So whether your exercise ball for weight loss?
Where did the ball? The fitball is a large rubber ball, hollow inside, which is selected on the basis of height and weight training. It was designed by a Swiss physiotherapist for rehabilitation of physical education. Initially the ball was intended for training and rehabilitation of people after back injuries and operations. But pretty soon the field the ball went beyond the rehabilitation exercises. Today, almost every fitness club equipped with exercise balls, besides, the ball is convenient for home workouts.
What is the use of fitball
Disadvantages of ball for fitness
It should be noted that the training ball have a gentle nature. For lovers intensively sweat exercises on the fitball can seem boring (except special intensive programs). Nevertheless, it can be included in the standard exercises as unstable platform. For example, to use instead of the bench when you bench press. It is extremely important to observe safety precautions and perform the movement controlled and smooth. The fitball will help to add variety to your workout and include small muscles. But the process of losing weight will depend on the programme of the training process and lack of calories. For those who want to reduce your weight, you should remember that intensive training should be combined with proper nutrition.
Who fits fitness Bal
This apparatus is suitable to all without exception. It can be used by people with any degree of training. In our country, particularly popular exercise ball a workout for pregnant women. It gently supports the spine, relieves lower back and minimizes stress on the joints.
In Europe and America exercises with fitball common among older visitors to the fitness centers. In our country, the fitness not so much popular among people of older ages, but the trend has been observed.
It is difficult to overestimate the benefits from training with a stability ball. This is a convenient and versatile shell which is suitable for training in the gym and at home. Regular exercise will help pull the figure, improve posture and strengthen the muscle corset.

What is the use of fitball
- Includes minor muscle stabilizers that are difficult to study with conventional strength training. The ball is unstable and the body has to respond to the imbalance. The muscles that the body uses to continuously search and keep the balance, tighten the muscles, strengthen the abdominal muscles, teaching the body new ways to respond to external stimuli.
- Maximum safety for the back and waist. If you are performing abdominal exercises, the person feels back pain, he was shown training with the ball. Exercises on the fitball unload the lower back and support the spine. This allows you to safely strengthen the muscle corset.
- Exercises with fitball minimize the load on the legs. In the presence of contraindications such as varicose veins or damage to the joints (knee, ankle), fit classes with a rubber ball.
- The development of flexibility and plasticity. The ball is perfect for stretching and increasing flexibility in the spine. With regular exercises on a fitball can get rid of back pain.
- Improving the coordination of movements. When performing even the simplest of exercises using the ball trains the vestibular apparatus.
- Nice value of the shell. The ball followers love home workouts for availability. The simulator can be purchased at almost any sporting goods store at the price from 200 to 1000 hryvnia.

Disadvantages of ball for fitness
It should be noted that the training ball have a gentle nature. For lovers intensively sweat exercises on the fitball can seem boring (except special intensive programs). Nevertheless, it can be included in the standard exercises as unstable platform. For example, to use instead of the bench when you bench press. It is extremely important to observe safety precautions and perform the movement controlled and smooth. The fitball will help to add variety to your workout and include small muscles. But the process of losing weight will depend on the programme of the training process and lack of calories. For those who want to reduce your weight, you should remember that intensive training should be combined with proper nutrition.
Who fits fitness Bal
This apparatus is suitable to all without exception. It can be used by people with any degree of training. In our country, particularly popular exercise ball a workout for pregnant women. It gently supports the spine, relieves lower back and minimizes stress on the joints.
In Europe and America exercises with fitball common among older visitors to the fitness centers. In our country, the fitness not so much popular among people of older ages, but the trend has been observed.
It is difficult to overestimate the benefits from training with a stability ball. This is a convenient and versatile shell which is suitable for training in the gym and at home. Regular exercise will help pull the figure, improve posture and strengthen the muscle corset.
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