the failure of the assault Braila, Kutuzov again "exiled" - the Lithuanian military governor.
The war with Turkey, after the death of Prozorovskiy tried to finish Bagration, then Kamensky (died in 1811). But the war finally came to a standstill, and the foreign policy situation demanded decisive action (approaching a new war with France). Emperor Alexander Pavlovich was forced to appoint a commander in chief Kutuzov. Commander coped brilliantly with this task. In Ruschukskogo battle June 22, 1811 the Turkish army was defeated. Kutuzov then used the ruse and lured the enemy army on the left bank of the Danube. Turks fell for the false Russian retreat, and were surrounded. November 23, 1811 the Turkish army surrendered. Istanbul was forced to go to the peace talks. 4 (16) in May 1812 in Bucharest, Mikhail Kutuzov made peace, by which Russia withdrew the eastern part of the Moldavian principality - the territory between Prut and Nistru. It was a great military-strategic and diplomatic victory for Russia. Napoleon hoped that his invasion of Russia, from the south will support 100-thousand. Turkish army. Kutuzov diplomat inflicted the first defeat of Napoleon. For this military-diplomatic victory Kutuzov was awarded the title of count.
After the war with Turkey, Kutuzov again excluded from important matters. Southern army led Chichagov and Kutuzov went to his estate. Since the beginning of the invasion of the Grand Army of Napoleon, Kutuzov arrived in the capital. Aware of his services to the Fatherland, he was given command of the troops in St. Petersburg. Noble Assembly of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Kutuzov almost simultaneously selected for the post of head of the militia. Kutuzov, having received news of this, exclaimed: "That's the best reward for me in my life!" Kutuzov received the title of Grand Duke. Special Committee invited the emperor to appoint Kutuzov commander in chief of the army in. Under public pressure, Alexander was forced to August 8th appoint Kutuzov commander in chief. Borodino, Tarutino maneuver, the battle for Maloyaroslavets, the battle of Vyazma and red, the Battle of Berezina immortalized the name of the commander.
The military campaign in 1812 against the French and their allies (in fact, Russia was at war with the whole of Western Europe), the most outstanding event in the biography of Kutuzov. She did Mikhail Kutuzov folk hero. His actions are often contrary to the expectations of the emperor, the army and the society, led to the actual death of the defeat of Napoleon and his Grand Army. Napoleon's army was virtually destroyed, and Russia won one of the most important victories in its history.
Brilliantly began Kutuzov and foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813. Prussia and Austria ceased to be allies of Napoleon. Cities and fortresses surrendered one after another. In Europe, welcomed the Russian commander: "Long live the great old man! Long live grandfather Kutuzov! »
He died an outstanding Russian military commander and diplomat Mikhail Kutuzov (16) April 28, 1813 in Poland. His embalmed body was transported to the Russian capital and buried in the Kazan Cathedral. Kutuzov remained in the memory of the descendants of a legendary figure, a role model for all Russian soldiers.
Posted in [mergetime] 1367124939 [/ mergetime]
"Before the tomb of St.
I stood with head bowed ...
All sleeping range; Some lamps
In the darkness of Temple of the Golden
Pillars of granite bulk
And their banners hanging series.
Under them still sleeping lord,
This idol northern teams,
The venerable guardian of the country's sovereign,
Smiritel all its enemies,
The rest of the pack this glorious
Catherine's eagles.
In your coffin delight lives!
He publishes a Russian voice of us;
He keeps telling us about that Godin,
When the voice of the people's faith
I called to the holy of your gray hair:
"Go, save!" You got - and saved ...
Hear Well this day, and our faithful voice,
Stand up and saves the king and us,
About Elder terrible! For a moment
It appears at the door of the coffin,
Appear, breathe excitement and eagerness
Polk, left you!
Appear and the palms of his
We indicate in the crowd leaders,
Who is your heir, your elected!
But the temple - is immersed in silence,
And your quiet graves abusive
Unperturbed, eternal sleep ... »
9 ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1367125456 [/ mergetime]
From comments in the source:
1. Not specified that the people themselves vpryagsya instead of horses carried the coffin when Kutuzov.
2. Kutuzov had roots in the family is a little different than those described here.
3. Aleksandr1 crying at the deathbed: Will you forgive me Kutuzov? - I will forgive, forgive Will Russia?
Article not specified what exactly it is best to identify the enemy Kutuzov - Sly Fox.
Moscow he surrendered, but was won by Frenchman!
Recently fashionable to assume that Kutuzov was a Mason ... the funny thing is that he died in debt (not taking the wrong money). And the state has paid the debts of his wife.
Mason was Bagration who leaked sex war, Kutuzov had to dig the head of the country's mistakes nevovremya admission to war!
28 (16) April 1813 in Poland, died an outstanding Russian commander, the first full Cavalier of the Order of St. George Mikhail Kutuzov (Serene Highness Prince Golenishtchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky).

"Death raced through his head,
But his life was left intact,
- God himself on his feat blyuli! »
Gabriel Derzhavin.
The commander entered the Russian history as the winner of the French emperor Napoleon and his Grand Army in the Patriotic War of 1812, the "savior of the fatherland." Mikhail Kutuzov was a difficult fate, with its ups and downs. Along the way, he was a soldier for a long time, take part in more than one campaign. But it was during the War of 1812 leadership talent Kutuzov and his closeness to the people, the soldiers opened the best. Kutuzov became a worthy rival of Napoleon and his generals won up over the army of the then "international community." West has once again been defeated and humiliated Russian soldiers.
Rhode Kutuzov was one of the oldest in Russia. His ancestor - "an honest man Gabriel" left "German" More of Alexander Nevsky. Parent Prince of Smolensk was a Lieutenant-General, Senator Hilary Golenishtchev-Kutuzov, and her mother, Anna of the genus Beklemisheva. His father served as the first Turkish war under the banner of Rumyantsev-Transdanubian, three decades served in the Engineering Building, famous for its high intelligence and knowledge of civil and military affairs, for which he was nicknamed the "reasonable book." Born Michael 5 (16) September 1745 (according to other sources September 5, 1747). Kutuzov received a good education at home, in 1759 was given to the artillery and engineer aristocratic school where his father taught. In 1761, Michael has mastered the program and graduated from the school with the rank of ensign engineer. In the same year, a young man is assigned to the Astrakhan Infantry Regiment, whose commander was Alexander Suvorov. He was spotted by Catherine and her request enlisted aide to the governor of Revel Prince Holstein-bek. Soon he was granted the rank of captain.

The first baptism of fire Kutuzov took place in 1764, when the volunteers enrolled in the army in Poland. From that moment Kutuzov almost half a century spent in combat, reaching top positions and awards. His first battle occurred June 28 near Warsaw, with a detachment of Radziwill. The following year he again beat the Confederate detachment. In 1767, Kutuzov was brought to work in the "Commission on the preparation of the new Code," probably as a translator, as a good command of Latin, French and German. In 1769, again sent to Poland, was in Mobile ("flying") detachments.
Since 1770 he transferred to the 1st Army Field Marshal Pyotr Rumyantsev, taking part in the war against the Ottomans. Kutuzov, consisting in the Quartermaster General Baur, distinguished himself in the battle of pock-marked grave, for which he was made a Chief Quartermaster Prime Mallorcan rank. With the defeat on the Prut River Abd Pasha he commanded two companies and repulsed the attack of the enemy's cavalry. In the battle at Larga he commanded a battalion of grenadiers, who broke into the enemy camp. In Cahul battle was in the vanguard of the column Baur and pursued the Ottomans to the Danube, received the rank of major. In 1771, for successes in the battle of Popesti he received a rank of lieutenant colonel. In these battles commander Kutuzov showed undoubted qualities: initiative, resourcefulness, determination, courage and composure in critical situations.
In 1772 he was transferred to the 2nd Army Vasily Dolgoruky in Crimea. Here Kutuzov scored at Kinburn in 1773, and in 1774 took part in the reflection of Turkish troops to the peninsula. In the battle near the village of Noises (now Kutuzovka) was severely wounded in the head. Doctors feared for his life, he received a perforating wound, a bullet hit his left temple and flew around the right eye. But to the surprise of many, he was cured. Empress Catherine treated him with attention, he said, "One must take care of Kutuzov. It will be my great general. " Kutuzov was awarded the Military Order of St. George 4th grade and sent for treatment in Austria, paying expenses. Kutuzov two years traveled to Europe, visiting Germany, France, Italy, Holland and England. This time, he used to improve his education.

On his return to Russia in 1776 he returned to military service. It has been identified in Crimea Suvorov. Using talent Kutuzov in all important matters, Suvorov loved him, and from 1776 until 1782 in his view he bestowed for distinguished ranks of colonel and brigadier. Suvorov Potemkin recommend it. In 1784, suppressed excitement of the Crimean Tatars, Kutuzov to report Potemkin, received the rank of Major General. Since 1785, Mikhail Kutuzov was named commander of the Bug Chasseur Corps formed. Designed for rangers new tactical methods of struggle in the spirit of Suvorov's "Science of Victory" and presented them in a special instruction. Personally selected the people in the building, train soldiers marksmanship, receptions bayonet, to navigate the forest steppe. Instills the ability to act in skirmishing. In 1787, during a trip to the Crimea Empress, Kutuzov led to her presence at the Poltava field maneuvers, which depicted the Battle of Poltava. For this he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 2 degrees.
At the beginning of a new Russian-Turkish war, Kutuzov was guarding the border on the River Bug Empire. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. It was becoming MI Kutuzov as a military commander. He participated in the siege of Ochakov. In August 1788 the second was seriously wounded in the head during the Turkish raids. Again, all we feared for his life, but Kutuzov recovered and returned to duty. Masot, chief physician in the Army, wrote that the fate appoints Kutuzov to something great, for he was still alive after the two injuries, deaths duly health. " Catherine sent Kutuzov Order of St. Anne. In 1789, Kutuzov commanded a separate corps, protects bank of the Dniester and Bug. He participated in the capture of Gadzhibeya (now Odessa), took in at Causeni Turkish pasha, was the capture of Bender. In 1790 he protected the banks of the Danube, conducted reconnaissance and Ishmael, for which he was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. During the assault of Ishmael he commanded one of the assault columns. After the capture of the stronghold was appointed commandant of Izmail Suvorov. According to the great commander, in this battle, Kutuzov was his "right hand." In that case Kutuzov was awarded the rank of lieutenant-general, and the Order of St. George 3rd Class. Kutuzov repelled an attempt to fight off the Ottoman fortress and defeated the Turkish corps at Babadag. For the victory at Machin in June 1791, where the general commanded the right wing, he was awarded the Order of Kutuzov George's 2 nd degree.
Right on the banks of the Danube Kutuzov went to Poland, while in the Army and contributing to the defeat of the Kakhovka Polish insurgents. Then Catherine caused Kutuzov to the capital and gave the new appointment - Ambassador to Constantinople. In this mission Kutuzov has shown himself not only a brilliant diplomat and intelligence officer. At the celebration of the Iasi peace Empress awarded Kutuzov 2 thousand. Serfs and peasants of Kazan and Vyatka appointed by the Governor General.
Upon returning to the Russian Empire Kutuzov he became commander of the troops in Finland and the director of the land gentry (Cadet) Corps. Kutuzov became a member of a small select society of the Empress. The commander did much to improve the training of officers, he taught tactics, military history and other sciences. Many of his students will be the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Catherine II almost daily to talk with him, and Kutuzov spent with her and the last night before the death of the empress. Kutuzov was one of the few favorites of Catherine, who retained his position in the reign of Paul. During all of Paul Kutuzov was close to the emperor special permanently honored with his confidence. Paul I, Kutuzov sent on a diplomatic mission in the capital of Prussia, after successful negotiations in Berlin (Prussia was on the side of Russia against France), granted him the rank of General of Infantry, the title of chief of the Ryazan regiment and chief of the Finnish Division. In 1799 he was appointed commander of Russian troops in the Netherlands. However, the troops did not get the emperor called him back to Russia. Paul again expresses its appreciation to: Kutuzov was awarded the Order of St. And St. John of Jerusalem. Andrew. Lithuania was the Governor-General (1799-1801) and was appointed commander of the army formed in Volyn. This army was one of two that were intended for use against France in Europe. Commander of the Army on the big maneuvers near Gatchina. Paul expressed his satisfaction with the actions of the general: "When Gen. such as Kutuzov, - said the emperor - Russia may be calm».
An interesting fact is that Kutuzov spent the evening on the eve of the death of Catherine in her community, and also the night before the death of the Emperor Paul had a conversation with him. When Alexander's reign, was appointed Petersburg and Vyborg military governor (1801-1802 gg.). However, already in 1802, Kutuzov fell into disgrace to the Emperor Alexander I, was removed from his post and lived in his estate in peas (in the Ukraine).

Opala lasted three years. In 1804, Russia joined the anti-French coalition, and another in 1805, sent two armies to the aid of Austria. Talents Kutuzov had claimed, he was appointed commander of one of their armies. However, the Austrians failed campaign began active operations until the arrival of Russian troops. The result was sad, the Austrian army suffered a crushing defeat Ulm. A Russian army in the face of superior forces of the enemy, had to make a retrograde march-maneuver at 425 km from Braunau to Olmutz. At the same time troops Kutuzov inflicted a series of defeats separate parts of Napoleon's army. Kutuzov had saved the Russian army from the encirclement and destruction. This maneuver Kutuzov was an amazing example of the triumph of the strategic calculation and the invincible courage of the Russian general and the Russian troops. Top military leaders of France Smalley nothing to do with the troops Kutuzov. The feat Kutuzov was awarded the Austrian Order of Maria Theresa of 1st degree.
From Olmutz Kutuzov suggested the emperor to lead the troops to the Russian border, and then connected to the second Russian army, and Austrian troops from Northern Italy, to counter-attack. But the opinion Kutuzov was not taken into account, the Emperor Alexander I and Francis II decided to give battle the French army. On November 20 (December 2), 1805 was the famous Battle of Austerlitz. Russian and Austrian forces were defeated. Kutuzov in this battle was wounded.

Royal court put the entire responsibility for this defeat on Kutuzov. Officially, no one blamed, even awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 1st degree, but Opal was obvious. At the beginning of a new war with Napoleon, in alliance with Prussia, the army instructed Kamensky and then Bennigsen. Kutuzov was sent to the "honorable exile" - the military governor of Kiev. In 1808, Kutuzov sent a team mate Moldavian army elderly Field Marshal Prozorovsky. However, after the failure of the assault Braila, Kutuzov again "exiled" - the Lithuanian military governor.
The war with Turkey, after the death of Prozorovskiy tried to finish Bagration, then Kamensky (died in 1811). But the war finally came to a standstill, and the foreign policy situation demanded decisive action (approaching a new war with France). Emperor Alexander Pavlovich was forced to appoint a commander in chief Kutuzov. Commander coped brilliantly with this task. In Ruschukskogo battle June 22, 1811 the Turkish army was defeated. Kutuzov then used the ruse and lured the enemy army on the left bank of the Danube. Turks fell for the false Russian retreat, and were surrounded. November 23, 1811 the Turkish army surrendered. Istanbul was forced to go to the peace talks. 4 (16) in May 1812 in Bucharest, Mikhail Kutuzov made peace, by which Russia withdrew the eastern part of the Moldavian principality - the territory between Prut and Nistru. It was a great military-strategic and diplomatic victory for Russia. Napoleon hoped that his invasion of Russia, from the south will support 100-thousand. Turkish army. Kutuzov diplomat inflicted the first defeat of Napoleon. For this military-diplomatic victory Kutuzov was awarded the title of count.
After the war with Turkey, Kutuzov again excluded from important matters. Southern army led Chichagov and Kutuzov went to his estate. Since the beginning of the invasion of the Grand Army of Napoleon, Kutuzov arrived in the capital. Aware of his services to the Fatherland, he was given command of the troops in St. Petersburg. Noble Assembly of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Kutuzov almost simultaneously selected for the post of head of the militia. Kutuzov, having received news of this, exclaimed: "That's the best reward for me in my life!" Kutuzov received the title of Grand Duke. Special Committee invited the emperor to appoint Kutuzov commander in chief of the army in. Under public pressure, Alexander was forced to August 8th appoint Kutuzov commander in chief. Borodino, Tarutino maneuver, the battle for Maloyaroslavets, the battle of Vyazma and red, the Battle of Berezina immortalized the name of the commander.

The military campaign in 1812 against the French and their allies (in fact, Russia was at war with the whole of Western Europe), the most outstanding event in the biography of Kutuzov. She did Mikhail Kutuzov folk hero. His actions are often contrary to the expectations of the emperor, the army and the society, led to the actual death of the defeat of Napoleon and his Grand Army. Napoleon's army was virtually destroyed, and Russia won one of the most important victories in its history.
Brilliantly began Kutuzov and foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813. Prussia and Austria ceased to be allies of Napoleon. Cities and fortresses surrendered one after another. In Europe, welcomed the Russian commander: "Long live the great old man! Long live grandfather Kutuzov! »
He died an outstanding Russian military commander and diplomat Mikhail Kutuzov (16) April 28, 1813 in Poland. His embalmed body was transported to the Russian capital and buried in the Kazan Cathedral. Kutuzov remained in the memory of the descendants of a legendary figure, a role model for all Russian soldiers.
Posted in [mergetime] 1367124939 [/ mergetime]
"Before the tomb of St.
I stood with head bowed ...
All sleeping range; Some lamps
In the darkness of Temple of the Golden
Pillars of granite bulk
And their banners hanging series.
Under them still sleeping lord,
This idol northern teams,
The venerable guardian of the country's sovereign,
Smiritel all its enemies,
The rest of the pack this glorious
Catherine's eagles.
In your coffin delight lives!
He publishes a Russian voice of us;
He keeps telling us about that Godin,
When the voice of the people's faith
I called to the holy of your gray hair:
"Go, save!" You got - and saved ...
Hear Well this day, and our faithful voice,
Stand up and saves the king and us,
About Elder terrible! For a moment
It appears at the door of the coffin,
Appear, breathe excitement and eagerness
Polk, left you!
Appear and the palms of his
We indicate in the crowd leaders,
Who is your heir, your elected!
But the temple - is immersed in silence,
And your quiet graves abusive
Unperturbed, eternal sleep ... »

9 ...



Posted in [mergetime] 1367125456 [/ mergetime]
From comments in the source:
1. Not specified that the people themselves vpryagsya instead of horses carried the coffin when Kutuzov.
2. Kutuzov had roots in the family is a little different than those described here.
3. Aleksandr1 crying at the deathbed: Will you forgive me Kutuzov? - I will forgive, forgive Will Russia?
Article not specified what exactly it is best to identify the enemy Kutuzov - Sly Fox.
Moscow he surrendered, but was won by Frenchman!
Recently fashionable to assume that Kutuzov was a Mason ... the funny thing is that he died in debt (not taking the wrong money). And the state has paid the debts of his wife.
Mason was Bagration who leaked sex war, Kutuzov had to dig the head of the country's mistakes nevovremya admission to war!
