15 wise thoughts of the legendary Boris Grebenshchikov
Russian version of GQ magazine September 8, 2015 held a ceremony awarding the "Man of the Year." Musician of the Year by the publication became a leader of the "Aquarium" Boris Grebenshchikov. Your relationship with him as India to someone like him very much, and someone treats him with cautious. Many consider him a modern Sufi and spiritual teacher. BG gives a lot of interviews and share their thoughts and outlook.
Website gladly publish a selection of the wise and witty answers Boris Borisovich.
When you stop to fix other people and begin to correct itself, you'll find that there are no problems. Each only those issues that he delivers his own consciousness. We have the word "love" usually mean "take it to the property, and eat, and lock it in a box." And love does not need to be locked, but on the contrary - to open. Love - it's not tied to him, and to let go of. fans? They are getting smaller. I have become as a monument to Krylov. What is the attraction can be tested to the prophet Moses, for example? For me, that the figure of 50 (years), that 40, not at all difficult. I studied mathematics and I can say: all the figures are the same. The word "problem" is very dangerous. We say "problem", indicating that it is very difficult, unpleasant and unsolvable. If you come to the "problem" when we are full of healthy energy, it will not be a problem, and the problem, which will be fun to solve the case. If you are afraid to lose, then you have not yet found himself. How to find - calm down, because the device life is such that we do not own anything that can be lost. thief climbs into his pocket, old age steals beauty, disease - people ... And we are so powerless, with all its prisons, laws, creams, potions ... break in life, like a shoe: more and more convenient. Maybe it looks from the worse, and everything inside is cool. When you help, we have to act like in the Bible. Its protagonist learns about this: let your left hand know what your right hand does. What in the Russian translation means: if you do something - be silent about this. Otherwise, your assistance is reduced to zero. Love - a magician that pulls man out of his own hat. I do not do any special practices to purify karma. I, like any normal person, not before. You can go to the monastery and cleaned, or to continue to engage in everyday business. If all will purify karma, who will repair the road? The idea is to combine the need to repair roads was karma cleansing or purification of singing songs was karma, so I'm trying to do. I absolutely do not care, man I'm a woman or a plant. Because I do not need to prove anything to myself. I like music very much. And when I connected with music - I'm in it to dissolve. And there is no male nor female - no beginning. I can tell you a terrible thing, but men who take pride only in that they are men, just nothing else to be proud of. With age, I have not changed. Now I understand better what I want, but it is unattainable. This is - excellence. There is an old principle: "Live fast, die young." Rock and roll is. Die young not to die at an early age. You can die young at 98 years. Old age - is when a person loses interest in life, blurring of perception. All that does not maintain a sense of humor, not even worth it to them to do. Inspiration - not water, it can not draw. If you make room in your head, it will come. The secret is to sit down - to work, work and work more. Then there will be an inspiration. It comes when you are ready for it. I'm interested in playing music that I fully captures. A repeat once done in order to please the audience - it is questionable. It's like saying to his wife: "You take a rest for two hours, while I'll go work out of love with his previous wife."
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