Ten of the best cardio workouts
Cardio training is a training of cardiovascular system and the whole organism all the experts say that cardio exercise improves quality of life, and its duration.
Often classes in the fitness rooms become ineffective if you do not include at the beginning and end of a good cardio load duration from 5 to 15 minutes depending on your intentions to lose weight or gain muscle mass.
There are different types of cardio we present to you a list of the most interesting in the opinion of our experts.
1. Run. This is the best cardio workout. Running is efficient in all senses, also very affordable. You only need one pair of good running shoes: thick soles for winter and thin for summer. With the obligatory arch support! If the shoes are unsuitable, you will experience pain in the knees and shins and also have the ability to injure the tendon amyl choose the right shoes with the specialist or consultant.
2. Cycling. Great workout! Of course, the best on the air. But in winter or in rainy weather you can use an exercise bike. Very good training – riding on a hilly terrain, riding uphill is a great workout to the heart muscle. Load try to vary.
3. The elliptical machine. If you go to the gym, be sure to dedicate some time to this wonderful simulator, which allows to distribute the load on all parts of the body. Now it is one of the most popular simulators, it simulates running, walking uphill, running uphill, and generally excellent strengthens the heart. Many wealthy people are buying home exercise bike, namely these are "machine" the advantage of this simulator is that there is no shock loading on the knee joint is what distinguishes this simulator in terms of functionality .
4. Swimming. Lostatochno come to the pool or the beach and swim. Best equipment for cardio workout – one of the more mobile types of brass, besides it gives the highest adrenaline rush. But other techniques can be quite effective, especially if you don't forget about the feet and work quite intensively. Now many clubs have swimming pools, so start your workout with a swim – very cool ease and elevation of mood you provided!
5. Step aerobics. These classes you can do at home and outdoors, country and many other places enough to include a ready-made set of exercises on DVD or audio recording where you specifically will be told what to do and how to do it. This is a very interesting way to train the heart. Maybe just another dance can give a similar effect. Besides, training outdoors or at the cottage will help you save a lot of time so you're going on holiday and switching on the holiday to spend time! Although training in the hall, in good company, with a professional instructor is much more effective as the theme of the training process is greatly revealed and heard.
6. Rowing. Workout certainly rare, though it should not be underestimated. The fact that now exercise in a rowing club become prestigious, as in the West. The difficulty is that without special equipment can not do. But if you live near a pond where there is a club sign there is. Or try to start simulator that simulates the movements of the rower. This is a very good source of adrenaline, my hands get superior development of all muscles. There are simulators, where the legs also move together with your hands and it becomes a very useful cardio-load.
7. Walking. For this cardio workout you can do anytime and almost anywhere. The only thing you need to consider are the sufficient work of his hands, which is sometimes neglected. Be sure to bend and unbend hands while walking and then it will become your favorite cardio load, because nothing else is needed, and the result you will notice right away, excellent digestion, good mood and energy.
8. Badminton, Handball or Racquetball. Can paired, but can be one. There is a hall equipped for such training. Now you can try these classes because I know that it's not just fun and exciting, but still incredibly useful. And it's not boring at all to knock the wall ball! Just be sure to stock up on goggles, and that these little blue balls bounce so quickly at first that it is difficult to follow.
9. Boxing. Great workout for the heart and coordination of movement. And also a good way to lose weight. And Boxing and kick-Boxing are a good way to exercise the heart muscle. Kick-Boxing, among other things, a bit more will strengthen the legs. And if there are problems in coordination and keeping of balance is best for a simple classic box. Very popular exercise, especially for business women.
10. Yoga. Believe it or not, some yoga practices offer a sufficiently energetic load, in which the heart will be beating quite rapidly. For example, Ashtanga yoga (Ashtanga) is the perfect combination of yoga poses and aerobics. For such studies, will not need fashionable clothes, or even shoes. Try it, consult your instructor may prompt you a few simple exercises.
But even if you don't have enough time to practice only cardio exercise, remember to do a short workout is still better for you than doing nothing. Don't be afraid of intense lessons, they will save your heart!
Be sure to consult with a specialist before any physical exertion.
Source: vfitnesse.ru/stati/21-desyat-samykh-luchshikh-kardio-trenirovok

Often classes in the fitness rooms become ineffective if you do not include at the beginning and end of a good cardio load duration from 5 to 15 minutes depending on your intentions to lose weight or gain muscle mass.
There are different types of cardio we present to you a list of the most interesting in the opinion of our experts.
1. Run. This is the best cardio workout. Running is efficient in all senses, also very affordable. You only need one pair of good running shoes: thick soles for winter and thin for summer. With the obligatory arch support! If the shoes are unsuitable, you will experience pain in the knees and shins and also have the ability to injure the tendon amyl choose the right shoes with the specialist or consultant.

2. Cycling. Great workout! Of course, the best on the air. But in winter or in rainy weather you can use an exercise bike. Very good training – riding on a hilly terrain, riding uphill is a great workout to the heart muscle. Load try to vary.
3. The elliptical machine. If you go to the gym, be sure to dedicate some time to this wonderful simulator, which allows to distribute the load on all parts of the body. Now it is one of the most popular simulators, it simulates running, walking uphill, running uphill, and generally excellent strengthens the heart. Many wealthy people are buying home exercise bike, namely these are "machine" the advantage of this simulator is that there is no shock loading on the knee joint is what distinguishes this simulator in terms of functionality .
4. Swimming. Lostatochno come to the pool or the beach and swim. Best equipment for cardio workout – one of the more mobile types of brass, besides it gives the highest adrenaline rush. But other techniques can be quite effective, especially if you don't forget about the feet and work quite intensively. Now many clubs have swimming pools, so start your workout with a swim – very cool ease and elevation of mood you provided!

5. Step aerobics. These classes you can do at home and outdoors, country and many other places enough to include a ready-made set of exercises on DVD or audio recording where you specifically will be told what to do and how to do it. This is a very interesting way to train the heart. Maybe just another dance can give a similar effect. Besides, training outdoors or at the cottage will help you save a lot of time so you're going on holiday and switching on the holiday to spend time! Although training in the hall, in good company, with a professional instructor is much more effective as the theme of the training process is greatly revealed and heard.
6. Rowing. Workout certainly rare, though it should not be underestimated. The fact that now exercise in a rowing club become prestigious, as in the West. The difficulty is that without special equipment can not do. But if you live near a pond where there is a club sign there is. Or try to start simulator that simulates the movements of the rower. This is a very good source of adrenaline, my hands get superior development of all muscles. There are simulators, where the legs also move together with your hands and it becomes a very useful cardio-load.
7. Walking. For this cardio workout you can do anytime and almost anywhere. The only thing you need to consider are the sufficient work of his hands, which is sometimes neglected. Be sure to bend and unbend hands while walking and then it will become your favorite cardio load, because nothing else is needed, and the result you will notice right away, excellent digestion, good mood and energy.
8. Badminton, Handball or Racquetball. Can paired, but can be one. There is a hall equipped for such training. Now you can try these classes because I know that it's not just fun and exciting, but still incredibly useful. And it's not boring at all to knock the wall ball! Just be sure to stock up on goggles, and that these little blue balls bounce so quickly at first that it is difficult to follow.

9. Boxing. Great workout for the heart and coordination of movement. And also a good way to lose weight. And Boxing and kick-Boxing are a good way to exercise the heart muscle. Kick-Boxing, among other things, a bit more will strengthen the legs. And if there are problems in coordination and keeping of balance is best for a simple classic box. Very popular exercise, especially for business women.
10. Yoga. Believe it or not, some yoga practices offer a sufficiently energetic load, in which the heart will be beating quite rapidly. For example, Ashtanga yoga (Ashtanga) is the perfect combination of yoga poses and aerobics. For such studies, will not need fashionable clothes, or even shoes. Try it, consult your instructor may prompt you a few simple exercises.
But even if you don't have enough time to practice only cardio exercise, remember to do a short workout is still better for you than doing nothing. Don't be afraid of intense lessons, they will save your heart!
Be sure to consult with a specialist before any physical exertion.
Source: vfitnesse.ru/stati/21-desyat-samykh-luchshikh-kardio-trenirovok
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