After her husband’s funeral, she went to the sea with her lover, but did not even imagine what a surprise awaits her.
A failed marriage Sometimes it confuses a person, causing him to lose his life guide. It turns into an unexpected unpleasant surprise, which the enemy does not wish. Only the participants in this story did not hurry to bind themselves in the sacred bonds of marriage and be faithful to each other until the last day. An instructive story about how a small predatory fish will find a larger predator.
Nicole's failed marriage was lucky marry out For the powerful owner of a TV station in her town. Michael was handsome and nothing older than a girl by 30 years. At first she rejoiced like a child. I truly believed I had caught the bird of happiness by the tail. But in the first months of their life together, I realized that Michael was not so trusting. After buying the latest model of a popular smartphone, countless clothes and a brand new car, the husband tried to keep track of all Nicole’s spending.
The girl skillfully used her beauty and not bad. learned to manipulate people. At first, the diva threw scandals and tantrums to the new husband, and he believed. This was the way to get the right amount. But with each passing day, Nicole was annoyed more and more. She was angry with Michael and did not understand how he was not going to shoot the stars from the sky for a young and beautiful wife.
Frequent scandals alienated Nicole from her husband. Deep down, she knew that made a mistakeBy marrying Michael. But I was willing to endure for the money. To brighten up loneliness while Mikhail was engaged in business, the girl became with her ex-boyfriend Dima. The young man, by the way, was quite satisfied with this scenario.
Nicole was sure that she could trick Michael around her finger. And one evening, which she spent with Dima, a proposal was made. "Let's get rid of him," the girl uttered the phrase without a shadow of doubt in her voice. Only the guy got cold on his skin. “What do you mean?” he said, bewildered. “In every true sense. Don't be silly, Dima, I want Misha gone. And his money and property remained, Nicole was angry.
She then told her terrified lover that Michael had heart problems. "I'll do anything. Add a critical dose of his medicine to the drink. And you have to put him in the car and make it look like he was in an accident and flew into the lake, Nicole said so calmly, as if doing this every day.
Only Dima tried to protest and convince the girl that any examination will solve the case. “He has so much money that you can shut up every examination.” The guy had to agree, because he didn't want to seem weak in Nicole's eyes. Besides, fabulous They had to solve all the problems of the couple.
Unsuccessful marriage at the finish line To pull with the plan did not. Dima persuaded several more of his friends to help him arrange a fake road accident. On day X, Nicole poured the right dose of medicine into her husband's tea and extremely kindly offered her beloved. The man fell asleep quickly. Immediately arrived Dima with the company. They took the businessman to the lake at night, seated him in the driver's seat. plunged.
As expected, in the morning the media began to trumpet about the tragic incident. Nicole most believably played inconsolable wife, crying, screaming, theatrically wringing her hands. The police were investigating the scene. But suddenly Dima called one of the accomplices of the production. “There was no man in the car,” the guy briefly summed up. Screwing and bickering, the criminals decided that they forgot to fasten Mikhail with a seatbelt. Now it has to be down somewhere. To upset this information Nicole lover did not.
But the girl found out about it on TV. Police told media that Michael in the lake divers were not found. Nicole yelled at Dima for strength. “I hope it’s just bad diver work! And now he is definitely at the bottom! – hysterical girl. Dima, to be honest, already did not know where the ex-husband of the girl could go.
Since the disappearance of Michael has passed almost 2 months. Nicole. I paid someone. I have been able to arrange all the necessary procedures. Now it turned out that her husband was going to eternal rest. And although at first the public whispered and relished rumors of all stripes, over time the hype subsided. The new widow calmed down and began to plan the upcoming holiday with Dima in Goa.
The rest was fabulous, so Nicole enjoyed filming herself and the sea, posting everything on social networks. Dima lazily lay nearby, warming his sides under the sun. One day, the girl began live broadcasts for her subscribers and was so carried away by stories about her plans that she did not notice. Michael.
The man looked alive and radiantly smiled negligent ex. The girl screamed and shaking hands hastily turned off the live broadcast. Her Dima from what he saw just the gift of speech lost and was afraid to say anything. “I know I’m not welcome,” Misha said with a twisted sadness in his voice, “but I have to tell you, dear.” While you're resurrecting me here, I'm sending your reputation to eternal rest at home.”
So an unsuccessful marriage turned a beautiful girl into a real criminal. Nicole and Dima found out about the crime, they had to stand trial. Michael didn’t drink anything from Nicole’s hands. Grief accomplices barely pushed his car into the lake and quickly retreated. That allowed the man to calmly get out and swim to the surface. Michael was very sad that his family life was so unsuccessful. But the businessman decided to remain single and never marry such self-serving women again. Who knows, maybe it's his. destiny.

Nicole's failed marriage was lucky marry out For the powerful owner of a TV station in her town. Michael was handsome and nothing older than a girl by 30 years. At first she rejoiced like a child. I truly believed I had caught the bird of happiness by the tail. But in the first months of their life together, I realized that Michael was not so trusting. After buying the latest model of a popular smartphone, countless clothes and a brand new car, the husband tried to keep track of all Nicole’s spending.
The girl skillfully used her beauty and not bad. learned to manipulate people. At first, the diva threw scandals and tantrums to the new husband, and he believed. This was the way to get the right amount. But with each passing day, Nicole was annoyed more and more. She was angry with Michael and did not understand how he was not going to shoot the stars from the sky for a young and beautiful wife.

Frequent scandals alienated Nicole from her husband. Deep down, she knew that made a mistakeBy marrying Michael. But I was willing to endure for the money. To brighten up loneliness while Mikhail was engaged in business, the girl became with her ex-boyfriend Dima. The young man, by the way, was quite satisfied with this scenario.
Nicole was sure that she could trick Michael around her finger. And one evening, which she spent with Dima, a proposal was made. "Let's get rid of him," the girl uttered the phrase without a shadow of doubt in her voice. Only the guy got cold on his skin. “What do you mean?” he said, bewildered. “In every true sense. Don't be silly, Dima, I want Misha gone. And his money and property remained, Nicole was angry.

She then told her terrified lover that Michael had heart problems. "I'll do anything. Add a critical dose of his medicine to the drink. And you have to put him in the car and make it look like he was in an accident and flew into the lake, Nicole said so calmly, as if doing this every day.
Only Dima tried to protest and convince the girl that any examination will solve the case. “He has so much money that you can shut up every examination.” The guy had to agree, because he didn't want to seem weak in Nicole's eyes. Besides, fabulous They had to solve all the problems of the couple.

Unsuccessful marriage at the finish line To pull with the plan did not. Dima persuaded several more of his friends to help him arrange a fake road accident. On day X, Nicole poured the right dose of medicine into her husband's tea and extremely kindly offered her beloved. The man fell asleep quickly. Immediately arrived Dima with the company. They took the businessman to the lake at night, seated him in the driver's seat. plunged.
As expected, in the morning the media began to trumpet about the tragic incident. Nicole most believably played inconsolable wife, crying, screaming, theatrically wringing her hands. The police were investigating the scene. But suddenly Dima called one of the accomplices of the production. “There was no man in the car,” the guy briefly summed up. Screwing and bickering, the criminals decided that they forgot to fasten Mikhail with a seatbelt. Now it has to be down somewhere. To upset this information Nicole lover did not.

But the girl found out about it on TV. Police told media that Michael in the lake divers were not found. Nicole yelled at Dima for strength. “I hope it’s just bad diver work! And now he is definitely at the bottom! – hysterical girl. Dima, to be honest, already did not know where the ex-husband of the girl could go.

Since the disappearance of Michael has passed almost 2 months. Nicole. I paid someone. I have been able to arrange all the necessary procedures. Now it turned out that her husband was going to eternal rest. And although at first the public whispered and relished rumors of all stripes, over time the hype subsided. The new widow calmed down and began to plan the upcoming holiday with Dima in Goa.
The rest was fabulous, so Nicole enjoyed filming herself and the sea, posting everything on social networks. Dima lazily lay nearby, warming his sides under the sun. One day, the girl began live broadcasts for her subscribers and was so carried away by stories about her plans that she did not notice. Michael.

The man looked alive and radiantly smiled negligent ex. The girl screamed and shaking hands hastily turned off the live broadcast. Her Dima from what he saw just the gift of speech lost and was afraid to say anything. “I know I’m not welcome,” Misha said with a twisted sadness in his voice, “but I have to tell you, dear.” While you're resurrecting me here, I'm sending your reputation to eternal rest at home.”

So an unsuccessful marriage turned a beautiful girl into a real criminal. Nicole and Dima found out about the crime, they had to stand trial. Michael didn’t drink anything from Nicole’s hands. Grief accomplices barely pushed his car into the lake and quickly retreated. That allowed the man to calmly get out and swim to the surface. Michael was very sad that his family life was so unsuccessful. But the businessman decided to remain single and never marry such self-serving women again. Who knows, maybe it's his. destiny.
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