Aerobic dance
During workout aerobics uses the following exercises: dance elements, running, stretching exercises and walking. Aerobics is divided into: basic, without using any gym equipment, step aerobics, using a stepper, fitball-aerobics, using an exercise ball.
In addition there is a division according to the degree of intensity and professionalism of aerobics. In this case, we have: health aerobics, sports aerobics, sports aerobics. The training consists of a set of so-called ligaments or compositions that are comprised of short dances, continuing from 1 to 3.5 minutes each. In the competition of composition are performed simultaneously by teams of 3-8 people, in a duet or solo.
To participate in the competition in aerobics can both men and women. Dance, depending on the rules of the competition and command-level must contain a set of specific elements. In the health-improving aerobics is balance or "swallow" ( one leg and the opposite arm is raised and extended parallel to the floor, other leg straightened in a knee, the whole body, hand and foot form a line); push-UPS on knees; the area or "pistol" (lifting the legs with the abdominal muscles, with a focus on hands); twine; a "fold" ( in the sitting position, with his socks, bending forward to touch feet, torso); "jumping kangaroo" (2 feet simultaneously pulling both to her breast) and "splitting" ( 2 feet, with a maximum breeding them in the air to the sides and landing on both feet) and some others. In sports aerobics: push-UPS, supine position with abduction of the elbows to the side; "pistol" with both feet, turn it to the side (lifting both legs at the same time, in the sitting position focusing on the hands, with the help of abdominal muscles and turns your legs raised at 90 and 180 degrees); a "fold"; "kangaroos"; jump "straddle" (the same "splitting", but raising the legs in the air almost to the twine with the torso forward); "creep" through the twine; various leg swings and so on.
The number and complexity performed in the competitions of the compositions also depends on the age of the participants. Also, each bundle includes the classical elements of aerobics, such as step ( step-steps), NIAP (knee-up – knee lift), side (side – swing leg to the side), skip (skip – gliding), jumping, running, Mamba, zahlest, chassis and others.
Source: /users/117

In addition there is a division according to the degree of intensity and professionalism of aerobics. In this case, we have: health aerobics, sports aerobics, sports aerobics. The training consists of a set of so-called ligaments or compositions that are comprised of short dances, continuing from 1 to 3.5 minutes each. In the competition of composition are performed simultaneously by teams of 3-8 people, in a duet or solo.

To participate in the competition in aerobics can both men and women. Dance, depending on the rules of the competition and command-level must contain a set of specific elements. In the health-improving aerobics is balance or "swallow" ( one leg and the opposite arm is raised and extended parallel to the floor, other leg straightened in a knee, the whole body, hand and foot form a line); push-UPS on knees; the area or "pistol" (lifting the legs with the abdominal muscles, with a focus on hands); twine; a "fold" ( in the sitting position, with his socks, bending forward to touch feet, torso); "jumping kangaroo" (2 feet simultaneously pulling both to her breast) and "splitting" ( 2 feet, with a maximum breeding them in the air to the sides and landing on both feet) and some others. In sports aerobics: push-UPS, supine position with abduction of the elbows to the side; "pistol" with both feet, turn it to the side (lifting both legs at the same time, in the sitting position focusing on the hands, with the help of abdominal muscles and turns your legs raised at 90 and 180 degrees); a "fold"; "kangaroos"; jump "straddle" (the same "splitting", but raising the legs in the air almost to the twine with the torso forward); "creep" through the twine; various leg swings and so on.
The number and complexity performed in the competitions of the compositions also depends on the age of the participants. Also, each bundle includes the classical elements of aerobics, such as step ( step-steps), NIAP (knee-up – knee lift), side (side – swing leg to the side), skip (skip – gliding), jumping, running, Mamba, zahlest, chassis and others.
Source: /users/117