How to remove side?
Big belly and fat on the sides, it is often called "ears" on the sides is a painful problem for many women and girls. In order to reduce the abdomen and flanks need to make no small effort. To pay special attention to it is necessary the abdominal muscles, side abdominal muscles and hips. One of the most primitive exercises for the sides are lessons with a Hoop.
Thirty one million two hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred seventy three
Using the wrap to shape the waist and remove excess inches. But to hula-Hoop definitely need at least 45 minutes. And if you choose a Hoop with different patterned nozzles, then the result will be unsurpassed. Also effective are the exercises on the fitball, but they work well enough to remove the problem areas. To do the first exercise, sit on an exercise ball.
Sixty million twenty eight thousand forty six
Legs standing on the floor, back is straight, shoulders are down and be sure to set aside a little bit ago. Using the hips start kotit the ball right and left. The body should be motionless. Do not allow any tilt. In the exercise on the fitball involved the muscles of the buttocks, lower body and most importantly, obliques. If you do it right, you will feel how tense the oblique abdominal muscles. This exercise should be done between 6 and 15 approaches for each side.It is equally well act on the problem areas tilts to the side.
Six million one hundred thirty three thousand nine hundred thirty eight
In this exercise involved the obliques. You need to kneel down, so that the fitball from you was in the right side. Left hand put behind the head, and right on the ball. The left leg bend at the knee and put in front of him. The result is the hips must not move, and the body tilted to the right. Make slopes to the left, bringing the case in vertically. The hips must not move. In each of the sides on 6-15 times. The rise of the legs. For this exercise you need to lie on the fitball with the right side and your right hand to put on the floor, legs should be straight, rely only on the outer side of the right foot. Left leg lift up, and return it to its original position. To do this exercise you need at 6-15 turns in each direction. In this exercise involved the obliques and hips.
Source: /users/117
Thirty one million two hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred seventy three
Using the wrap to shape the waist and remove excess inches. But to hula-Hoop definitely need at least 45 minutes. And if you choose a Hoop with different patterned nozzles, then the result will be unsurpassed. Also effective are the exercises on the fitball, but they work well enough to remove the problem areas. To do the first exercise, sit on an exercise ball.
Sixty million twenty eight thousand forty six
Legs standing on the floor, back is straight, shoulders are down and be sure to set aside a little bit ago. Using the hips start kotit the ball right and left. The body should be motionless. Do not allow any tilt. In the exercise on the fitball involved the muscles of the buttocks, lower body and most importantly, obliques. If you do it right, you will feel how tense the oblique abdominal muscles. This exercise should be done between 6 and 15 approaches for each side.It is equally well act on the problem areas tilts to the side.
Six million one hundred thirty three thousand nine hundred thirty eight
In this exercise involved the obliques. You need to kneel down, so that the fitball from you was in the right side. Left hand put behind the head, and right on the ball. The left leg bend at the knee and put in front of him. The result is the hips must not move, and the body tilted to the right. Make slopes to the left, bringing the case in vertically. The hips must not move. In each of the sides on 6-15 times. The rise of the legs. For this exercise you need to lie on the fitball with the right side and your right hand to put on the floor, legs should be straight, rely only on the outer side of the right foot. Left leg lift up, and return it to its original position. To do this exercise you need at 6-15 turns in each direction. In this exercise involved the obliques and hips.
Source: /users/117