Use "belly dance"
For most people belly dance simply exotic Oriental dance, very beautiful and erotic. However, it turns out, he not only carries aesthetic and spiritual components, and are extremely useful for rehabilitation and strengthening of the female body, normalize its work, to solve many specific women's issues.
In the process belly dancing increases blood circulation, which is especially beneficial to the pelvic organs. Out toxins from the body, and as a result, is inflammation of the appendages, and even, however fantastic it may sound, dissolve fibroids, cease to form cysts. After 6-12 months of dance classes relieve menstrual cramps, which many women have to sit on tablets.
Many say that the classes help them to cope with ovarian dysfunction. Significantly improve the condition of the spine after 1 month of classes, even in people who have suffered a spinal cord injury. Significantly develops flexibility of the joints after 2-3 months, results are visible and have young girls and women age. Belly dance actively develops coordination, vestibular apparatus, has a beneficial effect on the ligaments, the cardiovascular system.
In our time, belly dance was also excellent prevention of hypertension and cervical osteochondrosis. Oriental dance requires a smooth rhythmic breathing, which reduces stress levels, because rhythmic breathing affects the pleasure centers and the release of endorphins, which improves mood. Feature of belly dance is that it is performed in a relaxed state, no sudden movements and weight training.
Due to this, the spin acquires flexibility. Hand's technique is "based" on the tension of the back muscles, which in turn affects the formation of a beautiful posture. After a few sessions women "straight" are revealed, no longer slouch. Therefore, the reduction of pain in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine. Disappear headaches, and strengthens joints. The movement of the arms and shoulder girdle in dance also strengthen the pectoral muscles and the intercostal muscles. This helps for many years to maintain a beautiful breast shape. Besides, belly dance is a physical strain on those muscle groups that are not involved in our daily life, but necessary for the woman for its primary function, given to her by nature — the gestation and birth of a healthy child. For those women who have no children, belly dance is a great preparation for childbirth. It's also perfect and pregnant women.
In this course, requires an individual approach and consult a doctor. If permission is obtained, in the classroom, it is recommended to apply 2 times less effort than before pregnancy. If there is no pathology, you can engage up to 5-6 months.
Source: /users/117
In the process belly dancing increases blood circulation, which is especially beneficial to the pelvic organs. Out toxins from the body, and as a result, is inflammation of the appendages, and even, however fantastic it may sound, dissolve fibroids, cease to form cysts. After 6-12 months of dance classes relieve menstrual cramps, which many women have to sit on tablets.
Many say that the classes help them to cope with ovarian dysfunction. Significantly improve the condition of the spine after 1 month of classes, even in people who have suffered a spinal cord injury. Significantly develops flexibility of the joints after 2-3 months, results are visible and have young girls and women age. Belly dance actively develops coordination, vestibular apparatus, has a beneficial effect on the ligaments, the cardiovascular system.
In our time, belly dance was also excellent prevention of hypertension and cervical osteochondrosis. Oriental dance requires a smooth rhythmic breathing, which reduces stress levels, because rhythmic breathing affects the pleasure centers and the release of endorphins, which improves mood. Feature of belly dance is that it is performed in a relaxed state, no sudden movements and weight training.
Due to this, the spin acquires flexibility. Hand's technique is "based" on the tension of the back muscles, which in turn affects the formation of a beautiful posture. After a few sessions women "straight" are revealed, no longer slouch. Therefore, the reduction of pain in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine. Disappear headaches, and strengthens joints. The movement of the arms and shoulder girdle in dance also strengthen the pectoral muscles and the intercostal muscles. This helps for many years to maintain a beautiful breast shape. Besides, belly dance is a physical strain on those muscle groups that are not involved in our daily life, but necessary for the woman for its primary function, given to her by nature — the gestation and birth of a healthy child. For those women who have no children, belly dance is a great preparation for childbirth. It's also perfect and pregnant women.
In this course, requires an individual approach and consult a doctor. If permission is obtained, in the classroom, it is recommended to apply 2 times less effort than before pregnancy. If there is no pathology, you can engage up to 5-6 months.
Source: /users/117