What not to do in Mikhailovo miracle on September 19, 2021

The Day of the Angel Michael or the Michailov Miracle A great holiday for many believers.. It is a non-transitional church holiday, so it is celebrated annually on September 19. Archangel Michael is an important figure among all angels. According to legend, he managed to protect the church and many people from the big water. Our ancestors imagined Michael as a brave warrior and protector of all living things from misfortunes and misfortunes. For this, he was awarded special church honors, as well as some signs and conditions, what can be done on the day of Mikhailov’s miracle, and what can not be done.

The Day of the Angel Michael Legend Archstratige Michaele It is said that a true believer had a dream. It explained that his mute daughter could speak if she drank water from a nearby spring. This man brought water from the spring and his daughter spoke. The faithful man in joy ennobled the spring and built a temple near it.

Many people came to this temple and spring every day. They drank water, prayed and were healed. But the envious wanted to destroy the temple and destroy the spring. They were going to flood the church, but people began to sincerely pray to protect the holy place. And when the big water came in, The Archangel Michael appeared to the people.He struck with a rod and turned a powerful stream from the shrine. For such a good deed of the saint, it was customary to honor and give thanks on the day of his miraculous deed.

What not to do on the day of the Miracle Mikhailov on the day of the Miracle categorically work was forbidden. You can not sew, cut, perform any agricultural or household tasks. In addition, it is not recommended to shift your duties to anyone else. Our ancestors believed that working on such a bright holiday was a great sin. St. Michael can only pity those who are forced to work. And those who deliberately worked, the archangel could punish. Not fulfilling a secret request or wish.

This, by the way, is not fiction, but a very real fact. It was believed that if the whole day of September 19 to help people, the saint will have mercy and fulfill the long-awaited wish. Moreover, it is necessary to help people constantly and without self-interest. Only in such a situation could it be hopeful.

On this day, even washing your hair was forbidden. People believed that you could wash your mind. Moreover, you can not lie, hide the truth or avoid answering. All this can. anger St. Michael. It is not recommended to bake cakes or bread on this day, and throw crumbs or leftovers of food into the garbage. It is better to give them food for birds or animals, and also a noble cause can be help and food for those in need.

Arguments or elevated tones on Mihailov’s Day are taboo. As well as gossip, cunning, profanity, bad thoughts. In addition, some our ancestors believedOn the day of Mikhaylov miracle, you can not collect blueberries. Traditions said that on this day blueberries can take possession of an unclean force.

It is better to do good deeds always, but on the day of Michael’s miracle, absolutely everyone remembered this. We tried to avoid quarrels, to help and support each other, to reconcile, if we had quarreled once. People were afraid of the wrath of St. Michael, so they tried. spend the day quietlyWith prayer, in peace and righteousness.

Not forbidden. camping, fun and heartfelt conversation. But to arrange noisy parties with intoxicated drinks is still not worth it. It is better to spend this day with your family. In the temples on Mikhailovo miracle put a common candle and held a special prayer.

On the day of the Miracle, our ancestors believed that Saint Michael on a white horse He's coming. This meant that from that day on you could expect frost or even snow. Carefully studied and leaves that fell to the ground. If the face up the leaf fell, then it will be a cold winter. If not, then the heat can be expected.


If it is frosty in the morning, the winter will be snowy. If in the morning of the holiday fog, then you can expect warming. A warm day on Mikhailovo miracle promises a long autumn, and if in the evening the clouds are blue-blue, then the weather will soon change.

What signs did you hear on the day of the angel Michael? Did the predictions match up with further weather conditions? Share your own signs. Miracle Day in the comments.


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