Exercises on the ball for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight follow the simple, at first glance, exercising and not dieting and not shaking tiresome press. . Was invented and developed exercises for weight loss with the ball. Is this the kind of fitness exercises with a fitball.
Go for a drive on the ball, playing with it, and simultaneously enhance bodily form. The only difference is that the ball is large, more than the beach, volleyball or even basketball.
The benefits of exercises on the ball and on the ball
Fitness ball or exercise ball is not just a ball, it is a real multifunctional machine. Working on it involves all muscle groups: abdominals, triceps, biceps, internal and external muscles of the legs, back, and side muscles. Improves posture, the second chin disappears, there is flexibility and grace.
Now about the balls.
Exercise balls come in different diameters, colors, modifications of different materials. If the weight exceeds the limit, you should buy high-quality ball, which is more expensive marked ABS. That is, it will not explode if punctured or heavy load, and slowly deflates.
To choose the correct size of the ball from his height to take away the meter. The remainder will be the diameter of the ball. For example, cm 166 — 100 = 66 cm Diameter ball needs 65 cm
There are balls with spikes and horns. The first addition also massage problem areas of the body.The second is designed more for children.
So classes were fun, choose your color of ball: green, white, crimson, blue or some other.
Exercises with the ball and on the ball.All exercise for weight loss on the ball is impossible to describe. So here are the most effective and popular for women. With imagination, you will be able to improve them, to complicate, to simplify or to invent new items. And don't forget to warm up before exercise — benefits of exercise will be more and less delayed onset muscle soreness.
Let's move on to the exercises.
1) I. p. lying on the floor on his back. Hold the ball between your legs beneath your knees. Hands behind his head.Raise your legs up and to the side. During exercise, the abdominal muscles are tense. Working press. 9-14 times.
2) I. p. lying on the Mat on his back. Wrap the fitball with feet. Lift your legs straight up and tilting it to the right, trying not to drop the ball and not tear shoulders off the floor. Now as to the left. To make a 9-14 times in each direction.
3) Fitball on the floor, lie on the ball, feet set on the floor at a right angle to the body, arms crisscross on the chest. A little otchityvayasj back, raise the upper part of the body. Working press. 9-12 repetitions.
4) Push-UPS. I. p. the emphasis on the floor with his hands, face down, feet on the ball. Doing push-UPS. The pace is slow.Train the muscles of the arms, at the same time strengthening the sense of balance. Whose hands are weak, the knees should rest on the ball, one stronger than the legs. The number of pushups 9-12.
5) I. p. the same. Pull through the ball up to his chest, at the same time bending their right or left. Return to the starting position. Keep the back straight. Do slowly, straining muscles of a stomach. Repeat 9-14 times in each direction.
6) I. p. focus back on the fitball with your hands. In order not to lose balance, operates not on the edge of the ball and closer to the center. Flexing arms, Crouch, straightening, up. Repeat 9-12 times.
7) Download press. I. p. sit on the ball, hands pulling forward. Slowly fall back (rounded shoulders, arms forward, head back, not tilted), trying to touch the back of the ball. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 9-12 times.
8) I. p. underneath the belly on the ball. The ball is under the hips, hands rest on the floor, back straight, abdominal muscles tense. Raise the pelvis up, rolling the fitball from the thighs to the feet, knees do not bend. Late and returned to the initial position. If at first difficult, roll the ball to the knees and back. 9-12 times.
9) I. p. lying with your back on the floor. Against the calf of the legs on the fitball. Roll the ball, pelvis lifted up. Linger at the top and return to the opposite position. Work the muscles of the back and legs, worked out of the press. 9-12 times.
10) I. p. focus on the ball with your Shin on the floor with your hands. Leaning against the exercise ball with one foot, the second raised up as high as possible. The leg is straight. Then drop. Repeat with the other leg. Worked out back muscles, legs and buttocks. At 9-14 times for each leg.
11) I. p. elbows to put on the fitball, feet on the floor, focusing on the knees, abdominal muscles tense.Hands perekidyvaem the ball without bending the back, to elbows and back. If the exercise seemed simple, complicate it. Stand not on his knees, and straightened his feet. Do 10 repetitions.
12) Strengthen the back muscles. I. p. underneath the belly on the ball. Resting on his knees, raise your upper body up, linger at the top for 2-4 seconds and come back. To do this 9-12 times.
13) I. p. lying with your back on the fitball, arms extended above the head and hold the ball. Simultaneously raise straight legs, body and hands with the ball. Grab the ball down, lower the hands, body and feet.Now pass the ball with their feet in the hand the same way. To make up to 10 repetitions.
14) I. p. back to the wall, feet shoulder width apart. Between the back and wall ball. Take a step away from the wall.Squat, "rolling" the ball down to the right angle the knees-the hips, then straighten as well. Make 9-12 times.
General recommendations do Not try to do more than 12-14 times per exercise. Start with a small amount of time.
Do all the exercises at once is one approach. Rest 5-10 minutes and try again.
Perform exercises slowly, feeling the muscles work. After the end of exercise, do stretching, jump rope. Practice regularly and you will notice the results in just few weeks.
Read more:http://diets.wild-mistress.ru/diets/4224601_uprazhneniya_dlya_pohudeniya_na_myache
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