List Marquez: 24 books with unique magic word

Tell me what books you love, and I'll tell you who you are. After all, your favorite books - a great way to know a person. And for the writer to open itself to the world, perhaps more important than for other people - this is the essence of his work. Perhaps that is why many writers make lists of books to which they are most affected.
Today Website publishes a list of the great Gabriel Garcia Marquez, author of "One Hundred Years of Solitude." In his autobiography, "Living to tell about life," he said that these books struck him and made him a writer.

«The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka. «After reading" Metamorphosis "Kafka captured my relentless desire to live in that strange, paradise. A new day found me at the typewriter, which I borrowed to try and create something that looks like a poor bureaucrat from the book Kafka, turned into a huge bug. All the days that followed, I did not go to university, for fear that the magic dissipates, envy, reflected in the drops of sweat covered my face ». « The Magic Mountain "by Thomas Mann «Man in the Iron Mask" by Alexandre Dumas «Sound and the Fury strong > » William Faulkner « As I Lay Dying » William Faulkner < / « Wild Palms » William Faulkner. «A lot of what I thought before difficult comprehensible in Faulkner opened now with all the beauty and sincerity, simplicity». «Aleph" and others the work of Jorge Luis Borges «Storybook» Ernest Hemingway «Counterpoint" Huxley li > «Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles. «Oedipus Rex" was the first reading of perfect work «. « House of the Seven Gables, "Nathaniel Hawthorne. «The book left an imprint in me forever." «Uncle Tom's Cabin," Harriet Beecher Stowe «Moby Dick" by Herman Melville «Sons and Lovers" David Herbert Lawrence «Thousand and One Nights» < «Of Mice and Men» John Steinbeck « The Grapes of Wrath » John Steinbeck «Tobacco Road" Erskine Caldwell «Stories» Katherine Mansfield «Manhattan» John Dos Pasossa «Mrs. Dalloway" Virginia Woolf. Marquez wrote that Virginia Woolf had learned by heart. And after the first reading he was "the kind of person who opened the world». «Orlando» Virginia Woolf «Portrait of Jenny" Robert Nathan «Ulysses" by James Joyce. «Ulysses" not only helped me to open my own inner world, which I did not know, but also to learn invaluable techniques of writing that could liberate the language skillfully manage time, master the art of building works «. < /
«Thanks to them, my favorite books, I realized that the benefit of the soul and mind to bring only those who are not forced to read." Gabriel Garcia Marquez
blockquote> According to the materials: Monocler
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