Glucophage for weight loss
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Drugs with a specific effect on the body are often used in the correction circuits of body weight. Glucophage for weight loss – what is this drug and how justified his method in the treatment of obesity?
INFORMATION ABOUT the DRUG At an elevated level of insulin food entering the body are converted into fat tissue, so the weight increases. Glucophage is a highly efficient means of contributing to reduction of blood sugar levels and helping to deal with obesity. The effectiveness of the drug is based on its ability to reduce insulin levels in the blood. Glucophage helps to normalize metabolic processes (including fat), prevents the digestion of carbohydrates, inhibits the formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate food components. Scientists have revealed an interesting feature of the product – it promotes glucose utilization in muscle tissue and significantly lowers appetite. However, this drug does not affect the operation of the pancreas. It helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
CONTRAINDICATIONS Glucophage used for weight loss only in the absence of specific health problems. This drug should not be used in ketoacidosis, and in patients with renal insufficiency and in all acute conditions that prevent the proper working of this body. It is contraindicated in diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Glucophage may worsen the situation in the States, provoking a lack of oxygen. Contraindicated to use the drug with the abuse of alcohol, liver diseases and with the lactic acidosis. Strictly forbidden to take Glucophage in compliance with a low calorie diet (if the diet contains no more than 1000 kcal). During pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitive to Metformin (the active ingredient Glucophage) to use this tool is prohibited.
Dosage regimen How to take Glucophage for weight loss? The initial dose is 500-1000 mg/day. After a few days (under normal tolerability) it is possible to gradually increase. In order to lose weight usually take 1500...2000 mg/day. In some cases it is advisable to increase the dosage to 3,000 mg (this is the dose limit). Medication take 3 times a day (either during meals or immediately after its end), dividing the daily intake into 3 parts (the fractional drug minimizes side effects). To wash down the drug need pure non-carbonated water (1 tbsp.).
GLUCOPHAGE 1000 FOR WEIGHT loss Glucophage 1000 for weight loss take in case the daily dose is 2000-3000 mg/day. The principle of action of drugs and dosage regimen is the same – you should drink 2-3 tablets (1 piece at mealtime, with water and without chewing).
LONG GLUCOPHAGE FOR WEIGHT loss Glucophage long slimming having a prolonged (extended) action. This is its difference from a "regular" drug. Due to the fact that the action of the drug develops gradually (the active ingredient longer to digest) and lasts a long time (about a day), to take the drug need only 1 time a day (in some cases, the reception frequency is 2 times per day). The dosage is 500 and 850 mg. to Take it during a meal with water. Because the drug gradually into the bloodstream, side effects often develop and are smoother in nature. This drug is more expensive, but it is more convenient.
SIDE EFFECTS When taking Glucophage can develop some side effects. Most people complain of nausea and diarrhea. To cope with such symptoms will help decrease dosage (need to take half the norm).
ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Glucophage cannot be used in conjunction with other drugs that reduce glucose levels. If you have previously taken these drugs – get rid of them. Using Glucophage for weight loss, eliminate from the menu baking and sweets. Also have to give up sports – physical activity reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
TESTIMONIALS Glucophage you can use to lose weight, but to different people it has different strength of impact. Someone this drug is absolutely not suitable, because it causes severe diarrhea that is not possible even after lowering the dosages. Some people, on the contrary, very pleased with this tool and talk about its efficiency (you will lose weight steadily – about 3-4 kg a month).
Source: updiet.info/
Drugs with a specific effect on the body are often used in the correction circuits of body weight. Glucophage for weight loss – what is this drug and how justified his method in the treatment of obesity?
INFORMATION ABOUT the DRUG At an elevated level of insulin food entering the body are converted into fat tissue, so the weight increases. Glucophage is a highly efficient means of contributing to reduction of blood sugar levels and helping to deal with obesity. The effectiveness of the drug is based on its ability to reduce insulin levels in the blood. Glucophage helps to normalize metabolic processes (including fat), prevents the digestion of carbohydrates, inhibits the formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate food components. Scientists have revealed an interesting feature of the product – it promotes glucose utilization in muscle tissue and significantly lowers appetite. However, this drug does not affect the operation of the pancreas. It helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
CONTRAINDICATIONS Glucophage used for weight loss only in the absence of specific health problems. This drug should not be used in ketoacidosis, and in patients with renal insufficiency and in all acute conditions that prevent the proper working of this body. It is contraindicated in diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. Glucophage may worsen the situation in the States, provoking a lack of oxygen. Contraindicated to use the drug with the abuse of alcohol, liver diseases and with the lactic acidosis. Strictly forbidden to take Glucophage in compliance with a low calorie diet (if the diet contains no more than 1000 kcal). During pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitive to Metformin (the active ingredient Glucophage) to use this tool is prohibited.
Dosage regimen How to take Glucophage for weight loss? The initial dose is 500-1000 mg/day. After a few days (under normal tolerability) it is possible to gradually increase. In order to lose weight usually take 1500...2000 mg/day. In some cases it is advisable to increase the dosage to 3,000 mg (this is the dose limit). Medication take 3 times a day (either during meals or immediately after its end), dividing the daily intake into 3 parts (the fractional drug minimizes side effects). To wash down the drug need pure non-carbonated water (1 tbsp.).
GLUCOPHAGE 1000 FOR WEIGHT loss Glucophage 1000 for weight loss take in case the daily dose is 2000-3000 mg/day. The principle of action of drugs and dosage regimen is the same – you should drink 2-3 tablets (1 piece at mealtime, with water and without chewing).
LONG GLUCOPHAGE FOR WEIGHT loss Glucophage long slimming having a prolonged (extended) action. This is its difference from a "regular" drug. Due to the fact that the action of the drug develops gradually (the active ingredient longer to digest) and lasts a long time (about a day), to take the drug need only 1 time a day (in some cases, the reception frequency is 2 times per day). The dosage is 500 and 850 mg. to Take it during a meal with water. Because the drug gradually into the bloodstream, side effects often develop and are smoother in nature. This drug is more expensive, but it is more convenient.
SIDE EFFECTS When taking Glucophage can develop some side effects. Most people complain of nausea and diarrhea. To cope with such symptoms will help decrease dosage (need to take half the norm).
ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Glucophage cannot be used in conjunction with other drugs that reduce glucose levels. If you have previously taken these drugs – get rid of them. Using Glucophage for weight loss, eliminate from the menu baking and sweets. Also have to give up sports – physical activity reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
TESTIMONIALS Glucophage you can use to lose weight, but to different people it has different strength of impact. Someone this drug is absolutely not suitable, because it causes severe diarrhea that is not possible even after lowering the dosages. Some people, on the contrary, very pleased with this tool and talk about its efficiency (you will lose weight steadily – about 3-4 kg a month).
Source: updiet.info/
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